Tyler Schnupp! Again!

Season 1 | Episode 84
1h 6m | Jul 24, 2022

LIVE from 1996 it's Totally Rad! Join guest Tyler Schnupp (@schnupp69), 16-yr-old host Alyssa Sabo (@alyssa_sabo), 37-year-old sidekick Ben Cassil (@bencassil), 16-year-old bandleader Janine (@j9_hogan), and professional audience member July Diaz (@julydiaz) as they talk about appropriate relationships, video games, and private investigators and play a round of "Mario or Jesus!"

FollowTyler Schnupp on IG @schnupp69 and check out his video game improv podcast with his ex-brother Nick Costanza, Reactivaders!

Check out July Diaz’s podcast “Inside Video Games Classic!” Follow @j9_hogan for Janine’s upcoming live shows!

Please rate and review us on Apple Podcasts! Follow @totallyrad1996 on IG and Twitter for video content! is our email!

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