• 9. The new generation of UFOs


    9m - Feb 12, 2024
  • 8. The AI - Alien Theory

    The AI-Alien Theory is a speculative concept suggesting a potential connection between advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and extraterrestrial beings. This theory explores the idea that highly sophisticated AI could have extraterrestrial origins or could even be a product of collaboration between humans and alien entities. Proponents of this theory often cite the exponential growth of AI capabilities, hypothesizing that its rapid advancement might have origins beyond human innovation. While largely speculative and lacking empirical evidence, the AI-Alien Theory sparks curiosity and contemplation about the potential intersections between AI development and the mysteries of the cosmos.

    8m - Dec 18, 2023
  • 7. The Therac Disaster

    The Therac-25 machine accidents refer to a series of tragic incidents involving a medical radiation therapy machine called the Therac-25 in the 1980s and early 1990s. The Therac-25 was designed to deliver precise radiation doses to cancer patients to treat tumors. However, a combination of software and hardware flaws in the machine's design led to catastrophic consequences.

    The accidents occurred due to a software-related issue known as a "race condition," where multiple software processes in the machine could overlap and cause dangerous overdoses of radiation to patients. This software flaw, combined with inadequate hardware safety interlocks, allowed lethal radiation doses to be administered to patients.

    Several patients suffered severe injuries, including burns and radiation poisoning, as a result of these accidents. Some patients even lost their lives. Investigations into the Therac-25 accidents revealed the critical importance of thorough testing, software quality control, and proper safety mechanisms in medical equipment.

    These incidents had a significant impact on the field of medical device regulation and the importance of safety in software development for medical applications. They serve as a cautionary tale about the potential dangers of inadequate design, testing, and quality control in critical healthcare technology.

    S1E7 - 15m - Sep 27, 2023
  • 6. The haunted urban ledgends


    7m - Jul 15, 2023
  • 5. The Titan Disaster


    11m - Jul 7, 2023
  • 4. The RockWood Incident - Aliean Encounters

    The most important and detailed UFO sighting ever recorded in Sri Lanka was reported 41 years ago in 1971. Mr. Pearl Abeywickrama observed and photographed a UFO that is considered the best detailed and plausible depiction of a UFO ever seen.

    S1E4 - 11m - Jun 10, 2023
  • 3. Haunted World Trade Center & Creepy SLT Telecom Territory

    Visit the haunted Sri Lankan Telecom Head Office to experience the eerie atmosphere.

    9m - Jun 3, 2023
  • 2. 2012 | Episode 2

    In 2012, Sri Lanka experienced a series of mysterious and unexplained sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The first reported sighting was in Bandarawela, where a bright light was spotted moving slowly in the night sky. It was around the size of a football field and had several lights on its surface. The Sri Lankan government did not issue any official statement on the matter. The 2012 UFO sightings in Sri Lanka were reported in different parts of the country, including Polonnaruwa, Gampaha, and Colombo.

    In Polonnaruwa, school children reported seeing a strange object in the sky, which they claimed was silver in color and had flashing lights. The sightings left a lasting impact on the people of Sri Lanka and fueled their curiosity about the unknown.

    S1E2 - 8m - Jun 3, 2023
  • 1.Halloween S1 | E1 | Unexplainable

    Happy Halloween 🎃 🧛‍♂️🧙‍♀️❤🍬🍫

    S1E1 - 9m - Oct 31, 2021
  • First Look | Unexplainable

    Unexplainable is a Flitz Original Documentary Series About Unexplainable events.

    S1 - 1m - Oct 6, 2021
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