Ep 23 Tiarnie Vidler

1h 7m | Feb 10, 2024

In this chat we dive into all things astrology and the happenings of 2024. 

  • We cover the various aspects happening early 2024 
  • Which signs will be most strongly affected by the shift from Pluto into Aquarius 
  • When the age of Aquarius really begins 
  • The year of the Dragon 
  • The North and South Node shifts
  • How the the practice of devotion and discipline are really going to support us in using this year as a set up for the next 2 decades 
  • The things to mentally, physicallly and energetically mindful of

+ so much more. 

A little about Tiarnie:

For 20’s years Tiarnie has been fiercely curating, creating and mastering her own world. Astrology is her cosmic language, and with many many tools in her toolkit, she believe self awareness, self sovereignty and authenticity are the pillars of self mastery.

She leans into life, every facet of it's messiness and glory. Her medicine is her, nothing more, nothing less. 

You can find this magical human over on:

Instagram: Tiarnietalks 


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