EP-74 REV UP YOUR METABOLISM & YOUR LIFE | Tiffani Talks with Derek Newborn

Season 2 | Episode 74
26m | Aug 16, 2023

After being named one of Florida's “Top Personal Trainers”, Derek Newborn became a published fitness model. The more attention he received, the more self-destructive he became in every aspect of my life.

He’s now a Health & Wellness Coach helping women emotionally to be more successful in their mental and physical health journey!

After being named one of Florida's “Top Personal Trainers”, I became a published fitness model. The more attention I received, the more self-destructive I became in every aspect of my life. This is what led to my version of rock bottom. I attempted suicide multiple times and had become a full blown narcissist. After accepting the nightmare that I had become, instead of killing myself, I dedicated my life to killing that version of me. I now help victims of narcissists gain back control in their own lives through This guide was created to help men avoid the common pitfalls that can lead to extreme narcissism while teaching others how to avoid falling into relationships with narcissists. I've been a teenage father, a construction worker, a personal trainer, a fitness model, and a business owner. I've also been a liar, a cheater, a back stabber, and a narcissist. Through my trials, tribulations, and downfalls I’ve learned that it’s never too late to turn your life around. My ultimate goal in creating this program is to help others live every aspect of their life at the highest level, while being able to avoid the costly pitfalls of our modern society.

CTA: Connect on Instagram for a LIVE connection: @DNewborn

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Tiffani Talks Health & Wellness Podcast