• Overcoming Misconceptions: Changing the Narrative Of The Cannabis Industry

    One of the biggest misconceptions surrounding cannabis is the idea that it is a gateway drug. Our guest, Tony Schor, challenges this notion, emphasizing that cannabis can be consumed responsibly and without leading to the use of harder substances. He believes that as more leaders and professionals openly discuss their cannabis use, the stigma surrounding the plant will continue to diminish. Tony also highlights the medicinal benefits of cannabis, citing studies that support its efficacy in treating various conditions. He envisions a future where cannabis is widely accepted and integrated into mainstream society. Tony is the president of Investor Awareness, Inc., a Chicago-based investor relations consulting firm. He has over 29 years of experience in the industry and has represented public companies in various sectors.

    34m - Nov 29, 2023
  • Showcasing the diversity of the cannabis community

    Cannabis is a unifier, as well as a social mechanism for so many people. Today's guest, Sabrina Wheeler, joins us to talk about that and her passion for plant medicine and entrepreneurship has catapulted her into the cannabis industry. Sabrina is the COO of Stone Road Cannabis, a family-owned cannabis brand that focuses on inclusivity, affordability, and sustainability.

    33m - Nov 15, 2023
  • Master Roachee's Garden: A Journey into Holistic Health and CBD Products

    In today's episode, we delve into the fascinating world of holistic health and discuss the potential impact of their unique products with our guest Matt Avery. Are you passionate about holistic health and wellness? We explore Master Roachee's Garden and its range of full-spectrum oils and experience the natural healing power of CBD. We discuss how Matt's love for herbalism and Native American customs sent him on his journey to create his line of CBD products, including beard oil muscle cream, and much more.

    26m - Nov 14, 2023
  • AirAnswers' Rachel Reboulet Discusses Commercial Air Sampling Technology for Cannabis Crops

    Today on our show, we have the pleasure of interviewing Rachel Reboulet from AirAnswers. Cannabis plays a role in improving people's lives by helping with sleep, pain management, and overall well-being. Rachel explains that working in the cannabis industry aligns with her interest in integrative medicine and holistic health.

    Rachel is the director of laboratory operation and commercial lead at AirAnswers, Inc. AirAnswers is responsible for the only commercial air sampling technology that has the capability of detecting pathogens that can harm cannabis crops, affect crop yield, and prevent compliance with state requirements. Rachel has a strong background in laboratory operations, with over 25 years of experience in various positions. She has worked in laboratories at institutions such as the University of Chicago and Children's Medical Center in Cincinnati. Rachel has also worked for IDEX Laboratories, a veterinary medicine laboratory that tests animal products. Her passion for science and desire to help improve people's lives led her to the cannabis industry.

    Rachel explains that working in the cannabis industry aligns with her interest in integrative medicine and holistic health. AirAnswers works with functional doctors and holistic providers to help their patients identify environmental factors that may be affecting their health. Cannabis plays a role in improving people's lives by helping with sleep, pain management, and overall well-being. Ensuring the safety and quality of cannabis products is crucial for both cultivators and end-users.

    23m - Nov 1, 2023
  • Reverend Kelly Addison: Cannabis Educator and Spiritual Leader Discusses Holistic Wellness

    Today on Holistic Hideaway we have Reverend Kelly Addison, who is a cannabis educator, keynote speaker, and spiritual leader. In this episode, we delve into the fascinating world of cannabis spirituality, mental health, and the importance of holistic wellness.

    Reverend Kelly Addison shares her unique journey to becoming an ordained cannabis minister. She explains how her passion for cannabis and its holistic benefits led her to explore the spiritual aspects of the plant. Her path highlights the intersection of cannabis, spirituality, and her own personal calling.

    29m - Oct 25, 2023
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Holistic Hideaway