Ep 50: Redbull Wololo Legacy Aoe2

50m | Nov 8, 2022

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Finals Notes:

Game 1: Frigid Lake

Liereyy: Hindustani

Tatoh: Khmer

- Shallow water in the middle of the map and around starting TC

- Tatoh gets a Villiger lead massing scouts early and picking off villagers

- Docks for demo ships

- Scorpians, knights and halbediers attack against Liereyy's castle and Camels

Game 2: Arabia

Liereyy: Lithuanians

Tatoh: Franks

- Early knight and spearmen skirmishes

- Liereyy manages to sneak into Tatoh's base and gets a villiger or two

- Fight over relics since Lithuanians are in play

- Knight vs Knight and conversion war

- Tatoh loses monks but still manages to hold on

- Tatoh has the economic lead and tries to get a castle up by massing pikemen instead of kngihts

- Castle gest up in front of Liereyy's base

Game 3: Morass

Liereyy: Cumans

Tatoh: Bulgarians

- Early barracks for Tatoh to attack early with men at arms + 1 scout

- Tatoh is following it with 2 scout production

- Shorefish the focus for resources on this map

- Liereyy defends and pushes into Tatoh's base

- Tatoh gets to knights and starts to defend his base and gets a second TC

- Liereyy has Knights everywhere and wins it

Game 4: The Bull (lol sponsored)

Liereyy: Byzantines

Tatoh: Turks

- This map is redicoulous

- Pretty open except for the Bull created from wood lines

- Both plaers gets fishing ships at the east and west ends of the map

- Liereyy gets into Tatoh's base with knights but then gets trapped by tower and walls

- Liereyy sets up TC in the north with Shorefish

- Genecaries and Camels from tatoh lose to Liereyy's knights

- Liereyy deletes monastary to build castle but relic drop, still manages to deny Tatoh's castle and bring it to 2-2

Game 5: Shoals

Liereyy: Bhoemians

Tatoh: Italians

- Map has mostly shallow water in the middle, fisihing ships made

- Fight over water in the middle

- Liereyy pushes around with crossbowmen, can't go in the middle because of demo ships

- Liereyy gets a castle up in the north and south of the map

- Fight over gold

- Canonn galleons start attacking the castles, and gets into Liereyy's base

- Tatoh has pressure on both castle at once

- Having control of the water, Tatoh has bombard ships destroying everything

- Eventually pushes with castles and trebs

- Tatoh wins it


Game 6: Outcrop

Liereyy: Aztecs

Tatoh: Tatars

- Tatoh has a civ bonus for the pigs on the map so scouts a lot early

- Skirmisher goes elite skrim with spearmen

- Tatoh pushes with steplancers vs Liereyy's pikemen

- Eco always seems to be in Tatoh's favour

- Tatoh gets the monks and gets into Liereyy's base

- Tatoh gets a castle up and prevents Liereyy's gold generation

- Tatoh wins

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