My Six Self Care Non-Negotiables

Episode 70
36m | May 1, 2024

Join Nikki in a shorter solo episode where she talks about the things she does daily, some of them will surprise you! Whether you’re looking for inspiration to get out of a funk, or you’re feeling overwhelmed, today’s episode will get you fired up and ready to take action.

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Ready to learn how to manifest anything you want in life? Join my upcoming exclusive & free workshop on Tuesday, May 7 at 9am PST / 12pm EST / 5pm UK for this 60-minute class. 

Unlocking The Secrets Of Manifestation: Learn How To Overcome Barriers, Design Your Ideal Life & Manifest Your Desires


Don’t worry if you can’t make it live, there will be a replay available! Don’t miss this opportunity to learn the correct (and incorrect) ways to achieve your biggest dreams in life.

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Products & places mentioned in the episode:

Body brush (US link) Body brush (UK link)

Electrolytes (US link) Electrolytes (UK link)

Water Filter (US link) Water Filter (UK link)

Re Place London (body rolling & Somadome)

Face Masks I Love (US link) Face Mask I Love (UK link)

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Are you ready to go even deeper in your self-discovery journey where you’ll join Nikki’s signature course, the Ultimate Transformation Program: Special Edition, starting May 20. This is a brand new version of UTP, one that lasts two incredible months! You’ll become part of a community of supportive women, learn the foundations of UTP and creating your own Dream Binder, while learning how to overcome self-sabotaging behaviors that keep you from seeing the results you deserve!

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A Sharper Life