Empowerment Alchemy: a Conversation with Nicole Majik

50m | May 29, 2024

So much of what I am about, I have come to in searching for the connections between systems and overlaps and lens to look at the world. It’s at the intersections of these where I find the true transformative power lies. Psychology and science and metaphysics; alchemy and energy; quantum physics and everything else. My guest today used to be a chemist. It came up in our first conversation. Why do I bring that up now? Because she speaks to these kinds of intersections, and has, in fact, been trained in them. Where one system bridges into another and leads to something perhaps completely new. I’m looking forward to our conversation and you are invited to join us! 

Nicole Majik is known as the Empowerment Alchemist. She is an accomplished leadership and empowerment strategist and educator with a diverse background in Biology, Chemistry, Metaphysics, and Finance. She has overcome many adversities in life including severe mercury poisoning while being the sole provider for her family. She is a mom of 4! Nicole has appeared on radio shows, local TV, as a keynote speaker for international conferences, and has even appeared on the Travel Channel.

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