• Marconi Murders - The Early Deaths

    Welcome back, to True Crime Tuesday.

    In this gripping episode, we delve into the mysterious deaths of Marconi engineers Vimal Dajibhai and Arshad Sharif. Uncover the eerie coincidences between their tragic demises and explore theories ranging from intense workplace pressure to industrial espionage. Were these deaths suicides, accidents, or something more sinister? Join us as we investigate the unsettling patterns and secrets surrounding their work in highly classified defence projects. Tune in for a deep dive into one of the most perplexing chapters in defence industry history.

    Don't forget to join our Patreon and get early ad free releases, you can also gain access to "Cold Case" a Patreon only podcast looking at the most famous unsolved crimes in history.

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    S1E2 - 33m - Jul 1, 2024
  • Marconi Murders- The Enigma Begins

    Welcome, to True Crime Tuesday.

    For our debut season, we take a ten part look at something which many have labelled a conspiracy theory, the so called “Marconi Murders”. But there comes a point where, to use a quote, we begin “stretching coincidence too far”.

    Its evident something doesn’t add up in this case, over 20 apparent "suicides", some later reviewed and marked as an Open Verdict and the only truth we know, is that it gets more bizarre, and more surreal as the episodes continue, indeed, the quote used above comes from next weeks episode.

    Stay safe,


    Sign up to our Patreon and receive early add free releases of all our shows, plus a bi-weekly Patreon only podcast “Cold Case” where we look at some of the most famous unsolved crimes in history. We’ve already covered the likes of The Black Dhalia, DB Cooper, and this coming Sunday we look in to the murder of Tupac Shakur.

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    S1E1 - 30m - Jun 24, 2024
  • Robert Lee Yates: The Grocery Bag Killer

    Welcome back, to The Deadly Countdown.

    Today in our Season Finale we have a very special announcement, and then we proceed to move on to look at our final case, that of Robert Lee Yates Jnr, otherwise known ad “The Grocery Bag Killer” for the macabre way he would utilise this everyday object to both hinder investigations, and degrade his victims.

    Joining our Patreon team not only gives you early Ad-Free access to all of our episodes, but it can also give you access to the Patreon only podcast, Cold Case. Cold Case releases fortnightly, even on the down time between seasons. Covering topics never heard on the main feed. Simply head over to:


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    33m - May 30, 2024
  • Katherine Knight: An Australian Monster

    Welcome back, to The Deadly Countdown.

    Today we take a look at the horrifying case of Katherine Knight. A woman, who arguably thanks to her troubled upbringing, became a history maker for the most disgusting reasons. This case brings home not only the plight of the domestically abused, but the role gender plays in both our perception and level of shock we have dependent on who abused who.

    Joining our Patreon team not only gives you early Ad-Free access to all of our episodes, but it can also give you access to the Patreon only podcast, Cold Case. Cold Case releases fortnightly, even on the down time between seasons. Covering topics never heard on the main feed. Simply head over to:


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    34m - May 23, 2024
  • The Richardson Family Murders: Too Much, Too Young.

    Welcome back, to The Deadly Countdown.

    Today we take a look at a case which defies belief. A case where a 23 year old man, and his 12 year old…girlfriend, decide that the only thing stopping them being together is the young girls meddling parents. Therefore, in the belief he is a 300 year old werewolf (seriously), the 23 year old man, together with the 12 year old girl, concoct a plan to remove the obstacle to their alleged love.

    Joining our Patreon team not only gives you early Ad-Free access to all of our episodes, but it can also give you access to the Patreon only podcast, Cold Case. Cold Case releases fortnightly, even on the down time between seasons. Covering topics never heard on the main feed. Simply head over to:


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    32m - May 16, 2024
  • Casey Anthony: Truth, Lies & Consequences

    Welcome back, to The Deadly Countdown.

    Today we delve in to one of the most publicly watched, discussed and debated trials of recent history. The death of 2 year old Caylee Anthony, and the questions and bizarre facts which seeped out of this case as her own mother, Casey Anthony, faced the charge of her daughters murder.

    Joining our Patreon team not only gives you early Ad-Free access to all of our episodes, but it can also give you access to the Patreon only podcast, Cold Case. Cold Case releases fortnightly, even on the down time between seasons. Covering topics never heard on the main feed. Simply head over to:


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    30m - May 9, 2024
  • Dennis Nilsen - London's Nefarious Serial Killer

    Welcome back, to The Deadly Countdown.

    Today we take a look at one of the most infamous serial killers in British history, that of Dennis Nilsen.

    This case shows how the “unassuming” amongst us may well be the ones to look out for, the phrase “it’s always the quiet ones” has never been more apt to describe the utter horror of the acts committed by the now deceased Nilsen.

    Joining our Patreon team not only gives you early Ad-Free access to all of our episodes, but it can also give you access to the Patreon only podcast, Cold Case. Cold Case releases fortnightly, even on the down time between seasons. Covering topics never heard on the main feed. Simply head over to:


    Reporter Interview


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    32m - May 2, 2024
  • Anthony Templet - A Panicked Patricide

    Welcome back, to The Deadly Countdown.

    Today we dive into a haunting case of patricide, and take a look at what causes a mild mannered introverted teenager to shoot his own father dead? How this ends throws up many questions such as how custody hearings are carried out, right through to how to decide between premeditated and “heat of the moment” murders, and where does the right to defend yourself stop?...or even begin?

    Joining our Patreon team not only gives you early Ad-Free access to all of our episodes, but it can also give you access to the Patreon only podcast, Cold Case. Cold Case releases fortnightly, even on the down time between seasons. Covering topics never heard on the main feed. Simply head over to:


    911 Call

    ‘I Just Killed My Dad’ | Anthony Templet 911 Call - YouTube

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    33m - Apr 25, 2024
  • Gypsy Rose Blanchard - Daughter Of Despair

    Welcome back, to The Deadly Countdown.

    Today we discuss one of the most profound, disturbing, and quite frankly borderline unbelievable case of Gypsy Rose Blanchard. A case such as this truly exposes the potential impact of undiagnosed and untreated mental health conditions, and how, almost like dominoes, that impact can affect generation after generation. We look at the blurred lines between defence and premeditated attack, although written down that seems rather black and white, as we’ll discover, nothing ever truly is.

    Joining our Patreon team not only gives you early Ad-Free access to all of our episodes, but it can also give you access to the Patreon only podcast, Cold Case. Cold Case releases fortnightly, even on the down time between seasons. Covering topics never heard on the main feed. Simply head over to:


    Houston News Clip:


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    32m - Apr 18, 2024
  • Roberto Calvi - Gods Banker

    Welcome back, to The Deadly Countdown.

    Today we take a deep dive in to the suicide turned murder of a man with so much financial influence, he earned himself the moniker “Gods Banker”. For episode 3, we take a close look at the life, death, connections and enemies of one of the most mysterious and shadowy Italian figures, the one and only Roberto Calvi.

    Joining our Patreon team not only gives you early Ad-Free access to all of our episodes, but it can also give you access to the Patreon only podcast, Cold Case. Cold Case releases fortnightly, even on the down time between seasons. Covering topics never heard on the main feed. Simply head over to:


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    31m - Apr 11, 2024
  • Dr David Kelly - The Man Who Knew Too Much

    Welcome back, to The Deadly Countdown.

    Today we look at one of the most insidious alleged crimes we will possibly look at. Not because of any gore, or terror, but because the apparent players in the game are the very people we not only pay our taxes to, but also vote in to office, the Government itself.

    Joining our Patreon team not only gives you early Ad-Free access to all of our episodes, but it can also give you access to the Patreon only podcast, Cold Case. Cold Case releases fortnightly, even on the down time between seasons. Covering topics never heard on the main feed. Simply head over to:


    ITN News Clip:


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    35m - Apr 4, 2024
  • Juan Corona - The Orchard Reaper

    Welcome back, to The Deadly Countdown.

    On our Season 3 debut, we introduce you not only to a new, more laid-back format, but also to the ghastly deeds of one Juan Corona – The Orchard Reaper. There are so many human narratives that fit in to both killer and victim it was hard to summarise, from the expected awful upbringings to the willingness to show gumption from a migrant worker. One thing is undeniable, 25 men, simply looking for a better life, had that life taken away from them in the most callous fashion.

    Joining our Patreon team not only gives you early Ad-Free access to all of our episodes, but it can also give you access to the Patreon only podcast, Cold Case. Cold Case releases fortnightly, even on the down time between seasons. Covering topics never heard on the main feed. Simply head over to:


    CBS 13 News Clip:


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    31m - Mar 29, 2024
  • Aileen Wuornos - Damsel of Death

    Welcome back, to The Deadly Countdown.

    On our Season 2 Finale, we take a deep dive in to the upbringing, turbulence, and eventual crime spree of non-other than Aileen Wuornos – Damsel of Death. There is so much to unpack in this case it’s untrue. From the judicial systems action, or inaction on both gender and mental health, to the sometimes thin line between victim and perpetrator.

    Joining our Patreon team not only gives you early Ad-Free access to all of our episodes, it can also give you access to the Patreon only podcast, Cold Case. Cold Case releases fortnightly, even on the down time between seasons. Covering topics never heard on the main feed. Simply head over to:


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    31m - Mar 8, 2024
  • Jennifer Pan - Killers For Hire

    Welcome back, to The Deadly Countdown.

    On our penultimate episode of Season 2, we take a look at the crime of Jennifer Pan, an individual who hired people to assault and murder her parents in order, she claims, to escape their strict parenting. However separating fact from fiction proved to be a tough task for those involved.

    Joining our Patreon team not only gives you early Ad-Free access to all of our episodes, it can also give you access to the Patreon only podcast, Cold Case. Cold Case releases fortnightly, even on the down time between seasons. Covering topics never heard on the main feed. Simply head over to:


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    31m - Mar 1, 2024
  • Albert Fish - The Vampire of Brooklyn

    Welcome back, to The Deadly Countdown.

    On Episode 8, we dive in to the timelines of a criminal who cause a complete overhaul of how crimes committed by the mentally ill should be dealt with. Yet again, when faced with “Insanity” pleas, its often the actions both prior and post event which determine the outcome. One thing is for sure, although Albert Fish was only sentenced for one, single murder, by his own admission, the disappearance of hundreds of unaccounted for children, may be down to “The Vampire of Brooklyn”.

    Joining our Patreon team not only gives you early Ad-Free access to all of our episodes, it can also give you access to the Patreon only podcast, Cold Case. Cold Case releases fortnightly, even on the down time between seasons. Covering topics never heard on the main feed. Simply head over to:


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    31m - Feb 23, 2024
  • Sharon Tate - Death Of An Era

    Welcome back, to The Deadly Countdown.

    On Episode 7, we take a dive in to a literal cultural icon, or more succinctly, her horrific murder at the hands of one of the most infamous crime “families” in history, that, of The Manson Family. This is the story of Sharon Tate, an aspiring actress and expectant mother, brutally slaughtered due to one man’s crazed delusions.

    Joining our Patreon team not only gives you early Ad-Free access to all of our episodes, it can also give you access to the Patreon only podcast, Cold Case. Cold Case releases fortnightly, even on the down time between seasons. Covering topics never heard on the main feed. Simply head over to:


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    30m - Feb 16, 2024
  • David Berkowitz - The Son of Sam

    Welcome back, to The Deadly Countdown.

    On Episode 6, we move in to the second half of the season with a close look at one of the most bizarre murderers history has ever provided, none other than David Berkowitz – The Son of Sam. What made this young man from an apparent loving home become so deranged they believed the were taking commands from demons? And, more pressingly, did he act alone? Or are there more “Son’s” out there right now?

    Joining our Patreon team not only gives you early Ad-Free access to all of our episodes, it can also give you access to the Patreon only podcast, Cold Case. Cold Case releases fortnightly, even on the down time between seasons. Covering topics never heard on the main feed. Simply head over to:


    Son of Sam Clip:


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    31m - Feb 9, 2024
  • Richard Ramirez - "The Nightstalker"

    Welcome back, to The Deadly Countdown.

    On Episode 5, we hit the midpoint mark of Season 2, and do it by taking a close look at one of the most requested cases in history, yes, today, we delve in to the min, life and crimes of none other than Richard Ramirez – “The Night Stalker”

    Joining our Patreon team not only gives you early Ad-Free access to all of our episodes, it can also give you access to the Patreon only podcast, Cold Case. Cold Case releases fortnightly, even on the down time between seasons. Covering topics never heard on the main feed. Simply head over to:


    Night Stalker Clip:


    Son of Sam Clip:


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    32m - Feb 2, 2024
  • Harold Shipman - The Doctor Of Death

    Welcome back, to The Deadly Countdown.

    Episode 4 finds us taking a deep dive in to the world of someone who is believed to be one of the most prolific serial killers ever known, with a suspected 250+ victims, the man dubbed “The Doctor of Death” – Harold Shipman.

    Joining our Patreon team not only gives you early Ad-Free access to all of our episodes, it can also give you access to the Patreon only podcast, Cold Case. Cold Case releases fortnightly, even on the down time between seasons. Covering topics never heard on the main feed. Simply head over to:


    BBC NW Tonight Clip:


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    30m - Jan 26, 2024
  • Patreon Exclusive: Cold Case: "The Sodder Children"

    Welcome back, to The Deadly Countdown.

    Today we give you a sneak peek at the podcast our Patreons receive fortnightly, "Cold Case" where we look at some of the most famous unsolved cases.

    On this episode, we take a look at one of the clearest cover-ups of a criminal act in history, that of the disappearance of the Sodder Children. What causes almost an entire community to act in unison against one particular family? Or, is it as they say, simply a case of an electrical fault causing an awful family tragedy?

    You can join our Patreon, and receive Cold Case each fortnight by heading over to:


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    25m - Jan 19, 2024
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