Conflict Zones and Corporate Teams: Insights from former US Army Special Forces Officer, Sal Filardi

Episode 18
1h 21m | Jun 6, 2023

Conflict Zones and Corporate Teams: Insights from former Special Forces Officer, Sal Filardi

In this episode of the Message Engineer podcast, host Maureen Shaffer, CEO, Mingletoeshares her insightful conversation with former US Army Special Forces officer (Green Beret), Sal Filardi. Sal Filardi is a Communications Consultant, Pinnacle Leadership Coach, and FirstTee Youth Mentor and Golf Coach. Sal is also a proud father & veteran. 

Sal discusses his work in conflict zones worldwide, and how he draws on that experience to help corporate teams better communicate and work together. This episode offers valuable insights for anyone looking to take their organization to the next level and build a lasting, successful company. Tune in and join us for an informative and engaging conversation. He speaks to us from his home in North Carolina.

🔥 In this episode, the importance of communication is discussed in both internal and external messaging. The guest emphasizes the need to have the right people in place and focused in the right direction internally before launching any external messaging or marketing. Drawing on their experience working with the US Army Special Forces and the Green Berets, the guest highlights the importance of clear communication and a structured approach to messaging. They discuss the use of playbooks and standard operating procedures (SOPs) to ensure everyone is on the same page and knows how to communicate effectively. Additionally, the guest emphasizes the importance of clear communication within a team, including knowing how to talk to other team members and when to talk to the boss. Overall, the episode highlights the critical role that communication plays in both internal and external messaging and the importance of having a structured approach to ensure effective communication.

🔥 The speaker also mentions that reports are a crucial part of the command and signal portion of the planning process. They explain that commanders should be specific about the reports they want to receive from their team, as it can help to destress the team leader. By being clear about what information is needed, the team leader can focus on completing their tasks without worrying about constantly updating their commander. This specificity also allows the team leader to prioritize their work and focus on what is most important. The speaker emphasizes the importance of communication in a team and suggests that being clear about what information is needed can help to foster a more productive and less stressful work environment.

🔥 Furthermore, the guest speaker stresses the importance of having a big and worthwhile vision. They describe vision as something that can be imagined when one closes their eyes and thinks about what they, their family, or their company could achieve in the next seven to ten years. The speaker believes that a vision should be something that is worth going through challenges and obstacles to achieve. The example of Apple's vision is mentioned, which was to have a personal computer in every home in the United States within 40 years. Although Apple ended up achieving a personal computer in every pocket, their original vision was still a big and worthwhile goal to strive for. Overall, the episode stresses the importance of having a clear and ambitious vision that can guide decision-making and motivate individuals and teams to work towards a common goal.


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