• Episode 4 - The Meaning of Marriage - What Do the 5 Love Languages Mean?

    Have you ever been caught up in a situation where you don’t feel loved or cared for by your partner? Or the other way around - where you want to show your partner how much you care or love them but struggle to do so in a way that speaks to them in their love language? The inability to express love to others in intentional and meaningful ways, is one of the most common relationship issues people face today. Becoming more curious and knowing your partner's love language can help you have a more satisfying and long-lasting relationship. In this episode, Matt and Jilisa share their viewpoints on what they believe a covenantal marriage looks like and how to utilize Gary Chapman's five languages for a happier marriage. 

    More info here - Youtube channel, social media, and much more!!


    E3 - 43m - Aug 8, 2021
  • Episode 3 - Married & Owning a Business During a Pandemic

    Ever wonder what it’s like going through the pandemic as business owners? How about business owners that are married to one another? Well, let us tell you! Matt and Jilisa dive into their biggest takeaways from the last year and how the balancing act of marriage and business has helped them grow. 

    More info here - Youtube channel, social media, and much more!!


    S1E3 - 39m - Jun 26, 2021
  • Episode 2 - A Different Perspective

    In this episode, we dive right into one of the hardest things we have been through - Jilisa’s eating disorder. But, it’s a little different than what you’d expect. We chat about it from Matt’s perspective. Not many couples discuss eating disorders from the spouse's perspective, so we thought it was important to share our experience. 

    More info here - Youtube channel, social media, and much more!!


    E2 - 53m - May 31, 2021
  • Episode 1 - How Our Family Adventure Started

    We love all adventures. But the wildest one we, Matt and Jilisa, have been a part of so far is our own marriage. It’s no joke, ya’ll! And we want to tell you a little bit about how we met, started dating, how those first few years of marriage went, and a few curveballs that came along the way. 

    More info here - Youtube channel, social media, and much more!!


    E1 - 30m - May 13, 2021
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AdventuroUS Podcast