• Episode 32: LIFE with Kyle - How to overcome overthinking & take back control of your mind

    We discuss how to stop overthinking, and practical ways to control the mind, how Kyle overcame his health issues and now helps people on the same journey, health anxiety, and much more

    Kyles Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCuZoLush_hfPIIuJ6_XxD5w

    1h 38m - Jul 1, 2024
  • Episode 31: Jacqueline Berens - Mold toxins, heavy metals & how to detox yourself back to wellness

    Dr. Jacqueline graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder with a Bachelor’s in Physiology in 2008, and graduated with honors from Life University with a Doctor of Chiropractic in late 2011.

    Please check out her website at www.wellnesswaycentennial.com/about/

    1h 21m - Jul 1, 2024
  • Episode 30: Marcus Croman - The Body Keeps Score

    In today's episode, we discuss Marcuse's work in realignment, chronic pain, headaches, dizziness, nerve damage, the lymphatic system, acupuncture, how emotions can be trapped in the body & how the body keeps score, and much more

    Website: www.holistic-realignment.com & www.physica.clinic

    55m - Jun 16, 2024
  • Episode 29: Dr Marc Mortiboys - What causes cavities, arresting/reversing cavities

    What causes cavities, arresting/reversing cavities, minimally invasive dentistry, questions to ask your dentist, the ups and downs of cosmetic dentistry and much more

    1h 59m - Jun 16, 2024
  • Episode 28: Mark Lintern - A New Theory on Cancer

    In today's episode, we are joined by Mark Lintern who presents his new theory on Cancer, as well as breaking down the issues he has found along the way with the conventional theory, as well as the best-researched alternative ones over his 8 years of research

    We also discuss preventative measures including lifestyle & diet

    Mark wrote the book Cancer Resolution? and you can find his work at www.cellsuppression.com

    1h 33m - Jun 2, 2024
  • Episode 27: Simon Brown - Living in the here and now

    In this episode, we discuss practical applications of meditation, as well as other spiritual practices. The art of forgiveness, overcoming guilt & shame accumulated from the past including childhood trauma and much, much more

    Simon has his own Youtube channel called Awake Here & Now https://www.youtube.com/ @Awakehereandnow 

    If you are interested in this topic, please give him a follow as he puts out some really informative material

    1h 44m - May 26, 2024
  • Episode 26: Dan Buglio from Pain Free You - Your mind is creating your symptoms

    Dan suffered from chronic back pain and sciatica in his early 30’s and lasted through to his mid-40s. Nothing worked for him until he discovered Dr John Sarno and TMS.

    Over the last 6 years he has been working with clients around the world helping them to understand the message of John Sarno's work

    Dan shares daily videos, tips and thoughts via his youtube channel to help you understand the mind-body connection

    His promise is simple - To make pain less scary. Demystify pain, share why it becomes chronic, and help you get rid of it





    1h 17m - Apr 13, 2024
  • Episode 25: Dr Marc Mortiboys - A holistic approach to Dentistry

    Marc has been involved in Dentistry since 1982 and has been passionate about developing a more holistic/integrative approach to Dental Care ever since qualifying in 1986.

    He has an eclectic approach to dentistry based on a culmination of personal experiences with integrative medicine, with the goal of delivering Dental and Whole Body Care with a Special Kind of Magic by addressing the Trinity of Mind, Body and Spirit.

    Early on in his career, Marc set up the The Dental Confidence Centre in Belgravia and featured on ITV. The UK's first designated centre to help people overcome their fear of the Dentist, using Hygnotherapy, Hypnohealing and NLP tools, which was way ahead of its time. Marc's enthusiasm and passion for his profession knows no limit and he has been on numerous radio shows as well as on Channel 5 as a Dental Expert. Marc has also been an advisor to Chelsea FC.

    Marc's main focus clinically is holistic smile and bite transformation using mainly Invisalign as well as continuing maintenance programmes for his large dental patient following.





    1h 46m - Apr 8, 2024
  • Episode 24: Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride - GAPS

    Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride graduated with Honours as a Medical Doctor in 1984 from Bashkir Medical University in Russia. In the following years she gained a Postgraduate MMedSci Degree in Neurology.

    After practising for five years as a Neurologist and three years as a Neurosurgeon she started a family and moved to the UK. Fairly shortly after that her son was diagnosed autistic, which prompted an intensive study into causes and treatments of autism. It was during this time that Dr Campbell-McBride developed her theories on the relationship between neurological disorders and nutrition, and completed a second Postgraduate Degree in Human Nutrition at Sheffield University, UK

    Dr Campbell-McBride used to run the Cambridge Nutrition Clinic. Having trained thousands of Certified GAPS Practitioners around the world, Dr Natasha has closed her clinic in order to focus on writing and teaching. As a nutritionist she has specialised in using nutritional approach as a treatment, and has become recognised as one of the world’s leading experts in treating children and adults with learning disabilities and other mental disorders, as well as children and adults with digestive and immune disorders.



    1h 24m - Mar 29, 2024
  • Episode 23: Jackie Jolie - Improving your Redox is the key to good health

    Jackie is a certified Quantum Health Practitioner with expertise in light environment

    5 years ago Jackie was diagnosed with chronic Lyme which led her to study under Dr Jack Kruse

    In this interview, we discuss the importance of our light environment, how the redox system works and much, much more

    Instagram 👉🏼 https://www.instagram.com/jolie_en_sol?igsh=MXB3NXhpeDFvemY5ZA==

    BlockBlue light discount code 👇🏼


    1h 21m - Mar 24, 2024
  • Episode 22: Dr Mark Sircus - Follow this protocol to take back control of your own health

    Please follow the Holocene on Youtube www.youtube.com/@theholocenepodcast2094

    Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P) (acupuncturist, doctor of oriental and pastoral medicine) is a prolific writer and author of some astounding medical and health-related books. Dr. Sircus’s methods are based on medical science and long years of clinical experience, not only his own but experiences of doctors from around the world who have been practicing brilliant medicine.

    His books are heavily referenced, but the layperson finds little difficulty in understanding his presentation of medical topics. For many years Dr. Sircus has been researching into the human condition and into the causes of disease; he has distilled many of the divergent medical systems into a new form of medicine that he has coined Natural Allopathic Medicine.

    For more of Dr Sirucs please go to his website; https://drsircus.com/

    1h 36m - Mar 16, 2024
  • Episode 21: Mark Windows - Round 2

    Mark joins us back on the show to discuss the current state of the world

    We also discussed a show he recently did on General Konstantin Petrov and went into some depth on the Dr Richard Day lecture back in 1969

    1h 22m - Mar 10, 2024
  • Episode 20: John O'Looney - An interview with the Milton Keynes Funeral Director

    Although this podcast goes in and out of conspiratorial topics, my main focus is usually based on solutions, but this was a conversation i've wanted to have for some time

    We go into the ins & outs of what John has been experiencing in his practice over the last 3 years and at this point, his voice can no longer be ignored

    I don't want to spread fear as I didn't find it very productive, but understanding just how bad these "solutions" may be, could encourage you to take action, the very action that may save lives

    In the coming months I will be focused on interviewing health professionals who are working on the solution, so stay tuned for that one

    1h 18m - Mar 5, 2024
  • Episode 19: Clive De Carle - The medical Mafia

    In this episode, we discuss the importance of natural remedies, toxins in our environment, and many solutions

    I named this episode The Medical Mafia because at times that's what the allopathic medical system feels like, and we go into great detail on this

    Link to Clive's products & website:


    1h 16m - Mar 5, 2024
  • Episode 18: Edward Addison - The importance of shadow work

    Have you ever looked into the concept of shadow work?

    In this episode we talk about what the shadow self is, why we have a shadow self, and exactly what we can do to "do the work"

    The benefits of identifying the shadow self and doing the work are incredible

    I would suggest this work is the most important work you can do to improve every aspect of your life

    You can find moire about Edward at https://www.edwardaddison.com/

    You can also reach him at edward@edwardaddison.com or, call/message him on 07864 336 993. Please tell him you heard about him from this episode :)

    1h 10m - Mar 5, 2024
  • How we can use meditation for our personal growth

    In this video I discuss a more effective way to utilise mindfulness meditation

    Traditionally mindfulness meditation is more focused on the avoidance of thought, but what I am proposing here is to try to utilise the thoughts and even fears that arise during moments of silence rather than shut them down or avoid them.

    Instead of focusing on mindfulness, I quietly observe my unconscious spilling over into the observable mind and ask myself why these thoughts that are normally wrapped up in emotions come to the surface and how I can use them to learn more about myself

    I have personally seen profound changes in my life by utilising this technique as well as other topics I discuss in this video

    Its a bit of a rant but I hope theres some value in there for you

    24m - Mar 5, 2024
  • Episode 17: Dr Jessie Keener - Covid, jabs, parasite cleanses, detoxing & childhood trauma

    Episode 17: Dr Jessie Keener. In todays episode we spoke about the covid shambles, the pokey, parasites & how to cleanse, detoxing, breath work & much more

    Dr Keener is a naturopath with nearly 40 years of clinical practice - You can find Dr Jessie Keeners work at https://drjessie.life/

    She is also very active on Twitter @drjessiekeener

    1h 10m - Mar 5, 2024
  • Episode: 16 - How to reverse cavities

    In this video I discuss what causes cavities, how to prevent them and how I reversed mine

    1h 11m - Mar 5, 2024
  • Episode 15: Jonathan Butler - Why you should use Rapid Transformational Therapy

    Jonathan is a RTT practitioner with a success rate of over 84% within 1 session!

    RTT is an incredibly powerful type of therapy that can heal on a deep subconscious level. In this episode we discuss the benefits, how it works and why you should consider RTT as a therapy in your life

    You can find out more about Jonathan's work at https://www.myfitmind.co.uk/

    1h 10m - Mar 5, 2024
  • Episode 14: Joey Lott - How to unlock your hidden superpower

    Joey is a spiritual teacher, mentor, and coach who has helped hundreds of people reach their full potential

    He helps his clients take back control of their lives with a unique style of self discovery and internal liberation

    You can find Joey's work in his website & YouTube channel linked below:



    1h 1m - Mar 5, 2024
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