• 11. Fashion is Sexist!

    A little rant with my roommate Emily, talking about fashion and why it's so sexist! Why don't we just make clothes? Why gender them?

    16m - May 10, 2024
  • 10. Too Good To Go

    The app that helps local businesses not waste food!

    5m - Sep 28, 2023
  • 9. "The Man" of Fast Fashion

    Who is "The Man" of Fast Fashion and how has he corrupted the Fashion Industry? There's so much that needs to be outspoken about this industry. So in this podcast episode I've compiled everything that needs to be revealed to the public. The truths behind all the glamorized mass production of cheap clothing.

    34m - Jun 30, 2023
  • 8. Why do clothes have a gender

    Why do clothes have a gender?!

    13m - Oct 28, 2022
  • 7. Why do we have straws

    Welcome to my first rant. I just wanna say, we don't need straws!

    9m - Sep 17, 2022
  • 6. Shopping sustainably with a low budget with Joan

    In this podcast I speak with Joan as she represents the majority of young adults that want to shop sustainably but have a low budget!

    31m - Aug 22, 2022
  • 5. Beautiful Reason with Brenda Brandley

    Check this sweet interview with Brenda Brandley! Brenda independently owns Beautiful Reason, where she creates sustainable solutions inspired by the desire to create and preserve beauty!

    35m - Jul 12, 2022
  • 4. Raw Denim with Kimmy

    Introducing our first ever fiber chat! Not only is raw denim a sustainable fiber, but it's such a unique and beautiful lifestyle too. This is a topic I think we all would appreciate to become more familiar with. Stay tuned for more fiber talks!

    S1E4 - 30m - Sep 8, 2021
  • 3. Maintaining your clothes with Aline Plettell

    The secret to maintaining your clothes without mending and repairing. In this interview you'll hear about Aline Plettell's experiences on how she's made her clothes last as long as they have.

    S1E3 - 11m - Jul 14, 2021
  • 2. Made by Enby with Izzy Nilsson

    Izzy has recently launched her fashion and styling business called, MadebyEnby in Calgary AB. Take a listen and hear all about where Izzy began and where she's going in the sustainable fashion world!

    S1E2 - 13m - Jun 9, 2021
  • 1. Olive Rose with Olivia Mansveld

    New sustainable, slow fashion brand based in Montreal, Canada. Meet the designer of Olive Rose and learn all about the behind the scenes of her brand!


    Website: www.oliverosestudio.com

    Instagram: oliv.erose

    S1E1 - 1h 8m - May 14, 2021
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