Episode 25: Dr Marc Mortiboys - A holistic approach to Dentistry

1h 46m | Apr 8, 2024

Marc has been involved in Dentistry since 1982 and has been passionate about developing a more holistic/integrative approach to Dental Care ever since qualifying in 1986.

He has an eclectic approach to dentistry based on a culmination of personal experiences with integrative medicine, with the goal of delivering Dental and Whole Body Care with a Special Kind of Magic by addressing the Trinity of Mind, Body and Spirit.

Early on in his career, Marc set up the The Dental Confidence Centre in Belgravia and featured on ITV. The UK's first designated centre to help people overcome their fear of the Dentist, using Hygnotherapy, Hypnohealing and NLP tools, which was way ahead of its time. Marc's enthusiasm and passion for his profession knows no limit and he has been on numerous radio shows as well as on Channel 5 as a Dental Expert. Marc has also been an advisor to Chelsea FC.

Marc's main focus clinically is holistic smile and bite transformation using mainly Invisalign as well as continuing maintenance programmes for his large dental patient following.



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