• Episode 20: A Milestone, Lets Celebrate

    We made it to episode 20. This is a milestone, a time to reflect & Celebrate! The journey was longer than anticipated but me made it. On this episode we provide updates, discuss setbacks, and celebrate arriving at Ep20!

    S1E20 - 25m - Sep 13, 2021
  • Episode 19: Big Bank Gives Little Bank

    The Bank is taking all of my money, using it, and giving back .02% in return. It’s ridiculous. Truthfully, banks are using your money and cashing in big. On this episode we highlight purpose of a bank, services of a bank, and how banks profit $$$$ off your $. Banks are getting theirs but you are not. Listen to be empowered. Increase your size of the pie.

    S1E19 - 33m - Sep 3, 2021
  • Episode 18: Black Wall Street

    On this episode we reflect on recent trip to Tulsa Ok and discuss the importance this piece of Black History that was omitted in our education. We were in awe of the history, stories, and records that were documented. The reflection was emotional, but empowering

    S1E18 - 26m - Aug 19, 2021
  • Episode 17: Returning back to the office? NOPE!

    Working from home has been awesome. Working from home has improve quality of life. From recent article, folks are not wanting to return to office

    Listen to how we handled to new change and outlook on return to the office

    S1E17 - 26m - Aug 14, 2021
  • Episode 16: Freedom! It’s Juneteenth!

    Freedom, what does it look like for you? Does it come in the form of your schedule, job, health, or wealth? Having information is power and being left out in the dark can halt your freedom. Now more than ever we have information at our fingertips just waiting to be implemented. Juneteenth is a holiday of freedom. In this episode we explain why.

    S1E16 - 34m - Jul 2, 2021
  • Episode 15: Retirement crossroad

    Have you been slogging through you career? Stuck in the middle, 15-20 years behind you with 15-20 more years ahead. Daunting! We know! But what decision will you make? Have you made plans? If these thoughts have crossed your mind you are not alone alone. Are you at the crossroad?

    S1E15 - 42m - Jun 11, 2021
  • Episode 14: She wants to travel but has an attitude

    Summer 2020 left our family stuck in confined living quarters (these 4 walls). The distress has lingered too long and Maisha developed travitude. So in this episode we break down “travitude” and discuss tips for saving money during upcoming travel season. Summer 2021 should be exciting

    S1E14 - 30m - Jun 2, 2021
  • Episode 13: Mind & Behavior - Has it shifted?

    In this episode we discussed a list of books emailed by a listener. A great list of books! Two questions were asked by listener. Has your mind shifted? Has your behavior shifted? Great questions and we share our answers.

    S1E13 - 26m - May 27, 2021
  • Episode 12: The Hustle! Higher Education is Big Business!

    Higher education is big business. Their goal is to make a profit. Unfortunately, our society conveys the message that you need a degree to be successful and a productive citizen in our world. Well, this is at least the story we were told. Furthermore with much emphasis placed on receiving a degree, the affordability is disheartening. What plan do you have to combat the rising cost of higher education?

    S1E12 - 53m - Apr 9, 2021
  • Episode 11: Pay Off My Debt or Should I Invest First?

    In this episode a listener ask should I invest or pay off debt first? We discuss why we think traditional strategies were a mistake and some of the teaching financial gurus steer you toward this as the “best” method. Personally, if we had the chance to do it all over again we would have invested getting massive returns. Remember it is "time in the market" not timing the market.

    S1E11 - 20m - Apr 2, 2021
  • Episode 10: 2020 Remnant

    A bad decision led to a bad purchase. This episode was recorded during Texas power outage with only day time sun light. We were cold and stuck at home so we decided it’s time to get on the hot seat and get a bit transparent about our money moves. We made a bad purchase, but listen and hear how we flipped it in our favor. We also share lessons you can take on your own personal financial journey and even some financial marriage advice.

    S1E10 - 47m - Mar 11, 2021
  • Episode 9: You Want to Invest, but???

    You want to start investing into stock market but not sure where to start, how to start, or how much money to start with. We dropped some gems as the temperature in our house fell rapidly during the Texas power outage.

    S1E9 - 37m - Mar 10, 2021
  • Episode 8: Entrepreneurship & Financial Independence

    As you are encouraging financial independence, can this only be achieved by working for yourself (Entrepreneurship) If so, what if you are not interested in having your own business, but desire financial independence? Also, is (Entrepreneurship) meant for everyone? Lets unpack questions from listener.

    S1E8 - 27m - Feb 15, 2021
  • Episode 7: One Night in Austin

    Preparation is the key to success and there are no failures only lessons. Listen as we discuss how one night in Austin and the people we met was the culmination of our trial and error as well as preparation. This night created the fire that lit the paradigm shift needed in our journey to freedom!

    S1E7 - 50m - Feb 10, 2021
  • Episode 6: $200k Debt Unpacked

    In previous episode, we discussed the overwhelming amount of debt paid off in a 6 year span. On this episode we unpack how we did it and challenges surrounding using a strategic plan. i.e. A budget!

    S1E6 - 47m - Feb 4, 2021
  • Episode 5: $200k+ amount of DEBT PAID OFF!

    With a shoulder shrug she said $100k of student loans, like it was a test score. All relationships have a beginning. It is great to begin a relationship financially burden free. A rocky start could impede relationship success. Finances are a top reason why marriages end. Out the racing block, we were $101,500 in student loan debt. Student loans plus additional car loans snowball quickly. GEESH!!!  

    S1E5 - 58m - Jan 27, 2021
  • Episode 4: On F.I.R.E.

    You were taught to save 15-20% and live off of 80-85%. How about we flip that? Let's talk saving and investing 70% of your income and living off of 30%. This method will shorten your workforce tenure while putting your dollars to work. Today we introduce you to F.I.R.E. the movement, lifestyle, and possibilities to economically change your life. This episode will introduce you to the concept and why we are currently taking the journey.

    S1E4 - 21m - Jan 20, 2021
  • Episode 3: The Blueprint

    To build, you need a detailed plan. In this podcast we lay out our blueprint to building wealth and establishing financial independence. The blueprint will outline mindset change, millennial influence, baby boomer woes, fear factor and much more!  

    S1E3 - 36m - Jan 18, 2021
  • Episode 2: Be the Bank

    Real Estate Remix. We secured a down payment and monthly income all while not worrying about managing a property. We did this utilizing a method of Owner Finance. We call this the real estate remix where we get to BE THE BANK. Its been around for a long time but its a gem we discovered that fits the "I don't do toilets" mantra. Real estate is a consistent go-to for building wealth but most think in terms of realtor or landlord tenant relationship. We discuss this method as well as our "aha" moment that wealth is not in your personal home. We will define what an asset is as well as what is a liability. These definitions should define how you spend your money.

    S1E2 - 45m - Jan 14, 2021
  • Episode 1: The Intro

    P.S.A--PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT to Generation X! Our vision is simple - Let our dollars do the work and treat our time as the precious resource that it is! This podcast is about our journey towards reducing debt and building wealth through investments. We want to share our knowledge and experiences so you can be Encouraged and Empowered to do the same. In this episode, we’ll share the vision for this podcast, introduce ourselves, and recap 2020 blessings. You will learn more about us and what to expect in upcoming episodes.

    S1E1 - 27m - Jan 13, 2021
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I Don't Do Toilets Podcast