Zach Reino Returns!

Season 1 | Episode 83
1h 13m | Jul 8, 2022

LIVE from 1996 it's Totally Rad! Join guest Zach Reino (@zachreino), 16-yr-old host Alyssa Sabo (@alyssa_sabo), 37-year-old sidekick Ben Cassil (@bencassil), 16-year-old bandleader Janine (@j9_hogan), and professional audience member July Diaz (@julydiaz) as they talk about cold sores, vocal fry, how prom suits fit, face aloe prayers, and they play an epic round of NEW CHOICE

Follow Zach Reino on soial media. And check out his incredible improv comedy podcast Off Book with Jess McKenna!

Check out July Diaz’s podcast “Inside Video Games Classic!” Follow @j9_hogan for Janine’s upcoming live shows!

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