• Her Sacred Secret Place

    Her backdoor opens out onto the rooftop.

    And of an evening, she steps out of this world

    And into the otherworldly light

    That can only be found

    On rooftops.

    And she keeps it a secret,

    Lest her neighbors suggest

    That she entertain them there.

    But one day, she thinks

    That she will share it 

    With someone special.

    Until then, it is her private portal,

    Her sacred chamber, 

    Her hidden temple.

    And yet,

    I see her there

    From across the way

    And avert my eyes 

    From the sacred place

    Pretending not to notice.

    E470 - 0m - Jun 1, 2024
  • A Conversation With an Angel

    Come on. Let’s go.


    Out of all you know?


    Because it’s over?


    I don’t know.

    But I have bills to pay.

    I know.

    And a mortgage,

    A career, and dreams,

    And people who rely on me

    To negotiate our little piece of hell.

    I know. But it’s over. Let’s go.

    E469 - 0m - May 31, 2024
  • Because He Came

    Because He came

    We do not need to fight about it.

    Because He’s here,

    We can have peace.

    And it’s ok that some

    May be wrong about it.

    We will not resist evil, 

    As he said.

    But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. Matthew 5:39 

    E468 - 0m - May 30, 2024
  • The Desert of the Written Page

    If you count on books to quench your thirst for truth

    You will be always panting after something

    That is just beyond your reach.

    And the books will pile high.

    And you will grow old

    And die

    As you turn the leaf

    Of yet another volume.

    And it’s because the thing you seek is hiding.

    And only an unseen hand

    Can turn the key, 

    Unlock the mystery,

    Open the door to the thing you seek.

    And once it does, you’ll finally stop seeking it 

    Where it cannot be found. And it will well up inside of you

    A fountain of living water. And you will no longer thirst,

    No longer think that it is just around the next corner

    Or behind the next page as the case may be.

    E467 - 0m - May 29, 2024
  • What's Important?

    The hermit who hides himself in God

    Knows that what he does in silence 

    Is very important.

    E466 - 0m - May 28, 2024
  • The Prayer That Hurts

    The world will never become whole 

    So long as we pray for what we want.

    We must learn to pray for that which hurts.

    “O my Father, if it be possible,

    Let this cup pass from me:

    Nevertheless not as I will,

    But as thou wilt.”

    It appears that this is the example.

    And why? Because, while veiled in flesh,

    We do not know what is good for us or for the world.

    We have but two eyes, one life, one brain.

    And so we seek the will that is on high.

    And trust the eye that sees us all

    And the mind that knows

    What we can’t know.

    And this kind of prayer, the prayer of sacrifice

    Will change the world and turn it ‘round 

    Into a thing that looks like heaven.

    E465 - 0m - May 27, 2024
  • Roots

    The deeper I grow, the quieter it is,

    And the closer I am to home.

    I will dig, dig, down deep

    Toward the silent place

    And there, draw nourishment 

    With unnumbered tentacles

    To feed the leafy branches

    Light years away.

    And little will they know that it was me,

    That fed their best dreams of all that’s real.

    And I will sleep in silence

    As they praise the light

    And say, Oh God,

    How great! Oh God,

    How perfectly sublime,

    The message of our life 

    That unfolds day by day!

    And so I say to myself and God

    Dig, dig, down deep beneath it all.

    And let me disappear.

    That they may know

    You better.

    E464 - 0m - May 26, 2024
  • No Formulas

    Let go of everything you know

    And everything you think.

    There are no formulas

    Except to Hear Him.

    E463 - 0m - May 25, 2024
  • The Railroad Man

    The railroad man goes on and on,

    On and on goes the railroad man,

    From place to place 

    And on and on 

    He goes

    Without stopping.

    And without a home goes the railroad man

    The railroad man goes on without a home,

    Because his home is every place.

    Yes, every place is home to the railroad man.

    Can you understand it? Probably not.

    Because you’re not like that,

    Are you?

    But that doesn’t matter. 

    Because the heart of the railroad man 

    Is broad like every place.

    And in his heart 

    Is a home.

    Will you choose the home that’s in his heart?

    And let your heart travel far and wide 

    Upon the beating heart of the railroad man?

    If so, then truly you will travel far.

    And you’ll have a home

    In every place.

    A home in the heart of the railroad man.

    E462 - 1m - May 24, 2024
  • In Missouri

    It rained and rained last night,

    Great sheets of rain, nonstop.

    I am from the west,

    I am not used to that. 

    But I’ll adjust.

    I love how wet it is, and wonder,

    Will that last? The love of wetness,

    For a while at least. But for now

    It is so nice after so many years

    Of the mountain desert.

    E461 - 0m - May 23, 2024
  • Back to the Amish

    There is a little town and wholesome

    Where they’ve sworn off technology,

    And people love each other and God.

    I like it there. And if it weren’t for the call to wander,

    I might just stay. All the same, I wonder

    If I might just make it my home base,

    For a while at least, until it moves.

    Sure. Why not. I cannot find a better place,

    And though I have not forsaken my cell phone,

    I doubt that I will find a people so in keeping 

    With the simplicity of my soul.

    E460 - 0m - May 22, 2024
  • Reputation

    Reputation is nothing,

    For it is almost always tarnished

    In the service of transcendent good.

    So let them drag it through the mud,

    And content yourself 

    With the approval of immortals.

    E459 - 0m - May 21, 2024
  • The Factory Man

    The factory man goes to work each day

    To spite the fact that he knows it’s not enough,

    For the factory man is a family man.

    He wasn’t “smart enough”

    To refrain.

    And so he’s rich at home

    And poor when it comes to the bank.

    All the same, he keeps on going to work each day.

    And one by one the bottles pass his way.

    And he counts them and checks for mistakes,

    Day by day. The factory man. And that’s the story.

    There’s not that much to say. And yet, I cannot help

    But sing his refrain, for he is the mass of men, not the exception,

    To spite the fact that the movies don’t make it look that way.

    E458 - 0m - May 20, 2024
  • The Giant of the Great Rock Face

    The Giant of the Great Rock Face

    Sits nestled in between the tribes of the North

    And the tribes of the South

    As an ever-present reminder

    That war is not the way.

    And of a Sunday,

    The people of the surrounding towns

    Come and picnic in his shade.

    E457 - 0m - May 19, 2024
  • A Stopping Place

    I am stopped along my path - a place to wait. 

    A place to organize and ponder, to reflect.

    And the rain beats down.

    And I wonder,

    What will the summer bring?

    I once thought that I could plan my life.

    But, more and more, I relinquish my hold.

    I surrender to the road, to the path that leads my soul

    From place to place. And I don’t know what it means or where it goes.

    But somehow I trust the thing that’s coming

    Even though I have no idea what it is.

    E456 - 0m - May 18, 2024
  • Tucumcari

    There are potted flowers at the entrance of the supermarket

    An early sign of hopeful spring. And someone

    Is asked whether she still breeds the kind of pups

    That he once bought many years ago.

    She does not, “But call me,” she says.

    “Alexander has a dog that he’s thought of giving up.”

    And he says he will.

    And all along the upper half of the wall, there runs,

    Like a ribbon, the route of old Highway 66,

    With the cities listed one by one.

    And right in the middle of the line

    Sits Tucumcari, the almost proud little town

    Nestled nearly halfway along 

    The once-famous highway leading down

    From the windy city to the sandy beach of Santa Monica.

    And would you guess, that the people there are just like us?

    That’s how it seems anyhow. And I am grateful to have stopped.

    E455 - 1m - May 17, 2024
  • How We Get Paid

    Two things seem disconnected

    But are inseparably bound,

    Your creative work

    And your means of livelihood.

    The first is the way you serve the world,

    And the second is the way 

    The world repays you 

    For your generosity.

    E454 - 0m - May 16, 2024
  • He Walks Away in Silence

    He walks away in silence.

    He does not say a word at leaving.

    And ruin follows in His wake,

    Precious ruin.

    And it will claim all those

    Who wanted Him in the first place.

    E453 - 0m - May 15, 2024
  • The Dome of Heaven

    To refuse to be a victim

    And to refuse to victimize,

    It is a mystery for the man

    Who finds that he is worn out in the fighting.

    And how is it done? By walking away,

    And by not needing the things that they provide.

    Can you find safety without the need to enforce any laws?

    And can you find freedom without the need for an army?

    I have. And it follows me like the dome of heaven.

    E452 - 0m - May 14, 2024
  • Going Away to War

    He’s going away to war

    And I am walking away from war.

    And that’s ok. Good men go to war.

    Me too. I war within myself

    For the principles 

    That will free me from the need to go to war.

    It is the last frontier,

    It is the war 

    That, when men, finally, are willing to fight it,

    Will end all wars.

    E451 - 0m - May 13, 2024
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The Trackless Path