• How Refusing to Compromise Accelerates Business Growth

    ~ How Refusing to Compromise Accelerates Business Growth ~

    Today on the EWC podcast we dive into one of my favorite topics - refusing to compromise as the deepest act of love. We look at how my unwillingness to compromise even one inch of my vision produced a best-selling book as well as countless other manifestation of service and abundance in my business.

    You’re about to learn:

    ✨How to bring a greater level of consciousness to not compromising - and how this can uplevel your relationships, your business and your money

    ✨How to truly honor your own rhythms as a path to accelerated success

    ✨The story of how I went from cosmic download sessions of dream-sourced poetry to writing one of the most sought-after books on manifestation today

    Thank you so much for listening. If you loved this episode, you can go deeper by ordering your copy of my new book, Being Medicine, via this link (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CHNC2YS1). Make sure to subscribe to the podcast so you never miss a drop of this abundance goodness!


    Juliet xx

    26m - Nov 28, 2023
  • What My Daughter’s Near Death Experience Taught Me About Surrender

    What My Daughter’s Near Death Experience Taught Me About Surrender

    In today’s episode, I pull back the curtain on one of the most raw initiations I’ve ever gone through. I often say that building a magical AF, multi-million-dollar business was easy. And that’s true. Nearly losing my child and navigating a legal and medical system that shut me out as a parent - that qualified as hard. 

    You’re about to learn:

    • How poetry was the only way I could process the unprecedented level of emotion and stripping away of my identity that happened at that time.
    • The true nature of ‘karma’ and how skillfully absolving it can bring incredible levels of meaning and success - even in the most profoundly painful moments of life
    • How my daughter’s experience ended the trance we had fallen into as a family and served as a catalyst for one of the biggest manifestations we’ve ever actualized

    If you loved this episode, I encourage you to grab a copy of my new book, Being Medicine. It’s filled with life-shifting poetic transmissions, guided ritual to help you stay the course and deep trainings on the core practices that make your manifestations inevitable - even in the face of death. And remember to subscribe to our podcast so you never miss an episode!

    29m - Nov 14, 2023
  • Poetry as the Deepest Self-Care for High-Level Entrepreneurs

    ~ Poetry as the Deepest Self-Care for High-Level Entrepreneurs ~

    In today’s episode, we lean allllll the way into the true essence of self-care: practices of resistance that actively confront what kills our minds, bodies and spirits. Self-care at this level is a form of spiritual activism, not a way to holistically check out. And for high-level entrepreneurs who exist to birth a new reality into being, this level of self-care is a must. And poetry is the most radical and freeing self-care of all. 

    Here’s what you’ll learn:

    ✨Why I chose to let life into the episode rather than creating a noise-sterile environment

    ✨How you can access secret troves of power, agency and creativity by searching for what you are trivializing within yourself

    ✨The power of poetry to access deeper wells of feeling, and why this is crucial for those who are building million-dollar ecosystems

    Thank you for listening my love! If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with someone who you know would be turned on by this transmission. I can’t wait to see you in our next episode!


    Juliet xx

    - - -


    Pre-order my debut book, and receive this now!!!✨

    Pre-order here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CHNC2YS1

    AFTER pre-ordering, come here and snag your FREE VIP TICKET: https://juliettrnka.com/book-ceremony

    20m - Oct 31, 2023
  • How to Instantly Create More Space, Time + Freedom

    ✨ Are you a YES to taking a quantum journey to move from 6 to 7 figures? 

    Watch my FREE training below!✨

    Register here: http://juliettrnka.com/consciousness

    - - -

    ~ How to Instantly Create More Space, Time + Freedom ~

    In today’s Embodied Wealth Consciousness episode, I’ll share with you one of my most beloved tools for instantly creating more space, time and freedom.

    I’ll share with you:

    ✨The three phases of personal power - and why working with these is crucial to living and manifesting on your terms

    ✨An example from my own business where I made an instant shift that put me back into joyful flow and put multiple six figures into my bank account

    ✨ + Why ‘getting it done’ and productivity techniques don’t work in creating a life of true abundance - and the one decision that will

    Thank you so much for tuning in. 

    As an act of expansion, if you loved this episode, share it! 

    You can share on your social media (I’d love it if you tagged me!) or even just send it to someone you know who wants to live a life of radical abundance and joyful manifestation. 

    And make sure you subscribe so that you know when we unleash another manifestation medicine bundle!


    Juliet xx

    24m - Oct 17, 2023
  • Client Case Study: Living Off the Grid + $30K Months

    ~ Client Case Study Living Off the Grid ~

    In today’s episode of the Embodied Wealth Podcast, I’m introducing you to one of my clients who actualized her dream of living off the grid - while also scaling her business to $30K months, as a practicing shaman.

    Inside this episode you’ll learn:

     • Why going for what seems reasonable, versus the dream that seems impossible, is keeping the door closed to a quantum leap

     • Why an apparent crisis can be your greatest opportunity

     • Why simplicity will always create more revenue flow in business than complexity

     • The creative power that is unleashed when we let go of ‘have to’ as magical and transformative leaders

    I’m so excited to dig into this magic with you!


    Juliet xx

    - - -

    Additional Resources:

    ✨Turned On, The Feminine Wealth Activation EVENT! [FREE BONUS!!!]✨

    Click here: https://juliettrnka.com/turned-on-sm

    Learn more about my work here: https://juliettrnka.com/

    Follow me on Instagram here: http://instagram.com/juliet_trnka

    - - -

    Embodied Wealth Consciousness is a podcast for leaders who want to unlock their full potential professionally and spiritually.

    Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    #embodied #wealth #consciousness #entrepreneurlife #authenticity #transformation #clientstestimonial #realstory #podcastforwomen #podcastshow #shamanism

    13m - Oct 2, 2023
  • Falling Out of Alignment

    If You Keep Falling Out of Alignment, You Must Listen to This…

    Do you remember that time when there were so many synchronicities unfolding, miracles occurring and goals actualizing that you feel like you could hardly keep up? All the money, opportunity, ideas and fun experiences seems to simply show up?

    And are you feeling the stress and frustration of not feeling that right now, wondering how to ‘get back’ to that flow and bliss? 

    Are you in that place where you ‘know intellectually’ that it’s all here now, but you’re 






    One of the most frequent questions I receive from my clients is how to stay in that state of alignment and flow - and how to reclaim it when it’s seems to have disappeared somehow.

    Tune into our most recent (and newly relaunched!) episode of the Embodied Wealth Consciousness Podcast, where I unpack the truth about what’s going on when you’re out of alignment and how to embody your natural birthright of creative bliss.

    Here’s a look at what you’ll learn:

    • Why the desire to live in alignment is not a spiritual bypass, but the unfolding of your dharma
    • What ‘alignment’ actually is and how to know when you’re in it
    • The incredibly simple way to stay in your authentic alignment
    • A simple two-step process to get ‘back in’ when you feel out of sorts and wobbly
    • How these practices can help you open to the natural and beautiful variability of life, so that you live a life of adventure and love, rather than a life of obstacles.

    I can’t wait to share this medicine with you!

    And remember, if you are ready to retell the story of your life, start living your yes without compromise, and exalt your business to the 7-figure realm, you can connect with us at www.getlifemastery.com to learn how.

    - - -

    Additional Resources:

    ⚡ The 4 Spiritual Practices That Bring in More Clients + Money, While Increasing Time, Energy and Freedom: https://joinnow.live/s/lAZ2IH

    ⚡ Learn more about my work here: https://juliettrnka.com/

    ⚡ Follow me on Instagram here: http://instagram.com/juliet_trnka

    - - -

    Embodied Wealth Consciousness is a podcast for leaders who want to unlock their full potential professionally and spiritually.

    Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    24m - Sep 19, 2023
  • Client Case Study: Double Monthly Revenue + a $30K Sale

    ~ Client Case Study: Double Monthly Revenue + a $30K Sale ~

    What would your first impulse be if someone handed you a check for $30K? 

    What is the vision that forms when you think about that happening over and over and over?

    And what if that kept happening because you kept being who the f*uck you are?

    This week I’m taking you behind the scenes in our first-ever client case study. The shamanic path of #manifesting your vision is very different from conventional coaching or even conventional manifestation work. 

    Creating $30K months through radical #authenticity is possible for you. Just as it was possible for my amazing client who doubled her monthly revenue and made her first $30K sale in less than 12 weeks of our work. She didn’t do this by building a funnel or becoming an influencer. 

    //She did it by surrendering to her authenticity//

    Tune in to learn:

    • How she created lightning fast shift by tuning in to her joy and genius rather than doing what she thought she ‘had to’ to create a high-level client
    • How she created a powerful shift in consciousness that activated her inner genius and delight
    • Where the Wheel of Manifestation supported her the most in creating this incredible result

    Everything you want is already here. 

    Learn the specifics of shamanic medicine paths to open to it now.


    Juliet xx

    - - -

    Additional Resources:

    ⚡ Learn how I Manifested a 3.5 Million Dollar Shamanic Coaching Business: https://juliettrnka.com/consciousness

    ⚡ Learn more about my work here: https://juliettrnka.com/

    ⚡ Follow me on Instagram here: http://instagram.com/juliet_trnka

    - - -

    Embodied Wealth Consciousness is a podcast for leaders who want to unlock their full potential professionally and spiritually.

    Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    14m - Aug 30, 2023
  • The Healing Power of Visibility with Mikki Gaffen Stone: It’s not hard to be seen; it’s hard to hide

    So many things that feel deeply important are in fact, only momentary. What matters, in the end, is the degree to which you can reflect back and say, I have been who I came here to be.

    My beloved client, Mikki Gaffen Stone, is a brilliant coach who has lived a vivid and exciting life - serving her clients powerfully, cultivating a beautiful marriage with her husband, raising two incredible children, living transatlantically, earning no less than four degrees - and yet inside of all of this, managed to hide her deepest essence for much of her adult life and career.

    When Mikki first came to work with me, she was already having a tremendous impact and was well-established in supporting parents and families. Yet she was feeling stuck inside of all-to-common questions of how to raise her rates, shift her work out of what she thought people would invest in and what she really wanted to do, and how to find her ideal clients.

    Inside our work, I didn’t help her to answer those questions - I helped her to *see* that they were too small for her.

    The transformation this woman has undergone is remarkable. 

    Mikki has now taken the stage back (listen to the episode to see what I mean). She has spoken at MIT and Oxford, is being featured as an expert in a global network of transformative thinkers, and is about to launch her own television show!

    This episode is not a rundown of our coaching work. This episode is strictly for Mikki’s transmission. I wanted to give her ALL the space she deserves. 

    Listen to her first-person perspective of the journey from successful-but-hiding to living in her full radiance.

    - - -

    Mikki is a Human Behavior Expert, Born in England, a lifelong learner, and nomad. Having lived in eight countries to date, Mikki considers herself to be a Global citizen – where she comes from is a story, not a place. Home is wherever she is, right now. Today she facilitates the shedding of ‘old skins’, enabling others to let go of old identities that no longer serve them while embracing and creating the new. Mikki blends Human Design, Polyvagal Theory, and IFS with the science of behavior change and other modalities.

    Human Design came into her world at a crucial moment, proving to be a game changer. She learned what worked for her and what didn’t, in a powerful way that she could feel and experience for herself. She believes knowing how she is designed to optimally function in the world is priceless knowledge.

    - - -

    Key Takeaways:

    Mikki's Journey (03:18)

    The Act Of Visibility (09:49)

    Human Design x Projectors (17:07)

    The Power Of Ease (24:54)

    How Scripts Play A Role In Our Lives (32:30)

    Sales And Scripts Don't Work Together (48:54)

    There Is Plenty Space For You To Shine (57:10)


    Additional Resources:

    Learn more about my work here: https://juliettrnka.com/

    Follow me on Instagram here: http://instagram.com/juliet_trnka

    Learn more about Mikki Gaffen Stone:

    Check out Mikki Gaffen Stone's website here: https://www.gaffenstone.com

    Follow Mikki Gaffen Stone on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/mikkigaffenstone/

    - - -

    The Seer’s Edge is a podcast for leaders who want to unlock their full potential professionally and spiritually.

    Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    1h 7m - Aug 22, 2023
  • How to Accelerate Your Destiny Through Empowered Decision

    Drop into your body now and remember.

    Remember that moment when you knew, all the way to your core, that it was done. 

    As powerful manifesters and high-achievers, we’ve all had those sweet and victorious moments where our desire feels inevitable. We don’t need proof. We don’t require motivation. We don’t seek affirmation. We just know.

    This is the power of shamanic manifestation. 

    While we’ve all had those destiny-shifting moments, few people recognize that an architecture exists for that degree of magic, connection and coherence can become the way you live your life.

    In today’s episode, I’ll introduce you to The Wheel of Manifestation - a cosmic wheel of mapping and creating success in authenticity and love. 

    You’ll learn:

    ✨ How the Wheel of Manifestation can liberate you from ever having to ‘figure out’ anything, ever again

    ✨ Why accessing your real decision is so crucial to manifestation - even though it’s often overlooked

    ✨ The difference between control and empowered decision - and tools to help you make the shift

    I can’t wait for you to step through this portal of magic, liberation and love.

    Listen here now!

    Key Takeaways:

    Mastering Time (01:00)

    Empowered Decision (04:00)

    The Wheel Of Manifestation (05:12)

    Reflecting On Time (08:38)

    Thinking Things Through Is A Lie (11:38)

    How To Collapse Space And Time (13:42)


    Additional Resources:

    Learn more about my work here: https://juliettrnka.com/

    Follow me on Instagram here: http://instagram.com/juliet_trnka

    Are you ready to make your quantum leap? Click here: https://getlifemastery.com/


    The Seer’s Edge is a podcast for leaders who want to unlock their full potential professionally and spiritually.

    Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    #shaman #podcastforwomen #spiritualbusinesscoach #entrepreneurlife #timelapse #timemanagement #decision #quantumleap 

    18m - Aug 8, 2023
  • Living as Uncompromised Love with Jesse Johnson

    To begin valuing and dissolving into the truth of who we are, a meaningful container is essential. 

    High-achieving women often start the entrepreneurial journey to experience more freedom, create greater wealth or to bring healing, change or upliftment to the community. 

    While all of these impulses are genuine, there is a subterranean impulse that informs the desire to create a powerful and successful business. That impulse is to know ourselves as the love we are. To fully surrender to it. To let it ring through every cell. In this way, our businesses become crucibles of transformation - not only for our clients, but for us as well.

    So much transmission was flowing between me and my incredible guest Jesse Johnson that it’s challenging to extract the ‘top three’ teachings or insight moments! 

    But in listening to this episode you will..

    ..Come closer to your own heart and become more conscious of the deepest essence of you

    ..Will have a more compassionate and radical perspective on the role of change in your business

    ..Receive nourishment and activation of your deepest truths and greatest potential

    I received Jesse’s coaching for a number of years. She has been a catalyst for my own growth and loving, as well as a dear and cherished friend.

    Do you feel the call to go deeper into your own beauty and worth?

    Listen here now!

    Jesse John is a master sales and success coach, specializing in helping spiritual entrepreneurs build 7-figure businesses. After 12 years of teaching math in NYC public schools, frustrated by bureaucracy, she founded her own personal development company and built it to 7 figures in just 2 years. Jesse now teaches sales as a spiritual practice - no compromise, no self-sacrifice, no mediocrity.


    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)

    Meet Jesse Johnson (03:10)

    The importance of support and attention (05:38)

    At a fundamental level, we’re built to love everything (09:23)

    All about change (11:07)

    It’s better to be the truth of who you are than to be the ‘good girl’ (20:21)

    Pure undiluted love (25:08)

    Falling in love with sales (32:24)


    Additional Resources:

    Learn more about my work here: https://juliettrnka.com/

    Follow me on Instagram here: http://instagram.com/juliet_trnka

    Learn more about Jesse Johnson:

    Check out Jesse Johnson’s website here: https://jessejohnsoncoaching.com

    Follow Jesse Johnson on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/jessejohnsoncoaching/

    44m - Jul 24, 2023
  • What to do When Your Offer isn’t Selling

    Are you doing all the things, but your offer still isn’t selling? 

    In this episode I share the ‘Three S-’s’ - these are three practices that you can implement immediately to create a sales breakthrough.

    I’ll share with you:

    • The number one reason sales are slow - whether you’re tin a multi-million dollar launch or just getting started

    • Why hustling and doing more isn’t the answer - and the actual, delicious solution that can bring in more sales immediately

    • How this one shift can completely change the landscape of your sales possibilities

    I am beyond excited to geek out with you and how to immediately shift impending ‘failure’ into wild and magical success! 

    Additional Resources:

    Make your quantum leap here

    Learn more about my work here.

    Follow me on Instagram here.


    The Seer’s Edge is a podcast for leaders who want to unlock their full potential professionally and spiritually.

    Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    17m - Jul 11, 2023
  • Unleashing Your Leadership Through Creative Expression with Sri Kala

    In a time when hustle, packed calendars and trying to squeeze the most productivity out of our moments is the norm, the invitation to pause and notice what is really happening is revolutionary.

    When our conditioning drives us to try and ‘make it happen’ and to strain towards our goals, the remembering that life automatically happens for us, is both mercy and invitation.

    The evolution I am here to support is presence-based success versus productivity-based success. And no one I know embodies this more than my guest on the podcast this week, Sri Kala.

    In this deep dive Sri and I you’ll learn:

    How art is the most efficient and easeful path of leadership

    The intricacies of developing high-quality attention, and the possibilities that attention can open in our lives

    The magnetism that naturally develops when we shed self-sacrifice in our leadership and instead cultivate serving from abundance and overflow.

    There are a thousand pearls of wisdom in this episode. Listen now to receive each one!

    Tune in here.

    Sri Kala has a deep connection to the oscillations of sound vibration, using mantra music meditation and sound frequencies to transmit his unique quantum healing. With nearly twenty years of practice and study, Sri Kala has mastered a rare capacity to hear and feel energy frequencies on the subtle platform and recreate them with his voice to promote healing for the mind and body. He is uniquely powerful at serving these massively self-aware beings in softening in the tiny spaces they still hold tension, infusing love in the small pockets they still avoid, and opening more deeply in their bodies than they’ve ever done before.

    As a songwriter and musician, Sri Kala collects fragmented parts of himself and his audience and brings them together into creative expression for transcendental healing.

    In addition to Sri Kala’s mastery in sound and music, he brings a deep understanding of breathwork, reiki, reconnective healing, qigong, astral travel, the Law of Attraction and other sciences and modalities into his service. He is deeply integrated, standing for the spiritual and material integration and mastery of his clients and fans.

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)

    Meet Sri Kala (01:16)

    Working through mental blocks with art (08:50)

    The power of self-expression (13:48)

    All about healing (16:34)

    What is attention? (26:47)

    Genuine leadership (32:41)

    Additional Resources:

    Make your quantum leap here

    Learn more about my work here.

    Follow me on Instagram here.

    Connect with Sri Kala:

    Check out his website here.

    Learn more about the Actualize Retreat here.

    Follow Sri Kala on Instagram here.


    The Seer’s Edge is a podcast for leaders who want to unlock their full potential professionally and spiritually.

    Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    40m - Jun 27, 2023
  • Manifestation as Trauma Healing

    As a shaman, my definition of ‘healing the trauma’ is completing the initiation

    Every unresolved trauma we carry is an initiation into a greater aspect of self that was left unfinished. 

    And just as a fever that is supported can clear the disease, when we facilitate the liberation of energy held within a trauma bond, our deepest and most authentic power comes online.

    In this episode I share what this looked like for me as a young woman coming out of a three-year-long abusive relationship. 

    What felt at the time like the obliteration of my self-love was revealed to be the seed of a previously unrealized life of delight, blessing, abundance and possibility.

    The deepest medicine I carry from that time in my life is that truly, nothing is a limiter. There is not actually any ‘block’ at all. It’s only a matter of possessing the tools of transformation to harvest the gold that glows even in the darkest moments.

    I can’t wait to share this with you!

    Juliet xx

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)

    Let’s explore manifestation as trauma healing (01:00)

    Don’t remove trauma, facilitate it (05:50)

    Are you still looking for a sign? (11:51)

    What my experience taught me (16:08)

    Additional Resources:

    Make your quantum leap here

    Learn more about my work here.

    Follow me on Instagram here.


    The Seer’s Edge is a podcast for leaders who want to unlock their full potential professionally and spiritually.

    Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    18m - Jun 13, 2023
  • How Taking the Shame Off Entitlement Leads to Self-Love w/ Rachel Madorsky

    Many of us find ourselves saying ‘no’ too often. To others, but most importantly, to ourselves. 

    We feel like wanting and desiring things makes us greedy, spoiled or entitled, even though we know deep down it’s the complete opposite.

    We need to remedy that, which is why today, I invite you to go on a journey with me in this episode of The Seer’s Edge.

    A journey towards yourself, where you learn how to say ‘yes’ more often and to open yourself to the deepest, truest, most powerful of loves: self-love.

    Today, I want you to know that wanting is entitlement. Wanting is self-love.

    And most importantly, saying ‘yes’ to that want is entitlement. 

    As this week’s guest on the podcast, the beautiful Rachel Madorsky, says: “Entitlement means you earned the right to say ‘yes’ to yourself.”

    Listen in as Rachel and I dive deep into this subject and discuss her newest book, a beautiful read titled How to Love Yourself.

    Do you feel your yes?

    Because I do.

    Let’s dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)

    Let’s start with a quick centering practice (01:28)

    Discussing Rachel’s book (04:51)

    What allows Rachel to be a full expressor (12:18)

    One more story from Rachel (19:16)

    Where to find Rachel’s book (25:12)

    Additional Resources:

    Make your quantum leap here

    Learn more about my work here.

    Follow me on Instagram here.

    Learn more about Rachel:

    Get Rachel’s book here.

    Learn more about Rachel’s work here.

    Follow Rachel on Facebook here.

    Follow Rachel on Instagram here.

    Follow Rachel on Twitter here.


    The Seer’s Edge is a podcast for leaders who want to unlock their full potential professionally and spiritually.

    Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    26m - Jun 6, 2023
  • Honoring Perfectionism: What Everyone Is Getting Wrong About Getting It Right

    I remember a moment, five years ago; I was driving my car through the woods in Minnesota, headed to the first big photoshoot for my business. It was a gorgeous fall day, with a rainbow of leaves and lightness in the air.

    On my two-hour drive to our shoot location, I spontaneously had this nudge to find a podcast about the Myers-Briggs Personality structure, specifically about the INFJ type, which is what I am.

    I followed my intuitive hit and I did find a podcast about the INFJ personality type. As I was listening to it, I heard something that completely changed my life.

    They said that the greatest joy and internal alignment for an INFJ is to let themselves think bigger. Think bigger than anyone else. Think bigger than they think they can. Think bigger than what seems possible.

    Those words made me cry. I felt seen and understood in a way I never had in my entire life. It was a permanent restructuring of my field.

    I never felt good when I thought small, or tried to be logical or reasonable. Thinking big and going big is truly what makes me feel most alive and fulfilled. 

    That one moment was such a profound shift that it altered my perspective and approach to multiple aspects of life and manifestation, including the one thing that is so often spoken about when you’re in circles of high-achieving women: Perfectionism.

    There are so many things we get wrong about perfectionism. In this episode, you get loving spoonfuls of Coyote medicine on what is often a sticky subject and source of difficulty. 

    It need not be that way my love!

    Do you feel your yes?

    Tune in now.

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)

    On one beautiful fall day, everything changed (01:01)

    Perfectionism is a superpower (06:06)

    Is scarcity closing you off to the world? (10:13)

    A quick example (14:50)

    The most common misunderstandings about high-achieving women (21:05)

    Let’s talk about manifestation (27:40)

    Outer validation vs inner peace (34:01)

    Are you trying to be everything to everyone? (37:00)

    Remember, your thoughts are beautiful (40:15)

    Additional Resources:

    Make your quantum leap here

    Learn more about my work here.

    Follow me on Instagram here.


    The Seer’s Edge is a podcast for leaders who want to unlock their full potential professionally and spiritually.

    Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    42m - May 30, 2023
  • How to Deepen Self-Trust With Intuition w/ Sarah Noble

    Learning how to not only hear our intuition but follow the wisdom within us is vital to the success we create in life. In this week’s episode of The Seer’s Edge we dive deep into that actual practice of trusting your intuition.

    Many of us are in a practice of giving too much power to outside voices. We look outside of ourselves for validation, love, respect, the answer to the Big Question.

    We ask the Universe, the angels, the spiritual guides for signs. But there is a creative power that is only accessed by listening to our intuitive guidance alone.

    The wisdom you’re looking for already lives within you. And listening to that inner voice, even when it seems to defy logic and sensibility, is the true path of easeful and mystical success.

    Without faith, there is no success.

    Without faith, there is no happiness.

    This week on the podcast, I dialogue with a world-class expert of creating with intuition: the beautiful, amazing, incredible Sarah Noble.

    Sarah is a revolutionary in creating full aliveness through intuition. 

    Sarah, more than anyone I’ve met, has a willingness to turn towards what all of our habitual tendencies would have us turning away from. 

    Her love is fierce, mighty, tender and beautiful. Everything that comes through her in this episode will bless you.

    It’s time to tune in.

    Do you feel your yes? Because I do, and I can’t wait for you to join Sarah and me on this magical journey. 

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)

    What people get wrong about intuition (03:20)

    Story time with Sarah (08:09)

    The purposeful fighter (12:50)

    Would you jump off the cliff? (20:02)

    Additional Resources:

    Make your quantum leap here

    Learn more about my work here.

    Follow me on Instagram here.

    Learn more about Sarah:

    Learn more about Sarah’s work here.

    Follow Sarah on Facebook here.

    Follow Sarah on Instagram here.


    The Seer’s Edge is a podcast for leaders who want to unlock their full potential professionally and spiritually.

    Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    25m - May 23, 2023
  • Shamanic Secrets to Raising Your Rates and Growing Your Business

    In this episode, we go narrow and deep into an important topic in business: raising your rates and the energetics of money.

    As spiritually-oriented, high-achieving women who are on the entrepreneurial journey, we understand that money is not just transactional - it holds the potential to be translational. 

    Money is, in itself, transformational and the quality brought to its exchange can literally change our lives. 

    It can be as powerful as the service that is being paid for! What many people don’t realize is that money is neither good nor evil; it is simply the energy that amplifies whatever dwells within you. 

    And as you increase your rates, you're initiating a process of renegotiating your relationship with value, time, and the Divine. You change the shape of your destiny when you change your money.

    It can be tempting to shy away from raising our rates, fearing that we won't be able to deliver the value our clients expect. 

    There is a deep wound here around standing fully in who we’ve said we would be, owning our transformative capacity and at the same time completely divesting of the codependency that has us believing we are in charge of the results our clients create. 

    It's crucial to remember that true value and results come from the co-creative process between your clients and the Divine. You are simply holding the impeccable space for the transformation to occur.

    By surrendering the outcome to the Divine and staying focused on your commitment to offering from your fullness, you can provide the best possible service while growing your business.

    Embrace the power of money and its ability to transform your life and the lives of those you serve.

    Occupy your power and raise your rates with confidence. Doing so does not disempower others; it actually creates the space for them to root into their own power. 

    Tune in now to discover the secrets of spiritual entrepreneurship and take your business to the next level!

    Let’s dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)

    You know that it’s time to raise your rates (01:00)

    How can I guarantee my clients are going to get ten times the value? (03:36)

    The value your client experiences comes from God, not from you (05:53)

    What if I can’t deliver the value? (09:17)

    Re-negotiating relationship with value and time (11:34)

    Additional Resources:

    Make your quantum leap here

    Learn more about my work here.

    Follow me on Instagram here.


    The Seer’s Edge is a podcast for leaders who want to unlock their full potential professionally and spiritually.

    Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    12m - May 16, 2023
  • Unlocking Potential Through Shamanic Dreamwork and Holistic Living

    The word ‘success,’ when held superficially, can conjure images of overflowing bank accounts, holding a high position in your career, or even having the ‘right’ car, body, or relationship.

    But when success is held as a frequency that you develop an intimate partnership with, it becomes a generous portal of wild aliveness. 

    The truth of success is embodying your values so completely that life reflects back to you the respect, abundance, and possibility that you yearn for. 

    Success is becoming clear on that value - your highest priority - and living it fully. Not because you are excluding aspects of yourself but because you are radically inclusive of them. 

    If your highest value is presence, then success is a function of your being totally present. To become totally present, you can’t blame your multi-passionate nature. You learn to work with it. It no longer becomes the reason why you can’t be present but the reason why you can.

    If you're not nurturing every aspect of your life, you can't unleash your full potential as a leader. 

    The shamanic way of learning how to integrate and optimize our different inner aspects (rather than trying to control, judge or destroy these aspects) is shamanic dreaming. 

    In this episode, my guest April Olsen Mata and I take a shamanic journey to uncover the hidden connections between seemingly disparate aspects of her life. 

    April is a  world-class transformational coach. In this session, she shares two dreams that may seem unrelated at first but ultimately reveal her longing to improve her parenting and be heard as a professional.

    Together, we delve into the topics of parenting, personal actualization, unlocking one's full potential, and full realization of the vision. 

    With a specific focus on April's desired parental shift, this episode provides valuable insights on living a holistic and integrated life rather than separating personal and professional spheres.

    Through exploring April’s dreams and experiences, this session highlights the importance of holistic thinking and recognizing the impact of the relationship between the aspects of our lives on our overall well-being. 

    Join us as we tap into the power of shamanic practices and explore the magic of revisiting a dream. 

    Tune in now to unlock your highest potential!

    Key Takeaways:

    • Intro (00:00)
    • Shamanic dream work - April's pair of dreams (01:44) 
    • Parenting shift (05:36)
    • The strangest places in the dreams where integration is most obvious (13:59)
    • The collective consciousness of the whole family (16:10)
    • What happens when our kids go through their own individuation and initiation (21:33)
    • The bridge between the two dreams (27:48)
    • The voice of truth and love (31:56)
    • The fairy godmother as a female authority (34:08)
    • When we can voice, everything changes (40:10)

    Additional Resources:

    Make your quantum leap here

    Learn more about my work here.

    Follow me on Instagram here.


    The Seer’s Edge is a podcast for leaders who want to unlock their full potential professionally and spiritually.

    Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    42m - May 9, 2023
  • Everything is Happening For You: Why Our Emotions and Human Experience Can Help Us… or Cripple Us

    In my years of deep study, research and practice in manifestation and magic, I’ve heard so many different teachings about emotions.

    That we need to honor our emotions.

    That we should not let our emotions get a hold of us.

    That emotions are sacred.

    That emotions are toxic.

    I actually love that there is so much confusion on what emotions are and what they for. In this confusion lies the opportunity to find out for ourselves what is real. 

    Today, we dive deep into emotions, human experience and manifestation. We’ll explore the truth and debunk the myths of how our emotions can impact conscious wealth creation and impactful leadership.

    As a shaman, my experience of reality and my understanding of the world are different from what they are for most people.

    I am not a materialist; I am an animist. 

    In a materialist paradigm, you are surrounded by inert ‘things’. Materialism is synonymous with separation. 

    The shamanic perspective is an animist perspective. To me, everything that surrounds me is alive. Everything has energy, whether it’s a tree or a person.

    Each existing thing is my ally. Even the chair i’m sitting on right now. Thank you chair! 

    When you tap into the unique consciousness that exists in everything, a whole new world of possibility, energy and magic opens to you.

    Let’s enter this rich tapestry of surfing the waves of emotion, animist magic and manifesting a life beyond your wildest dreams!

    Tune in now.

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)

    The possibilities of animism (01:24)

    The seven levels of consciousness (05:12)

    Let’s go behind the scenes (09:19)

    Why I decided to fully be in my moments (12:51)

    We’re always living inside of a persona (16:15)

    Have faith in life! (19:55)

    Additional Resources:

    Make your quantum leap here

    Learn more about my work here.

    Follow me on Instagram here.


    The Seer’s Edge is a podcast for leaders who want to unlock their full potential professionally and spiritually.

    Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    25m - May 2, 2023
  • Radical Love: Our Journey of Marriage + Entrepreneurship With John Lulay

    If you asked me why I’m with John, my husband, I could give you a long list of reasons.

    But the truth is, being with him makes me feel more vulnerable than any other human on the planet. 

    There’s some sort of cosmic architecture that exists between us that means none of the normal energetic defenses I employ work. He’s impervious to them.

    For years he and I have talked about creating a podcast where we could share a behind-the-scenes look at what our relationship is like. 

    And I’m so delighted that we finally did it; and I felt like my skin was on fire the whole time.

    John has stood with me for nearly fourteen years. He has witnessed every single step of my self-made millionaire journey. 

    John and I have had an interesting and unconventional journey. The Universe put him in my path three times over two years (including a mutual friend trying to set us up on a blind date). Every time my answer was no. 

    And every time I shouted to the Universe in no uncertain terms that I was a Queen ready for me King, this man would show up again.

    Eventually I said yes, we got married, had children, got divorced, then through sheer power of the Universe (and a catalyst), we found our way to each other again.

    And the truth is, who we were before our divorce was not who we were when we got remarried. It took a tremendous amount of commitment, surrender to Spirit, and transformation from the both of us to literally become totally different people who could build a sexy, intimate, and abundant partnership.

    We had to dive into the deep end of facing addiction, codependency, and trauma to claim ourselves, each other, and a life we love.

    Today, John is here to give a perspective on what it’s like to be a leader and be partnered to an unconventional leader. 

    He’ll also share about his experience with my chronic financial instability at the beginning of my entrepreneurship journey, how we created with it, and why he never stopped believing in me.

    Though my knees are knocking a bit, it’s truly my delight to welcome you to our life.

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)

    The impact of financial instability on our marriage (01:57)

    Let’s go back to the past (12:36)

    How John was an unconscious manifester (19:26)

    John shares a piece of wisdom with his past self (24:50)

    Additional Resources:

    Make your quantum leap here

    Learn more about my work here.

    Follow me on Instagram here.


    The Seer’s Edge is a podcast for high-achieving women who want to unlock their full potential professionally and spiritually and truly create heaven on earth for us all.

    Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    32m - Apr 25, 2023
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Embodied Wealth Consciousness