Hello darkness my old friend-Ep#-142

Episode 142
30m | Feb 24, 2023

In today's episode, I talk about:

(So I recorded this in the car while driving and turns out that the audio was messed up a little bit. I tried to fix it as much as I can but wanted to apologize in advance. Ill try to fix this issue ASAP)

Why I have been absent for the last few months. SMDH I seriously didn't realize that it has been a long that I have not done a podcast for this long. BUT unfortunately, I slipped down that old rabbit hole of depression and it's probably the hardest it has hit me in a very long time. Before I even knew it the days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and now here I am asking what in the hell happened. Just when I thought I had this part of me beaten it showed its ugly head and consumed me once again. Fortunately, I was able to finally snap out of it and hopefully will continue with the podcasts. I may not be so full throttle as before and doing so many through the week because I started school! In the midst of all that darkness, there was light at the end of the tunnel, and am pursuing a different career path that I never thought I'd take. Im just as surprised as I'm sure yall will be. Thanks to all the love, Support and concern while I was gone and especially to the ones that have been patiently waiting for me to come back, and HELLO to the new pack members that have joined us and have started listening.

If I have helped you in any way and you would like to help support what I do then please go to my Patreon page and become a supporter with this link.

ORRRR if money isn't the way you want to help support, let's exchange value for value. Like, subscribe, and share the Facebook group, the YouTube channel, and the podcast.

ORRRRRR you could always just email me and tell me how I've helped you in any way and just tell me I'm doing great!!! lol, we all can use some reassurance, so send me a message or comment or email me to tell me I am making a difference and I'm not doing this all for nothing!! thank you.

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YANAs-Wolf Pack (You Are Not Alone)