• 5 - Guardians

    This episode we have a look at a Russian take on a superhero movie

    S1E5 - 1h 20m - Mar 18, 2021
  • 4 - Leningrad Cowboys Go America

    Here we are again, this time talking about a film featuring a truly unique band...

    S1E4 - 1h 6m - Jan 18, 2021
  • 3 - Taxi

    Well episode 3 was a bit lacking in focus but that's what happens when you adjust the format slightly...

    S1E3 - 1h 8m - Oct 15, 2020
  • 2 - Chocolate

    We thought a second episode was worth recording!

    Join us as we discuss the film Chocolate, and no I haven't spelt that wrong...

    S1E2 - 1h 22m - Sep 18, 2020
  • 1 - Shogun Assassin

    The pilot episode of Second-Hand Cinema: The Podcast!

    Join us as we test the format by discussing Shogun Assassin - a film about a disgraced samurai and his young son.

    S1E1 - 1h 17m - Aug 24, 2020
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Second-Hand Cinema