Ep. 204 Womb Connection & Feminine Wisdom with Emily Felton

31m | Jan 10, 2022

Today on the show, Emily Felton joins Sarah to touch on the challenges of and transition into motherhood. A certified birth and postpartum doula, Emily speaks on her personal and professional experiences providing trauma informed healing through reiki, breathwork, and EFT. She shares how she’s living out her mission to educate and empower women so they feel fully supported as they move through these sacred transformations. Listen to learn about how she’s using holistic healing to guide women to trust their innate wisdom, tune into their bodies and their cycles as guides, and continue to honor their own needs as their identities shift and they too are reborn. Plus, learn how you can work with her 1:1 or join one of her sacred sisterhood groups. 

In this episode of The Uncensored Empath: 

  • How Emily’s son’s traumatic birth led to the healing work she does now
  • Supporting women while they transition into motherhood
  • How we’ve lost community and support for women during postpartum
  • Reducing shame around the struggles of early motherhood

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

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The Uncensored Empath