• Psalm 40 16 Bible Study with Meaning, Action and Prayer

    This short BGodInspired podcast is a Psalm 40 16 Bible Study with Meaning, Action and Prayer.

    Listen to the entire podcast to understand the Action you can take and a Prayer you can pray over your life.

    We pray that God provides you happiness in all areas of your life.

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    1m - Dec 2, 2022
  • Isaiah 54:17 Bible Study with Meaning, Action and Prayer

    This short BGodInspired podcast is a Isaiah 54 17 Bible Study with Meaning, Action and Prayer.

    Listen to the entire podcast to understand the Action you can take and a Prayer you can pray over your life.

    We pray for God's guidance to show you His path forward for your life.

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    2m - Dec 2, 2022
  • Philippians 4:19 Bible Study with Meaning, Action and Prayer

    This short BGodInspired podcast is a Philippians 4 19 Bible Study with Meaning, Action and Prayer.

    Listen the entire podcast to understand the Action you can take and a Prayer you can pray over your life.

    We pray that blessing are poured into every area of your life.

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    2m - Dec 1, 2022
  • Deuteronomy 28:12 Bible Study

    The blessing is there, it is readily available, but we have to activate it by putting the word of God and His teachings into practice. 

    Listen to the end for a Deuteronomy 28:12 Prayer.

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    3m - Nov 26, 2022
  • Deuteronomy 28:12 Prayer

    Short Prayer based on Deuteronomy 28:12

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    0m - Nov 23, 2022
  • Verses about Holy Spirit - 1 Corinthians 2

    The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, and He brings us much comfort and peace. Reading through the book of 1 Corinthians 2 can give you a clearer picture of who the Holy Spirit is, what exactly His purpose is, and how we can experience His presence in our lives.

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    2m - Nov 22, 2022
  • What Love is in the Bible? The Blessings from Living Bible Love

    Bible love is an incredibly important part of life, and it can be the bridge that connects broken relationships. Love is a decision to show compassion, forgiveness, kindness, and patience toward others, regardless of their actions or circumstances.

    Love is a choice to put others before yourself and to accept and be loved by others. Biblical love is a rare and beautiful thing, and we can only experience it if we are willing to choose it for ourselves.

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    4m - Nov 21, 2022
  • The Importance of Prayer for Positive Living

    In our fast-paced, digital world, it’s easy to feel like we’re constantly running from one obligation to another. It can be hard to find time for anything that isn’t work or school, let alone personal rituals of devotion like prayer.

    But as Christians and followers of Christ, praying is a vitally important part of living the faith. Bible verses about the importance of prayer are everywhere; in fact, there are many different passages on the subject scattered throughout the New and Old Testaments. Prayer is a basic principle that unites all Christian denominations (and other religions) across the globe.

    Prayer is also an essential part of a positive life. Let's explore some ways we can incorporate more prayer in our lives and how doing so can have a positive impact on everything else we do in our day-to-day living.

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    4m - Nov 7, 2022
  • What Psalm 121 KJV Means - Trusting God's Protection For Your Life

    Psalm 121, also known as the Psalm of Protection and Safety, is a favorite among Christians. It’s one of the most quoted psalms in sermons, speeches, and books. It’s also a popular choice for tattoos and other forms of body art.

    Once you read it a few times, though, it begins to feel familiar. How many more times will this psalm be quoted? How many more tattoos will it inspire?

    This psalm has been so influential because it says something important about God and His faithfulness to us as His people. But what does that mean for you? What does that mean for me? Let’s unpack this excellent psalm together.

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    4m - Nov 6, 2022
  • Bible Scriptures on Giving: A Collection of Inspiring Bible Verses to Help You

    Giving is one of the most challenging... yet rewarding... things we can do as Christians. It’s challenging because it means giving away something that we may want to keep for ourselves. It’s also challenging because sometimes giving feels like a sacrifice without any tangible benefits for us.

    Fortunately, giving also has many rewards. When we give selflessly, we’re able to see how much our actions impact others and make their lives better in the process. Giving also brings us closer to God and shows us how much He has blessed us with so that we can be generous with it.

    Focusing on Bible verses about giving can help you practically apply these principles in your life and become more generous in all areas of your life.

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    4m - Nov 3, 2022
  • Proverbs 3:5 - Bible Scripture about Trusting God

    Trusting God is not always easy, especially when things get tough. When life throws us curveballs, it’s natural to feel afraid or insecure. However, we must remember that God has a plan for each of us and will never lead us astray.

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him And He will make Your paths straight. – Proverbs 3:5

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    3m - Nov 1, 2022
  • Bible Scripture on Peace - Finding Comfort in Your World

    The Bible is filled with verses about peace. However, you may have noticed that the word “peace” doesn’t always come easily to us. Even though we know the importance of peace from God’s word, it can be challenging to hold on to that peace in our lives.

    We don’t always feel peaceful, but God wants us to have an abundant life full of peace and joy. We must find ways to keep our minds set on Him at all times, so we can have peace no matter what challenges we face in this world or what other people say about us. The key is knowing how to access these verses when we need them most.

    Continue on for some guidance and inspiration when it comes to finding peace in the Lord and His Word!

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    4m - Nov 1, 2022
  • Encouraging Bible Verses on Faith to Inspire You

    There are so many amazing Bible verses about faith. The New Testament is filled with examples of the importance of faith and its role in our relationship with God.

    If you’re struggling to find your own faith or get back on track after a disappointment, these encouraging Bible verses about faith will inspire you once again to have faith in God.

    These passages are encouraging reminders that no matter how weak you feel, God has given us everything we need through His Word and His Spirit to continue walking with Him every day.

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/bgodinspired/donations
    7m - Oct 31, 2022
  • Psalm 84 11 - A Psalm of Praise - How to Understand the Meaning of a Scripture

    If you’ve ever struggled with understanding the meaning of a Bible passage, you’re not alone. Many people struggle to understand the meaning of certain Bible passages. Why? It’s because we often read our Bibles superficially instead of diving deeper into them.

    Unfortunately, this superficial reading is what most people do when they read their Bibles. As a result, many believers struggle with understanding the meaning and message of certain verses. Readers who want to take their Bible study to the next level should try studying Psalm 84.

    This psalm has some interesting imagery and vocabulary that can be challenging for some people. However, if you dig deeper into it, it has a lot to teach us about the character of God, the nature of man and his final end.

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    4m - Oct 29, 2022
  • The Inspirational New Testament Quotes of Jesus on Forgiveness, Love, Wealth and more...

    Are you looking for the best New Testament quotes of Jesus? There are so many wonderful things that Jesus taught, which makes it hard to pick just a few quotes. However, there are some that stand out above the rest.

    These five New Testament quotes from Jesus are among the most memorable and meaningful. If you want to deepen your faith or share these powerful words with others, keep reading for more information about these inspiring scriptures.

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    4m - Oct 27, 2022
  • How to Activate the Holy Spirit Within You

    The Holy Spirit is the life of God that dwells in every believer. The Spirit empowers, guides, and fills us with supernatural abilities to serve, witness, and minister. How can you activate the Holy Spirit within you?

    It’s not as complicated as it sounds. You just need to be intentional about it.

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    2m - Oct 25, 2022
  • Encouraging Bible Verses That Help Us When We're Going Through Hard Times

    The Bible is full of encouraging verses that uplift and remind us of God’s faithfulness. It offers words of comfort during trying times and gives strength in times of despair. In the midst of hard circumstances, the Bible can be a source of light and encouragement.

    The hardest times are often the best opportunities for us to lean on God and read our Bibles to find strength and hope.

    These Bible verses about going through hard times will help you get through whatever you’re facing right now.

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    4m - Oct 24, 2022
  • Motivational Bible Verses about Finding Your Inner Strength

    When life gets you down, you need to find your inner strength. That might sound like a cheesy self-help statement, but it’s true. Sometimes in life we encounter things that can make us feel weak, helpless and ready to give up.

    However, no matter how hard things can become, we must not lose hope and keep looking for ways to find our inner strength again. We all have moments when we feel like giving up on something or someone.

    When this happens, the Bible is the best place you could go for some inspiration and the strength you need to get back on track again. The Bible contains many verses that can empower you with strength and courage when needed most.

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    4m - Oct 18, 2022
  • Inspiring Bible Verses about the Holy Spirit

    The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, and He is given to us as a gift. The Holy Spirit dwells in each believer and leads us into all truth. He also empowers believers to live for God and be witnesses of His love in the world. The Bible has many inspiring verses about the Holy Spirit that will encourage you every day.

    The Holy Spirit inspires Christians to lead lives that are pleasing to God. He also gives us power to live for Him, love others, and share our faith with others. The Bible verse below is just one of many encouraging verses about the Holy Spirit that will empower you and keep you focused on Christ. Continue on to find more inspiring Bible verses about the Holy Spirit.

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    6m - Oct 14, 2022
  • 3 Ways to Cultivate the Holy Spirit to Help with Anxiety

    In the Christian faith, there are many different ways to help you grow in your devotion to God. One of the most important figures in Christianity is the Holy Spirit.

    The Holy Spirit is known as a divine presence that helps people understand their place with God and how they can reach a closer connection with Him. The Holy Spirit can help us overcome anxiety and negative feelings by guiding us through our faith and making us more aware of God’s love for us.

    Cultivating a relationship with the Holy Spirit is one way to achieve this. If you’re struggling with anxiety or looking for ways to make your faith stronger, cultivating a relationship with the Holy Spirit may be just what you need right now.

    Here are three ways you can cultivate this relationship and help overcome anxiety.

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/bgodinspired/donations
    3m - Oct 13, 2022
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