• Playing the Insulated Sausage

    Mistakes were made. We decided to tackle the thorny subject of polictics. We're sorry.

    But it's not all bad, we do talk about some other thi... wait, where are you going! Come back!

    Note: apologies once again for the audio quality. Turns out, Norway has been feeding his pet mogwai after midnight and his audio set got screwed up in the resulting chaos.

    S1E4 - 1h 12m - Jul 5, 2021
  • Two cats and a house

    On this weeks episode, three middle-aged men discuss politics, the state of the economy and... ah, who am I kidding, they talk about movies and Pokèmon. What else did you expect?

    Note from our editor: apologies for the odd bit of crackling and distortion you may hear in this episode - we encountered some technical difficulties while recording that we unfortunately couldn't edit around. We have chosen not to renew the contract of the audio equipment responsible and hopefully this will not happen again in future.

    S1E3 - 44m - Jun 21, 2021
  • #NoFeelingsWorthyOfAPodcast

    More conversation, no more logical than before.

    Danny, Norway and Rolo discuss the musical properties of elephants, the london mayoral elections, the corner stone of British society that was teletext and that hit 90s show - Gladiators.

    S1E2 - 54m - Jun 14, 2021
  • Red Head Long

    When a microphone is placed before them, what exactly does a group of men decide to talk about? Prostates, bupa health cover and cured meat based conspiracies apparently.

    S1E1 - 47m - Jun 7, 2021
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Why do men exist?