• Ilona Ciunaite

    In this episode I chat with Ilona Ciunaite as she shares her incredible journey from feeling lost and incomplete to finding clarity, ease, and lightness. Ilona's life changed dramatically after a profound experience that led her to question everything and embark on a quest for a new way of seeing reality. Through years of exploration, she developed a method called 'Deep Looking' to help others achieve the same transformation.

    Join us as Ilona reveals how you can shift from a sense of separateness to experiencing oneness with all existence. Discover the tools and insights that guided her to inner peace and learn how they can help you too.

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    S1E26 - 1h 4m - May 14, 2024
  • Walter Driscoll

    Join Walter Driscoll and myself on this episode where we talk Non duality and the process and failings involved.

    Visit our website www.thediscardedcompass.com

    Buy us a coffee to keep the show on the road. Much appreciated. https://ko-fi.com/thediscardedcompass 

    email Walter walterdriscollnonduality@gmail.com

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/thediscardedcompass/donations
    S1E25 - 1h 14m - Jul 10, 2023
  • Tom Das


    We hope you enjoy this insightful and different Non Duality perspective from Tom Das. I really enjoyed our chat.

    About Tom:

    From an early age, he was exposed to practices such as aikido, yoga, and

    meditation, which instilled a sense of spiritual curiosity in him.

    As he grew older, he discovered the teachings of Jesus, Swami Vivekananda, and Jiddu Krishnamurti, which sparked a deep interest in the direct experience of God. He immersed himself in spiritual texts, devouring works on Buddhism, Zen, Taoism, Mystic Christianity, Vedanta, and Dzogchen.

    Despite pursuing a career in science and mathematics, his spiritual journey remained a priority, leading him to explore and seek answers for over 15-20 years. Along the way, he discovered Sri Ramana Maharshi, whose teachings resonated with him on a deep level and sparked a sense of overwhelming love and devotion.

    Contact Tom via his website.


    Buy us a coffee to keep the show on the road. Much appreciated. https://ko-fi.com/thediscardedcompass 

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/thediscardedcompass/donations
    E24 - 1h 20m - Mar 20, 2023
  • Gilad Karni

    Gilad Karni

    We hope you enjoy this insightful and different Non Duality perspective from Gilad Karni. I really enjoyed our chat.

    Contact glad via his website.


    About Gilad

    Like any living being, “I” am an ever-present being that is not separated by individual perspective, even though it seems to be. The nature of Self is oneness. The nature of Self is ever-present. The nature of Self eternal joy and freedom. All social problems, from the individual level to the global level, are rooted in misunderstanding our true Self and believing in the false sense of separation. My work is in dissolving the mind's false sense of separation and limitation and facilitating the truest expression of Self from the person I am with, bringing unity of Self, business, leadership, and society in alignment with the oneness of our nature.

    Buy us a coffee to keep the show on the road. Much appreciated.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/thediscardedcompass/donations
    S2E23 - 1h 15m - Dec 18, 2022
  • Louise Kay

    Through the practice of Embodied Awareness you can awaken to your True self, discover your purpose and live a fulfilled life of joy, passion and creative expression.

    Louise's gentle approach to spiritual awakening and integration supports the process of disidentification from a conceptual self, as well as the release of unconscious beliefs and conditioned behaviours and the integration of repressed emotions and energies in the body.


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    Thank You.

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    S1E22 - 1h 9m - Nov 28, 2022
  • Rose Marjin

    Rose is the writer of the book 'wondrously free'. She lives in Amsterdam with her husband. She is giving (zoom)meetings about Non Duality in Holland and all over the world.

    Some links: website: www.rosemarijnroes.nl  

    YouTube-channel :


    Join our Facebook Fan Page https://www.facebook.com/The-Discarde...

    If you can please buy us a coffee to keep us fuelled and subscribe to keep us busy.

    Thank You.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/thediscardedcompass/donations
    S1E21 - 1h 6m - Nov 15, 2022
  • Sabine Nowhere

    From Melbourne, Australia. Traveling around Europe atm.

    Just ordinary being living naturally like any animal since 2013-2014.

    Edited Bob Adamson's talk with help of Trevor Long of 'Ozark' and turned it into a booklet named Awareness of Being is Stillness, available on my website. Recommending John Wheeler's talks available on my channel as it has been reported that it has helped many.

    YouTube channel Sabine NowHere or https://youtube.com/c/ SabineHNonDualityDownUnder

    and the website:


    Join our Facebook Fan Page https://www.facebook.com/The-Discarde...

    If you can please buy us a coffee to keep us fuelled and subscribe to keep us

    busy. Thank You. Ko-fi.com/thediscardedcompass 

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/thediscardedcompass/donations
    S1E20 - 1h 33m - Oct 11, 2022
  • Eric Putkonen

    Eric Putkonen is an writer and speaker about nonduality, enlightenment, and living awake & engaged. He awoke in November 2005 and speaks from his direct experience and insights. He enjoys speaking about the related topics of being present, self-inquiry, the end of suffering, silence of mind, stillness, effortlessness, love, truth, harmony, unity, and more! He is known for his down- to-earth and straightforward style and for making the subject matter clear, plain, and practical (i.e. simplified).

    Erics Website : https://sites.google.com/view/ericputkonen/home

    Join our Facebook Fan Page https://www.facebook.com/The-Discarde...

    If you can please buy us a coffee to keep us fuelled and subscribe to keep us busy. Thank You.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/thediscardedcompass/donations
    S1E19 - 1h 9m - Aug 12, 2022
  • David Hoffmeister

    Mystic David Hoffmeister is a living demonstration that peace is possible. His gentle demeanor and articulate, non-compromising expression are a gift to all. David Hoffmeister is world-renowned for his practical teachings about spiritual awakening. His clarity about the function of forgiveness and his radical use of mindful movie-watching in the release of judgment is unsurpassed. The purity of the message he shares points directly to the Source.

    Davids website > https://davidhoffmeister.com

    If you can please buy us a coffee to keep us fuelled and subscribe to keep us busy. Thank You.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/thediscardedcompass/donations
    S1E18 - 1h 6m - Jul 27, 2022
  • Anna Brown

    In this delightful uncompromising interview Anna Brown talks about her way of seeing and how she embraces and integrates this into an authentic way of life.

    Anna is just a sweet friend that LOVES celebrating and reminding One that they are already home and in Paradise, only forgetting. Seemingly.

    Anna's website where you can contact her and also enquire about one to one sessions and meetings


    Please buy us a coffee and subscribe to keep us fuelled and busy.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/thediscardedcompass/donations
    S1E17 - 51m - Jul 18, 2022
  • Joan Tollifson

    Please donate with a coffee to help keep the show going. Thank You !


    is a writer and lifelong explorer of what is. Her background includes Buddhism, Advaita, nontraditional meditative inquiry, radical nonduality, martial arts, somatic work, addiction recovery, political activism, visual arts, and a devotion to both boundless presence and the beauty of the ordinary. Joan has held public and private meetings as well as occasional workshops and retreats since 1996. She encourages people to question the stories, beliefs and misunderstandings that create so much of our human suffering, especially our tendency to mistake conceptual maps for the living actuality. Her bare-bones approach is open, direct, down-to-earth, and rooted in the ever-fresh aliveness of presence-awareness. Rather than relying on outside authorities, traditional ideas, acquired knowledge or beliefs, this is about direct, firsthand, present experience.

    Joans website. https://www.joantollifson.com/ 

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/thediscardedcompass/donations
    S1E16 - 52m - Jul 7, 2022
  • Paul Hedderman

    Please donate with a coffee to help keep the show going. Thank You !


    Paul has been involved in seeing what we're not - non-duality and recovery -for 33 years.

    His talks are uncompromising, direct and pointed towards your authentic self.

    Pauls way of pointing is unique and spontaneous, a rarity found in a select few.

    You can find more on his website






    Please subscribe for more interviews coming soon and hit the notification bell. Also contact us for more info at thediscardedcompass@gmail.com

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/thediscardedcompass/donations
    S1E15 - 1h 3m - Apr 14, 2022
  • Hale Dwoskin

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    Hale Dwoskin is the New York Times best-selling author of The Sedona

    Method, and is featured in the movie, Letting Go. He is the founder of Sedona

    Training Associates, an organization that teaches courses based on the

    emotional releasing techniques inspired by his mentor, Lester Levenson. Hale is

    an international speaker and featured faculty member at Esalen and the Omega

    Institute. He is also one of the 24 featured teachers of the book and movie

    phenomenon, The Secret, as well as a founding member of The

    Transformational Leadership Council. For over three decades, he has regularly

    been teaching The Sedona Method to individuals and corporations throughout

    the United States and the United Kingdom, and has been leading coach

    trainings and advanced retreats since the early 1990s. He is also the co-author

    with Lester Levenson of Happiness Is Free: And It’s Easier Than You Think! (a

    five-book series).

    Hale’s website link : https://www.sedona.com

    Offer for TDC viewers https://www.sedona.com/compass





    Please subscribe for more interviews coming soon and hit the notification bell. Also contact us for more info at thediscardedcompass@gmail.com

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/thediscardedcompass/donations
    S1E14 - 1h 14m - Apr 12, 2022
  • Andreas Muller

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    In this Discarded Compass interview John talks with Andreas about his spiritual awakening after a meeting with Tony Parsons.

    Andreas gives insights into pre awakening and talks an uncompromising message that leaves you with being and the mystery of everything and nothing being simply this… what’s apparently happening for no one.

    Andreas’s books:

    One seeing one knowing one heart 


    You will never be free


    No Thing , Ungraspable Freedom


    No Point Perspective


    Andreas’s website 


    Subscribe and hit the notification bell for more !!

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/thediscardedcompass/donations
    S1E13 - 1h 15m - Feb 16, 2022
  • Benjamin Smythe

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    Please subscribe for more interviews coming soon and hit the notification bell. Also contact us for more info at thediscardedcompass@gmail.com

    Join John as he talks with Benjamin Smythe about THIS which cannot be described and the his unique experiences of life from his own perspective.

    Ben talks about his life dealing with mental illness and awakening.

    His journey as told by no one.

    It's a quirky interview and we are sure you will like it.

    You can email Ben here: thejacksaturday@gmail.com

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/thediscardedcompass/donations
    S1E12 - 1h 17m - Feb 10, 2022
  • Ariana Reflects

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    Ariana sees the personal self moving through a journey called time/space is a dream. All there is, is absolutely nothing appearing as everything. It’s completely unbelievable and unknowable.

    This communication is not a belief system or a teaching. It is not about logic or mental understanding. This communication is completely energetic and the words can resonate.





    Please subscribe for more interviews coming soon and hit the notification bell. Also contact us for more info at thediscardedcompass@gmail.com

    To join Ariana’s online group zoom meetings, email arianasmeetings@gmail.com and ask to join the mailing list.

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/thediscardedcompass/donations
    S1E11 - 53m - Dec 2, 2021
  • Mandi Solk

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    Join John as he talks to Mandi about her awakening after a horrific accident and her spiritual life at present, which includes mentoring and also Halo Reading details here:


    Mandi Solk is from the UK. Throughout many years of Spiritual discovery which included Christian Science, Taoism, Zen, Buddhism, Non-duality and ACIM and mysticism, and my own death experiences through accidents and illness in this present lifetime - which gave me the experience of a love beyond this world, there has been gradual awakenings, interspersed with a few sudden shifts, which led me to write a little book in 2006 called: ‘The Joy of No Self’ which seemed to effortlessly write itself.


    Mandi Solk

    Email: mandi.solk@sky.com

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/thediscardedcompass/donations
    S1E10 - 1h 23m - Oct 11, 2021
  • Tim Freke

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    In this episode Tim talks with John about his vision for Unividualism and the new integration of old style teachings with a new way of living and integrating awakening.

    Tim Freke is a pioneering philosopher whose bestselling books, inspirational talks, and life-changing events have touched the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

    He is Winner of ‘MBS Writer of the Year Award’ 2020, Kindred Spirit magazine, and one of ‘The 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People’ on the 2020 list in Watkins Magazine (# 50)

    He is the author of 35 books, translated into 15 languages, including a top 6 Amazon ‘Surprise Bestseller’ and Daily Telegraph ‘Book of the Year’ 

    He has been exploring spirituality since a spontaneous awakening when he was 12 years old.

    In his latest books, ‘Deep Awake’ and ‘Soul Story’, Tim offers a revolutionary approach to awakening for the 21st century and a visionary new understanding of the nature of reality.

    Tim is the creator of Unividualism: A Deeper Way of Living and the founder of The International Community of Unividuals, which combines evolutionary science and deep spirituality to offer a visionary new understanding of the nature of reality and the purpose of life

    He leads experiential Deep Awakening retreats internationally

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    S1E9 - 1h 1m - Oct 8, 2021
  • Naho Owada

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    In this interview the delightful Naho Owada talks with John about her awakening and some very interesting non duality pointers.

    Naho Owada website


    It was before the age of one when Naho sensed that humanity, this world, was not a comfortable place. Her mother told her that she first noticed Naho’s experience of the world while she was in her baby seat. Naho appeared to be in shock. She said that often her eyes would be wide and moving from left to right, as if she were seeing evil or in terror. Naho was very tense.

    Somewhere around the age of three, there was a natural sense that saw clearly the loneliness or suffering underneath all humans. Naho could see in the faces that there was something hiding, an unease underneath the smile. Naho was always feeling uncomfortable.

    By the time Naho turned five, she asked her mother why she had to continue to live.

    It was in her teen years that Naho began her deep search in finding the cause of the uncomfortableness, of which she never found. Around the age of 20, Naho realized she would not find the answer where she was looking. She didn’t experience any tragedies in her life and therefore knew that it was not the story of the life that was causing her suffering.

    At the age of 25, she met a man who had had an experience of this. He told her that the cause of suffering was the phantom self. She began to see that wherever she went, there she would be. It seemed to be following her; this ‘I’. She couldn’t escape the self that seemed to be having such uncomfortableness. It was from there that she knew she found the answer she was searching for.

    It became evident that everyone is born with a sense of lack that comes from apparent separation--but this has nothing to do with the story of their apparent life. People try to find the answer in their storyline and that is because they think if they change the story, it will bring them happiness. That isn't true. That will only bring relief for a short period of time. It began to be obvious that the person we believe our ‘self’ to be, is a complete illusion.

    Soon thereafter, there came an apparent moment (while on her way to the organic supermarket) that the illusion completely vanished. What was left is everything, without a center.

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    S1E8 - 1h 7m - Sep 18, 2021
  • Richard Sylvester & Dawn Garland

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    In this episode we have a delightful and insightful conversation with

    Richard Sylvester and Dawn Garland.

    Richard Sylvester is a humanistic psychologist, lecturer and therapist. For many years he engaged with a variety of spiritual practices while also training in psycho therapeutic techniques and teaching counselling. Since 2004 he has been writing and speaking about non-duality.

    Dawn is a psychotherapist and currently starting to give spiritual talks.She has an amazing insightful story to tell.

    Richard is the author of five books. ‘Confessions Of A Seeker – adventures in spirituality, therapy and belief’ is about his seeking years. His books about non-duality are ‘I Hope You Die Soon’, ‘The Book Of No One’, ‘Drink Tea, Eat Cake’ and ‘Non-Duality Questions, Non-Duality Answers’. Richard holds meetings about non-duality regularly in London, and he has also spoken in Paris, Munich, Berlin, Prague and Tokyo.

    You can find out more at http://www.richardsylvester.com and on Richard’s Facebook page, and you can watch him on his YouTube channel .Dawn also talks about love of this and the intimacy of it in her life. She will have a website coming soon which you can keep an eye out for which is www.dawngarland.co.uk. You can contact Dawn through Richards web page and email.

    Please subscribe for more from us and if you would like to advertise or be on the show you can email us here at thediscardedcompass@gmail.com

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/thediscardedcompass/donations
    S1E7 - 1h 5m - Sep 2, 2021
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