Adrienne Barker

36m | Oct 28, 2020

Adrienne -

"I wrote my first book after years of being emotionally abused by my siblings in the family business.

I am 57 years old and grew up in the family business. I am a senior branding marketing manager selling promotional products. I am also an International Protocol and Corporate Etiquette Consultant. I left the family business three years ago when I found out my brother cheated on his wife, twice, with female employees in the family business."

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

Head Down. Shut Up.

After years of hearing the words “No One Likes You”, “No one Respects You”, No One Can Work with You” and many more comments meant to knock me down.

The book shares how I fought through their words and stood up for myself by leaving the family business and great pay, car, insurance, everything wonderful that my parents wanted me to have. I made sure to not become a victim of a pathologically narcissistic person.

Her book :

Her website:

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