• 5x Reasons you’re procrastinating and what to do about them - Ep. 123

    Find you keep putting off things that are important to you? The good news is, you’re not lazy and there’s nothing wrong with you - most likely one (or a few) of these things are going on for you… find out in this podcast episode.


    ➡️ Learn about the next RETREAT HERE.

    ➡️ Find out about the next Business Magic 6 month container HERE.

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    Rise and shine my Queen, we are here to make magic. 💫

    52m - Jun 24, 2024
  • My first Bali Retreat! Here are my reflections - Ep.122

    Ok, buckle up friends, this episode is for all of you who froth off hearing my personal experiences and shares!

    In this episode, I’m taking you through why I did it, what came up for me, what I found hardest, how it went, what I’m doing next and what I learned from running my first international retreat in Bali!

    Get ready for an intimate chat 😘


    ➡️ Learn about the next RETREAT HERE.

    ➡️ Get the free Ego Slayer Cheat Sheet HERE.

    ➡️ Get my book, *Make Money Want You* HERE.

    ➡️ Join my free VIP email newsletter HERE.


    Rise and shine my Queen, we are here to make magic. 💫

    1h 23m - May 4, 2024
  • The secret they don’t teach you about manifestation - Ep.121

    Ever felt like manifesting isn’t as simple as deciding on something you want, visualising your end-result and saying affirmations every day?

    That’s because it’s not… there’s another component that all new age manifestation teachings and even personal development teachings around going for what you want leave out - and this is the difference between actually manifesting what you desire and always falling short.

    Listen to this episode to learn this missing key!


    ➡️ Learn about the next RETREAT HERE.

    ➡️ Get the free Ego Slayer Cheat Sheet HERE.

    ➡️ Get my book, *Make Money Want You* HERE.

    ➡️ Join my free VIP email newsletter HERE.


    Rise and shine my Queen, we are here to make magic. 💫

    43m - Mar 31, 2024
  • Should you put timelines on your manifestations/ goals? - Ep.120

    Should you put timelines on your manifestations/ goals?

    Does it help or hinder your manifestation?

    Listen to this podcast episode to find out!


    ➡️ Learn about the next RETREAT HERE.

    ➡️ Learn about the next Unlocking Gold HERE.

    ➡️ Get the free Ego Slayer Cheat Sheet HERE.

    ➡️ Get my book, *Make Money Want You* HERE.

    ➡️ Join my free VIP email newsletter HERE.


    Rise and shine my Queen, we are here to make magic. 💫

    40m - Mar 25, 2024
  • Positive expectation - are you accidentally focusing on what you don’t want? - Ep.119

    It’s easy to think you’re focused on your goal/ dream/ end result because, well, that’s what you’re going after… but are you actually having a positive expectation of the outcome or do you unconsciously slip into expecting either the worst, or what’s happened in the past?

    In the episode, I explore why positive expectation is important and how you get your brain to let go of obsessing about any outcomes you’re afraid of happening so that you can be in positive expectation.


    ➡️ Learn about the next RETREAT HERE.

    ➡️ Learn about the next Unlocking Gold HERE.

    ➡️ Get my book, *Make Money Want You* HERE.

    ➡️ Take my Living From Greatness Workshop HERE.

    ➡️ Join my free VIP email newsletter HERE.


    Rise and shine my Queen, we are here to make magic. 💫

    21m - Jan 8, 2024
  • Invisible investment - are you missing it? - Ep.118

    It’s not a secret that people who can delay gratification are the most successful… they can do a thing called ‘invisible investment’ - is this something you’re missing? Your dreams won't get created without it.


    ➡️ Learn about the next RETREAT HERE.

    ➡️ Learn about the next Unlocking Gold HERE.

    ➡️ Get my book, *Make Money Want You* HERE.

    ➡️ Take my Living From Greatness Workshop HERE.

    ➡️ Join my free VIP email newsletter HERE.


    Rise and shine my Queen, we are here to make magic. 💫

    32m - Jan 3, 2024
  • Your dreams will always make you feel like sh** (create tension!) - Ep.117

    Do you ever find that you get a download for something exciting that you want to create - like an offering, some outrageous form of self expression or to move to a different country… and at first you’re super excited about that dream. It feel inevitable, absolutely going to happen.

    … and then at some point along the way you start feeling like sh** about it?

    Yeah, that’s a normal part of the creative process.

    If your vision is feeling shit, there’s nothing wrong with your vision or with you… your beliefs are just being activated about what condition need to be in place in order for you to have it.

    Join me to find out how this works, what to be aware of and what to do instead.


    ➡️ Learn about the next RETREAT HERE.

    ➡️ Learn about the next Unlocking Gold HERE.

    ➡️ Get my book, *Make Money Want You* HERE.

    ➡️ Take my Living From Greatness Workshop HERE.

    ➡️ Join my free VIP email newsletter HERE.


    Rise and shine my Queen, we are here to make magic. 💫

    38m - Dec 18, 2023
  • Your thoughts & feelings aren't real - Ep.116

    Were you taught at school that your thoughts and feelings aren’t real?? Your life would probably have been had a lot less self inflicted pain and suffering had you been! When you get this, this will enable you to be much more self aware and hence have a lot more power in your life.


    ➡️ Learn about the next RETREAT HERE.

    ➡️ Learn about the next Unlocking Gold HERE.

    ➡️ Get my book, *Make Money Want You* HERE.

    ➡️ Take my Living From Greatness Workshop HERE.

    ➡️ Join my free VIP email newsletter HERE.


    Rise and shine my Queen, we are here to make magic. 💫

    33m - Dec 12, 2023
  • Be the one - Ep.115

    This episode is for everyone and is an absolute imperative if you want to be a powerful creator in your life. At the end of this episode I give you a 7 day challenge that, if you do it, WILL change your life. Take it as an experiment - seriously - then report back to me!


    ➡️ Get my book, *Make Money Want You* HERE.

    ➡️ Take my Living From Greatness Workshop HERE.

    ➡️ Join my free VIP email newsletter HERE.


    Rise and shine my Queen, we are here to make magic. 💫

    31m - Nov 27, 2023
  • Not allowed to be capable/ powerful belief - Ep.114

    Feel like you’re underachieving compared with your capabilities? Do you struggle with feeling dependent on parents/ partners/ friends? Find it hard to consistently step into your authority? Feel like ‘someone’ needs to give you permission to take your work to the next level?

    Then you might just be experiencing some of this belief - not allowed to be capable. In this episode, I break down what the belief is and how it’s formed in childhood so you can see if it’s something that’s been f*cking with your life and take your power back!


    ➡️ Get my book, *Make Money Want You* HERE.

    ➡️ Take my Living From Greatness Workshop HERE.

    ➡️ Join my free VIP email newsletter HERE.


    Rise and shine my Queen, we are here to make magic. 💫

    40m - Nov 21, 2023
  • How to stop controlling (and c*ck-blocking your flow) - Ep.113

    Feel like you’re out of flow in your life? Then you’re most definitely trying to ‘control’ things! In this episode, learn why you’re ‘controlling’ and how to unhook yourself from this dynamic so that you can IMMEDIATELY be back in ‘flow’.


    ➡️ Get my book, *Make Money Want You* HERE.

    ➡️ Join my free VIP email newsletter HERE.

    ➡️ Learn about my next Business Magic Mastermind HERE.


    Rise and shine my Queen, we are here to make magic. 💫

    43m - Oct 27, 2023
  • What I learned from 4x months travelling, on my own with my biz, across 4x continents Ep.112

    This episode is a personal share of my biggest insights, challenges and lessons that came out of my recent four month trip to Europe, Africa, Australia and back to Bali.

    If you want to hear a coach going through their own processes, facing deep fears, uncovering limiting patterns and coming out the other side - this one is for you babe!


    ➡️ Get my book, *Make Money Want You* HERE.

    ➡️ Join my free VIP email newsletter HERE.

    ➡️ Learn about my next Business Magic Mastermind HERE.


    Rise and shine my Queen, we are here to make magic. 💫

    1h 18m - Oct 17, 2023
  • Do you have a 'flowing' business model? Here's how to know... Ep.111

    Say goodbye to burn-out & frustration and learn how to create a ‘flow’ business model that’s set-up to not only establish financial stability for your business but also give the best customer/ client outcomes resulting in a growing community of super fans.


    ➡️ Get my book, *Make Money Want You* HERE.

    ➡️ Join my free VIP email newsletter HERE.

    ➡️ Learn about my next Business Magic Mastermind HERE.

    ➡️ Apply for 1:1 coaching HERE.


    Rise and shine my Queen, we are here to make magic. 💫

    33m - Oct 11, 2023
  • Are you seeing WINS as FAILURES? How it creates negative momentum - Ep.110

    Do you find yourself feeling like you haven’t done enough? You don’t have enough success yet? Or you constantly fall short of your goals?

    If yes, this episode is for you!

    Learn how this pesky pattern actually creates NEGATIVE momentum and what you need to uncover underneath the pattern to free yourself from it - because it’s harming you and your results.


    ➡️ Get my book, *Make Money Want You* HERE.

    ➡️ Join my free VIP email newsletter HERE.

    ➡️ Learn about my next Business Magic Mastermind HERE.

    ➡️ Apply for 1:1 coaching HERE.


    Rise and shine my Queen, we are here to make magic. 💫

    41m - Oct 2, 2023
  • The death of quick fixes - how to be on the journey instead - Ep.109

    Do you find yourself hoping that courses you do, books you read, coaches you work with or anything else you try will be the fix that finally resolves some problem in your life??

    Be honest!

    In this episode I share with you why the ‘quick’ fix mentality doesn’t work (and how we all easily slip into it) and what does work instead to truly create the epic business and life vision you have in your heart!


    ➡️ Get my book, *Make Money Want You* HERE.

    ➡️ Join my free VIP email newsletter HERE.

    ➡️ Learn about my next Business Magic Mastermind HERE.

    ➡️ Apply for 1:1 coaching HERE.


    Rise and shine my Queen, we are here to make magic. 💫

    31m - Sep 25, 2023
  • Lessons from Soul Safari with William Whitecloud in Africa - Ep.108

    I share my major takeaways from the Soul Safari that I went on last month with my coach William Whitecloud, how I’ve been applying them in my life, the results I’ve been seeing and how you can too!


    ➡️ Get my book, *Make Money Want You* HERE.

    ➡️ Join my free VIP email newsletter HERE.

    ➡️ Learn about my next Business Magic Mastermind HERE.

    ➡️ Apply for 1:1 coaching HERE.


    Rise and shine my Queen, we are here to make magic. 💫

    1h 8m - Sep 19, 2023
  • Being the predominant creative force in your life - Ep.107

    Are you aiming to create a life by your design, yet giving your power to forces outside of you? For example, other people, your finances, the economy…

    If you want to live a life by your design, you need to stop all the ways you unconsciously assign the power to circumstances outside of you. Learn how in this episode.


    ➡️ Join the free Living Your Greatness workshop HERE.

    ➡️ Get my BRAND NEW book, *Make Money Want You* HERE.

    ➡️ Join my free VIP email list HERE.

    Get the Abundance Planner & Tracker HERE.


    Rise and shine my Queen, we are here to make magic. 💫

    33m - Aug 21, 2023
  • Sacred Action: even if it doesn’t get the end result you want - Ep.106

    If you’ve been trying hard to create the life of your dreams, yet feel contracted, stressed and anxious, then listen to this episode.

    As the manifestor/ creator of your life, you need to know the distinction between avoiding and creating. Often, unconsciously, our focus is on what we want to avoid happening in our life or business - and this is a very uncreative way to live!

    In this episode, you’ll learn how to identify this for yourself and hear me talk about my recent experiences with this to help bring home this lesson.


    ➡️ Join the free Living Your Greatness workshop HERE.

    ➡️ Get my book, *Make Money Want You* HERE.

    ➡️ Join my free VIP email list HERE.

    Get the Abundance Planner & Tracker HERE.


    Rise and shine my Queen, we are here to make magic. 💫

    36m - Aug 14, 2023
  • Is your energy in avoiding or creating? - Ep.105

    On the surface avoiding what you don’t want and creating what you do want might not look that different but these are *vitally different* dynamics.

    One will leave you feeling constantly tired, depleted and in a low (or high) level of constant anxiety and stress… the other will lead to magic and synchronicities beyond what you imagined and the life true to your heart.

    In this episode you will learn how to distinguish between these two dynamics, the signs to know which you’re operating and from and learn from my experiences how to stop avoiding and get your a** creating instead!


    ➡️ Join the free Living Your Greatness workshop HERE.

    ➡️ Get my BRAND NEW book, *Make Money Want You* HERE.

    ➡️ Join my free VIP email list HERE.

    Get the Abundance Planner & Tracker HERE.


    Rise and shine my Queen, we are here to make magic. 💫

    31m - Aug 8, 2023
  • 7x Mistakes I made in the first 3x years of my business (stop doing them!) - Ep.104

    In this episode, I share with you the 7x mistakes I made in the first three years of my business that completely sabotaged me and a) slowed me down and b) caused me unnecessary pain & stress.

    I hope in sharing these that they’ll land for you and save you the time and pain that they cost me!



    ➡️ Apply for the Queendom Alchemy Mastermind HERE.

    ➡️ Get my BRAND NEW book, *Make Money Want You* HERE.

    ➡️ Join my free VIP email list HERE.


    Rise and shine my Queen, we are here to make magic. 💫

    46m - Jun 20, 2023
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Money Sex Business & Awakening with Alex Harvey