• Smart Investing

    Episode Summary

    In this insightful episode, we delve into the crucial strategy of investing only in areas you fully understand to minimize risk and maximize returns. Join us as we share personal anecdotes, financial principles, and practical tips to help you achieve sustainable financial growth and break free from negative financial cycles.


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    Episode Summary

    Dive into the intricate world of money management and discover why traditional saving strategies are failing in today's economy. Join us as we unravel the complexities of the financial system, celebrate personal success stories, and explore practical steps to achieve unearned income and true financial freedom.

    Personal Reflections and Anecdotes

    ·      Recognizing Accomplishments:

    • Emphasizing the importance of recognizing personal wins and accomplishments regularly.
    • Encouraging reflection on major achievements to inspire ongoing progress.

    ·      Learning from Oprah:

    • Oprah’s philosophy on living your best life by prioritizing yourself.
    • Importance of self-nurturing and maintaining a positive self-image.

    Financial Principles and Insights

    ·      Self-Realization and Calm:

    • Emphasizing the importance of being still and making decisions from a calm place.
    • Recognizing and accepting current financial situations without stress.

    ·      Understanding Investments:

    • Investing only in areas you understand to minimize risk.
    • Caution against unnecessary risk-taking and the importance of rational decision-making in financial success.

    Strategies for Financial Growth

    ·      Incremental Income Growth:

    • Following advice to progressively increase income sustainably.
    • Avoiding lifestyle inflation to ensure financial gains are not negated by increased spending.

    ·      Creating and Multiplying Money:

    • Transitioning from merely making money to multiplying it through smart investments and financial management.
    • Emphasis on generating unearned income through investments requiring minimal active involvement.

    Practical Financial Moves

    ·      Diversifying Investments:

    • Importance of diversifying income-producing assets to hedge against risks.
    • Investing in real estate and other tangible assets for long-term financial stability.

    ·      Risk Management:

    • Emphasizing the need for educated investments to minimize risks.
    • Understanding that diversification protects against ignorance and market fluctuations.

    Community and Networking Insights

    ·      Support and Recognition:

    • Celebrating personal and community achievements to foster motivation and growth.
    • Leveraging community support and networking for financial success.

    ·      Learning from Each Other:

    • Sharing experiences and strategies within the community to uplift and educate each other.

    Motivational and Spiritual Insights

    • Breaking and Destroying Cycles:
    • Moving beyond breaking negative financial cycles to completely destroying them for lasting change.
    • Aligning financial actions with spiritual beliefs and values to ensure holistic success.

    Challenges and Solutions in Financial Management

    • Emotional Spending:
    • Recognizing and addressing emotional spending habits to improve financial health.
    • Encouraging rational financial decisions based on calm and clear-headed planning.

    Critiques of Traditional Financial Systems

    • Distrust in Traditional Advice:
    • Skepticism towards government financial advice and traditional financial systems.
    • Emphasis on the importance of personal financial education and independent decision-making.

    Key Advice and Takeaways

    ·      Investing in Familiar Areas:

    • Only invest in businesses or purposes you are familiar with to ensure better control and understanding of risks.
    • Utilizing knowledge and expertise to make informed investment decisions.

    ·      Incremental Progress and Sustainable Growth:

    • Incrementally growing income and investments to ensure sustainable financial growth.
    • Avoiding unnecessary risks by making educated and rational financial decisions.

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    S15 - 1h 33m - Jul 26, 2024
  • Smart Money Moves

    Episode Summary

    In this compelling episode, we explore how understanding the true nature of money and leveraging trading power can transform your financial landscape. Tune in to learn practical strategies to create unearned income, break negative financial cycles, and take control of your economic destiny.


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    Episode Summary

    Dive into the intricate world of money management and discover why traditional saving strategies are failing in today's economy. Join us as we unravel the complexities of the financial system, celebrate personal success stories, and explore practical steps to achieve unearned income and true financial freedom.

    Personal Reflections and Anecdotes

    • Acknowledgement of Personal Financial Struggles:
    • Recognizing personal ignorance and arrogance about money.
    • Emphasizing the need to allow experts to handle specific tasks.
    • Realizing the importance of financial literacy and taking action to improve it.

    Financial Principles and Insights

    • Law of Money:
    • Importance of saving 10% of income.
    • Understanding how money works and its predictable behavior.
    • Money’s Lack of Power:
    • Money is weak and should not cause stress.
    • It behaves predictably and can be controlled and manipulated.

    Strategies for Financial Growth

    • Incremental Income Growth:
    • Following advice to increase income gradually and sustainably.
    • Avoiding Lifestyle Inflation:
    • Warning against increasing expenses in line with income gains, such as premature luxury purchases.
    • Creating and Multiplying Money:
    • Moving from merely making money to multiplying it through smart investments and financial management.

    Practical Financial Moves

    • Creating Unearned Income:
    • Emphasis on generating income through minimal active involvement investments.
    • Side Hustles and Small Businesses:
    • Encouraging entrepreneurial activities to create additional income streams.

    Community and Networking Insights

    • Support and Recognition:
    • Celebrating personal and community achievements.
    • Importance of community support and networking.
    • Learning from Each Other:
    • Sharing experiences and strategies within the community to uplift and educate.

    Motivational and Spiritual Insights

    • Breaking and Destroying Cycles:
    • Moving beyond breaking negative financial cycles to completely destroying them.
    • Spiritual Alignment with Financial Goals:
    • Aligning financial actions with spiritual beliefs and values to ensure holistic success.

    Challenges and Solutions in Financial Management

    • Emotional Spending:
    • Recognizing and addressing the tendency to spend money due to emotional reasons.
    • Job as a Resource:
    • Using employment not just for income but as a means to gather resources and invest in unearned income.

    Critiques of Traditional Financial Systems

    • Distrust in Traditional Advice:
    • Skepticism towards government financial advice.
    • Belief that traditional systems and advice do not benefit the masses.
    • Control Over Assets:
    • Emphasizing the importance of controlling income-producing assets over merely owning them.

    Key Advice and Takeaways

    • Importance of Trading Power:
    • Resources are the only valuable asset.
    • Acquiring and controlling resources is crucial for financial success.
    • Mastering Financial Intelligence:
    • Gaining financial intelligence ensures lasting wealth and the ability to recover quickly from financial setbacks.
    • Follow Smart Money:
    • Observing and mimicking the financial strategies of successful individuals and organizations.

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    S15 - 1h 34m - Jul 25, 2024
  • Transforming Your Finances for Growth

    Episode Summary

    In this enlightening episode, we delve into the secrets of multiplying your money through smart investments and disciplined financial management. Learn how to break free from cycles of financial ignorance and discover practical strategies to create unearned income and achieve lasting financial freedom.


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    Episode Summary

    Dive into the intricate world of money management and discover why traditional saving strategies are failing in today's economy. Join us as we unravel the complexities of the financial system, celebrate personal success stories, and explore practical steps to achieve unearned income and true financial freedom.

    Personal Reflections and Anecdotes

    • Self-Realization and Education: Recognizing and breaking personal cycles of ignorance and arrogance, staying in one’s lane, and allowing others to manage their areas of expertise.
    • Overcoming Financial Ignorance: Admitting lack of knowledge about money and taking action to improve financial literacy.

    Financial Principles and Insights

    • Law of Money: Emphasizing the importance of saving 10% of income and understanding how money works.
    • Profitable Employment for Money: Investing money in a way that generates returns, making money work for the investor.
    • Multiplying Money: Moving beyond making money to multiplying it through wise investments and financial management.

    Strategies for Financial Growth

    • Incremental Growth: Following Grant Cardone’s advice on progressively increasing income by small increments to ensure sustainable growth.
    • Avoiding Lifestyle Inflation: Caution against spending increases that negate financial gains, such as purchasing luxury items prematurely.

    Practical Financial Moves

    • Creating Unearned Income: Emphasis on generating income through investments that require minimal active involvement.
    • Side Hustles and Small Businesses: Encouraging entrepreneurial activities like selling flip-flops or cooling towels at events to create additional income streams.

    Community and Networking Insights

    • Support and Recognition: Celebrating personal and community achievements, such as opening new businesses or achieving professional certifications.
    • Learning from Each Other: Sharing experiences and strategies within the community to uplift and educate each other.

    Motivational and Spiritual Insights

    • Breaking and Destroying Cycles: Moving beyond merely breaking negative financial cycles to completely destroying them to prevent recurrence.
    • Spiritual Alignment with Financial Goals: Aligning financial actions with spiritual beliefs and values to ensure holistic success.

    Challenges and Solutions in Financial Management

    • Emotional Spending: Recognizing the tendency to spend money on non-essential items due to emotional reasons and addressing it.
    • Community Support: Leveraging the community for support and accountability in financial decisions and actions.

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/the-secret-to-success/exclusive-content

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    S15 - 2h 30m - Jul 24, 2024
  • Why Your Savings Aren't Safe

    Episode Summary

    Dive into the intricate world of money management and discover why traditional saving strategies are failing in today's economy. Join us as we unravel the complexities of the financial system, celebrate personal success stories, and explore practical steps to achieve unearned income and true financial freedom.

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    Personal Introductions and Anecdotes

    ·      Kiana Scott:

    • Standup comedian for eight years.
    • Opening her own merchandise line.
    • Runs two group homes in Atlanta.
    • Co-owner of an agency hiring caregivers and nurses.
    • Registered nurse.

    ·      Tiffany:

    • Independent filmmaker.
    • Helps small businesses with commercials and social media content.
    • Interested in podcasting and expanding her audience.

    Financial Principles and Insights

    ·      Fractional Reserve Banking:

    • Banks lend out more money than they actually have in reserves.
    • This system devalues individual savings.

    ·      Inflation and Debt:

    • Inflation continuously devalues saved money.
    • The system is designed to keep people in perpetual debt.

    ·      Control Over Assets:

    • Importance of controlling income-producing assets.
    • Having control over assets can be more beneficial than ownership alone.

    Personal Finance Strategies

    ·      Investing in Income-Producing Assets:

    • Encouraged investing in real estate or other assets that generate income.
    • Use other people's money to pay off debt and invest in assets.

    ·      Living Below Means:

    • Suggested living modestly and cutting unnecessary expenses.
    • Drive modest cars and avoid high living costs to accumulate wealth.

    ·      Building Credit Wisely:

    • Leveraging credit for investments.
    • Maintaining good credit by borrowing when it's not needed.

    Critiques of Traditional Financial Systems

    ·      Distrust in Traditional Advice:

    • Skepticism towards government financial advice.
    • Belief that government recommendations do not benefit the masses.

    ·      Central Banking System:

    • Criticism of the Federal Reserve and the banking system.
    • Assertion that the system is unconstitutional and devalues money.

    Motivational and Community Insights

    ·      Community and Networking:

    • Importance of community support and networking.
    • Celebrating personal achievements and supporting each other's growth.

    ·      Spiritual and Motivational Insights:

    • Linking personal blessings to discipline and good financial practices.
    • Encouraging a mindset of growth and continuous improvement.

    Practical Financial Moves

    ·      Creating Unearned Income:

    • Emphasis on generating unearned income through investments and assets.
    • Developing a strategy for income without continuous active work.

    ·      Monthly Programs and Products:

    • Creating a monthly program to drive predictable revenue.
    • Developing multiple products to stair-step into more expensive offerings.

    ·      Real Estate Investment:

    • Investing in real estate to generate rental income.
    • Utilizing fair market rent and high deposits to ensure quality tenants.

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    S15 - 2h 32m - Jul 23, 2024
  • Why Stashing Cash Is a Losing Game

    Episode Summary

    In this eye-opening episode, we explore why traditional savings strategies are failing in today's economy and how you can leverage hard income-producing assets to build true wealth. Join us as we celebrate personal achievements, share transformative financial insights, and uncover the pitfalls of following outdated financial advice.

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    Personal Insights and Anecdotes

    • Superstition and Complacency: People often get superstitious and complacent when they start winning, assuming the same strategy will keep working.
    • Championship Teams Analogy: Championship teams often fail to make the playoffs the following year due to complacency and competitors preparing intensely to dethrone them.

    Celebrations and Recognitions

    • Tempest Simone Smith: Praised for achieving high-ranking cybersecurity certifications.
    • Deanna Marie Smith: Celebrated for becoming a community/practicing herbalist.
    • Jerome’s Testimonial: Shared a personal story about receiving unexpected financial blessings.

    Financial Principles and Advice

    • Money as Discipline: Emphasized that learning to manage money is a discipline that doesn't require talent, only practice and dedication.
    • Increased Earning Ability: Stressed the importance of increasing one's ability to earn and cutting unnecessary expenses.

    Critiques of Traditional Saving and Investment

    • Fractional Reserve System: Explained how banks lend out money multiple times over, devaluing individual savings.
    • Inflation and Savings: Argued that saving money is futile because inflation and the banking system continuously devalue it.
    • Investing Wisely: Encouraged investing in hard income-producing assets rather than saving money traditionally.

    Personal Finance Strategies

    • Expense Cutting: Urged cutting down on unnecessary expenses and even moving in with family if needed to save money.
    • Income-Producing Assets: Advocated for investing in real estate or other tangible assets that generate income.
    • Living Modestly: Suggested living below one’s means, driving modest cars, and avoiding high expenses to accumulate wealth.

    Government and Financial Systems

    • Distrust in Government Advice: Claimed that government recommendations, like investing in 401(k)s, often don't benefit the masses.
    • Control Over Ownership: Highlighted that controlling assets is more beneficial than merely owning them, especially regarding credit and investments.

    Practical Financial Moves

    • Leveraging Credit Wisely: Recommended borrowing money when it's not needed to maintain good credit and investment opportunities.
    • Emergency Financial Actions: Discussed the importance of reviewing and understanding the terms of financial agreements, especially in emergency situations.

    Motivational and Spiritual Insights

    • Gracefully Broken: Mentioned a concept from Tasha Cobbs about being "gracefully broken" as a metaphor for personal and financial growth.
    • Blessings and Discipline: Linked personal blessings to listening to good financial advice and being disciplined in financial matters.

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    S15 - 2h 9m - Jul 22, 2024
  • Mastering the Five Laws of Wealth

    Episode Summary

    In this episode, we uncover the five essential laws of gold from "The Richest Man in Babylon," providing practical steps to boost your income, make wise investments, and safeguard your wealth. Join us as we delve into the mindset and strategies that can transform your financial future, ensuring you build a solid foundation for lasting prosperity.


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    · Chapter Focus:

    o Discussion on the five laws of gold.

    o Emphasis on understanding and following the laws of money.

    Key Lessons

    · Understanding Money:

    o Money follows specific rules and laws.

    o Wealthy individuals understand and follow these laws.

    Five Laws of Gold

    1. Save a Fixed Percentage:

    o Save at least 10% of all earnings for future investment.

    o This is a fundamental principle of accumulating wealth.

    2. Invest Wisely:

    o Seek profitable employment for your savings.

    o Money should work to generate more income.

    3. Seek Expert Advice:

    o Consult with knowledgeable and experienced individuals before making investments.

    o Wise counsel helps in making sound financial decisions.

    4. Avoid Unreasonable Risks:

    o Do not invest in ventures that promise improbable returns.

    o Be cautious and well-informed to prevent losses.

    5. Protect Principal:

    o Ensure the safety of your principal by making cautious investments.

    o Avoid investments in areas you do not understand or those prone to loss.

    Practical Advice

    · Debt Management:

    o Focus on increasing income to manage and reduce debt.

    o Avoid making debt the central focus; instead, prioritize earning more.

    · Charging Full Price:

    o Be comfortable charging full price for your services.

    o Valuing your work appropriately encourages financial growth.

    Mindset and Philosophy

    · Righteousness and Wealth:

    o Misconceptions about humility leading to poverty are addressed.

    o Good people often struggle with money due to negative associations with wealth.

    · Heart Issues and Finances:

    o Financial issues are often linked to heart and integrity issues.

    o A strong desire to be wealthy is crucial for financial success.

    Personal Reflections and Testimonials




    o Personal stories of overcoming financial struggles and changing mindsets towards money.

    o Examples of how attitudes towards money affect financial situations.


    Community Support:


    o Shoutouts to community members achieving financial milestones.

    o Encouragement to learn from each other’s experiences.

    Tools and Resources

    · Mint App:

    o Recommended for tracking expenses and budgeting.

    o Helps manage finances effectively by categorizing spending.


    · Receiving Mode:

    o Adopt a mindset open to receiving blessings and opportunities.

    o Actively work towards financial goals with the right attitude and tools.


    · Overall Message:

    o Financial success is deeply connected to mindset and openness to receiving.

    o Practical steps and a strong desire for wealth are key to overcoming financial challenges.

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    S15 - 1h 33m - Jul 20, 2024
  • Cures for a Lean Purse and Meet the Goddess of Good Luck

    Episode Summary

    In this episode, we explore the timeless wisdom of "The Richest Man in Babylon," focusing on the seven cures for a lean purse and how to invite good luck into your financial journey. Discover practical steps and mindset shifts to boost your earning potential and secure your financial future.


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    · Chapter Overview:

    o Discussion on the seven cures for a lean purse and the concept of good luck.

    o Emphasis on the importance of increasing one's ability to earn.

    Astrological Significance

    · Thursday Significance:

    o Mention of the astrological and astronomical significance of Thursday.

    o Thursday is a powerful day for starting new ventures.

    Key Lessons

    · Increase Ability to Earn:

    o The main theme is to focus on increasing the ability to earn rather than merely fixing debt or money problems.

    o Emphasis on the mindset shift towards earning more.

    · Law of Compensation:

    o Money is earned in direct proportion to the need for what you do, your ability to do it, and the difficulty in replacing you.

    Seven Cures for a Lean Purse

    1. Start Thy Purse to Fattening:

    o Save at least 10% of what you earn for future investment.

    2. Control Thy Expenditures:

    o Live within your means and avoid unnecessary spending.

    3. Make Thy Gold Multiply:

    o Invest savings to generate additional income.

    4. Guard Thy Treasures from Loss:

    o Ensure investments are safe and secure.

    5. Make of Thy Dwelling a Profitable Investment:

    o Own your home and ensure it increases in value.

    6. Insure a Future Income:

    o Invest in insurance and other means to secure future income.

    7. Increase Thy Ability to Earn:

    o Continuously improve skills and knowledge to increase earning potential.

    Practical Advice


    Debt Management:


    o Focus on earning more rather than solely on paying off debt.

    o Use earnings to strategically reduce debt.


    Receiving and Charging Full Price:


    o Be open to receiving financial gifts and opportunities.

    o Charge the full price for services to value your work appropriately.

    Mindset and Philosophy


    Righteousness and Poverty:


    o Misconceptions about humility leading to poverty.

    o Good people often struggle with money due to negative associations with wealth.


    Heart Issues and Finances:


    o Financial issues are often linked to heart and integrity issues.

    o A strong desire for wealth is essential for financial success.

    Personal Reflections and Testimonials




    o Personal stories of overcoming financial struggles.

    o Examples of changing mindsets towards money.


    Community Support:

    o Shoutouts to community members achieving financial milestones.

    o Encouragement to learn from each other’s experiences.

    Tools and Resources

    · Mint App:

    o Recommended for tracking expenses and budgeting.

    o Helps manage finances effectively by categorizing spending.


    · Receiving Mode:

    o Adopt a mindset open to receiving blessings and opportunities.

    o Actively work towards financial goals with the right attitude and tools.


    · Overall Message:

    o Financial success is deeply connected to mindset and openness to receiving.

    o Practical steps and a strong desire for wealth are key to overcoming financial challenges.

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/the-secret-to-success/exclusive-content

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    S15 - 1h 31m - Jul 19, 2024
  • The Seven Cures for a Lean Purse

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, we dive into the third chapter of "The Richest Man in Babylon" to explore the seven essential cures for a lean purse, focusing on practical steps to boost income and achieve financial freedom. Join us as we unravel how shifting your mindset towards receiving and valuing your worth can transform your financial health.


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    · Chapter Focus:

    o Chapter 3 of "The Richest Man in Babylon" discusses the seven cures for a lean purse.

    o Emphasis on the importance of money in solving problems.

    Key Lessons

    · Money Solves Problems:

    o Money solves 99% of problems.

    o Financial struggles often stem from lack of money, not just personal issues.

    · Receiving Mode:

    o It's important to be open to receiving money and blessings.

    o Rejecting financial gifts or opportunities can hinder one's financial growth.

    Financial Principles

    · Seven Cures for a Lean Purse (to be discussed in detail in future sessions):

    o Focus on increasing income rather than just getting out of debt.

    o Arkad’s principles emphasize earning more money as a solution to financial issues.

    Practical Advice

    · Debt Management:

    o Increase income to solve debt problems.

    o Avoid focusing solely on debt; instead, work on earning more.

    · Receiving and Charging Full Price:

    o Be comfortable charging full price for services.

    o Accept gifts and payments without guilt to encourage financial growth.

    Mindset and Philosophy

    · Righteousness and Poverty:

    o Misconceptions about humility and righteousness can lead to poverty.

    o Good people often struggle with money because they associate wealth with negativity.

    · Heart Issues and Finances:

    o Financial issues are often linked to heart and integrity issues.

    o A strong desire to be wealthy is essential for financial success.

    Personal Reflections and Testimonials

    · Anecdotes:

    o Personal stories about overcoming financial struggles and changing mindsets.

    o Examples of how people’s attitudes towards money affect their financial situations.

    · Community Support:

    o Shoutouts and support for community members achieving financial milestones.

    o Encouragement to learn from each other’s experiences.

    Tools and Resources

    · Mint App:

    o Recommended for tracking expenses and budgeting.

    o Helps in managing finances effectively by categorizing and monitoring spending.


    · Receiving Mode:

    o Be in a mindset to receive blessings and opportunities.

    o Actively work towards financial goals with the right attitude and tools.

    Actionable Steps

    1. Download Mint App:

    o Use it to track expenses and create a budget.

    2. Focus on Earning:

    o Prioritize increasing income over merely paying off debt.

    3. Adopt a Positive Money Mindset:

    o Be open to receiving financial blessings.

    o Charge full price for services to value your work appropriately.

    4. Learn from Successful People:

    o Study and implement the principles from "The Richest Man in Babylon."


    · Overall Message:

    o Financial success is deeply connected to one’s mindset and openness to receiving.

    o Practical steps and a strong desire for wealth are key to overcoming financial challenges.

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    S15 - 1h 30m - Jul 18, 2024
  • Seven Steps to Financial Freedom

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, we unveil the seven essential rules to achieve financial independence and build wealth rapidly. Learn how to save effectively, control your expenditures, make smart investments, and ensure a prosperous future by mastering the fundamentals of personal finance.


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    General Advice

    · Mindset:

    o "A part of what you earn is yours to keep."

    o Control your expenditures to avoid building wealth.

    o Multiply your money by investing wisely.

    o Protect your money by avoiding risky investments.

    Specific Financial Rules


    Save a Portion of Earnings:


    o Save at least 10% of your earnings before spending on anything else.

    o Emphasized by a video highlighting the importance of this rule.


    Control Expenditures:


    o Avoid unnecessary and extravagant expenses.

    o Focus on saving and investing rather than spending on luxury items.

    o Evaluate your spending habits and cut down on non-essential items.


    Invest Savings:


    o Invest saved money to make it work for you.

    o Diversify investments to spread risk.

    o Recommended investment: All-weather portfolio by Ray Dalio.

    o Avoid high-risk investments and focus on reliable indexes like the S&P 500.


    Protect Investments:


    o Follow Warren Buffett's rule: Don't lose money.

    o Ensure investments are secure and avoid relying on brokers or mutual funds.

    o Invest in index funds for long-term security.


    Own Your Home:


    o Buy instead of renting to build long-term equity.

    o Mortgage payments contribute to eventual ownership, unlike rent payments.


    Ensure Future Income:


    o Maintain a separate savings or investment portfolio for retirement.

    o Consistently add to this fund to secure financial stability in later years.


    Increase Earnings:


    o Invest in personal development to enhance skills and knowledge.

    o Higher earnings often correlate with continuous self-improvement.

    Practical Illustrations and Examples

    · God's Pie Video:

    o Demonstrates the importance of prioritizing savings.

    o Emphasizes the need to allocate funds wisely and ensure personal financial growth.

    Philosophical and Ethical Insights

    · Pay Yourself First:

    o Repeatedly stressed throughout the text as a fundamental principle.

    o Encourages prioritizing personal savings to achieve financial independence.

    Application of Principles

    · Real-life Application:

    o Cites examples and scenarios where these principles can be applied.

    o Highlights the importance of consistency and discipline in financial planning.

    Additional Resources

    · Video Recommendations:

    o Includes links to videos for further understanding of specific rules and principles.

    o Encourages continuous learning and application of financial strategies.

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    S14 - 4h 7m - Jul 17, 2024
  • The Richest Man in Babylon

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, we delve into the timeless wisdom of "The Richest Man in Babylon," exploring how heart and integrity issues underpin personal financial struggles. Join us as we uncover practical steps to manage debt, save wisely, and invest in your future, inspired by the ancient lessons of Arkad, the richest man in Babylon.In this episode, we delve into the timeless wisdom of "The Richest Man in Babylon," exploring how heart and integrity issues underpin personal financial struggles. Join us as we uncover practical steps to manage debt, save wisely, and invest in your future, inspired by the ancient lessons of Arkad, the richest man in Babylon.


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    · Personal Finances:

    1. Personal finances are a heart issue.

    2. Struggling with money is linked to integrity and heart issues.

    · Capitalism:

    1. Capitalism is not the problem; heart issues are.

    2. Wealth disparities have always existed, regardless of economic systems.

    Assembly of Wanderers

    · Resources:

    o Assembly of Wanderers offers videos, blogs, and life hacks.

    o Esoteric blogs and life hacks are available on the website.

    The Man Who Desired Gold

    · Characters:

    o Banzir (Chariot Maker)

    o Kobe (Lyre Player)

    · Story Summary:

    o Banzir and Kobe discuss their financial struggles.

    o They both work hard but are still broke.

    o They dream of wealth and wonder how others, like Arkad, have achieved it.

    o Arkad, their friend, is the richest man in Babylon despite having the same background as them.

    o They decide to learn from Arkad about acquiring wealth.

    Key Lessons

    · Main Lesson:

    o Learning from those who have successfully acquired wealth is crucial.

    · Desire for Money:

    o It's important to desire money healthily, not worship or fear it.

    · Investment:

    o Invest money in assets that increase its value.

    Financial Principles

    · Three Laws of Successfully Handling Wealth:

    1. Live on Less Than You Earn: Control spending to live within your means.

    2. Seek Competent Advice: Learn from those with successful experiences in wealth acquisition.

    3. Make Money Work for You: Invest in assets that generate income.

    Practical Advice

    · Debt Management:

    o Keep debt under control by maintaining a balance between necessary expenses and avoiding excessive spending.

    o Prioritize important debts like insurance and mortgages.

    · Living Expenses:

    o Allocate expenses within a specific percentage of your income.

    · Savings and Investments:

    o Save a portion of your income for future investments.

    o Seek to increase income by diversifying and investing wisely.

    Quotes and Concepts

    · Fish Love:

    o True love (and similarly, desire for money) is about giving and investing, not just self-gratification.

    Practical Steps for Financial Health

    1. Budgeting:

    o Divide income into categories: charity, personal savings, debt repayment, and living expenses.

    2. Saving and Investing:

    o Save 10% of income and invest it in growth assets.

    3. Debt Reduction:

    o Use a portion of income to systematically pay off debts.

    4. Expense Management:

    o Monitor and adjust living expenses to stay within budget limits.


    · Heart and Integrity:

    o Financial struggles often stem from deeper heart and integrity issues.

    · Learning from Success:

    o Emulate successful people like Arkad to learn effective wealth-building strategies.

    Next Steps

    · Further Learning:

    o Continue to the next chapters for more in-depth financial lessons.

    · Actionable Advice:

    o Implement budgeting, saving, and investment strategies discussed.

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    S15 - 1h 51m - Jul 16, 2024
  • From Unknown to Unstoppable with Antonio T. Smith Jr.

    Episode Summary:

    In this insightful episode, Antonio T. Smith Jr. breaks down the art of creating effective human and digital sales funnels to convert strangers into loyal customers. Learn the secrets to building trust, engaging potential buyers, and driving immediate sales, all from the mastermind himself.


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    • Welcome and Overview:
    • Introduction to the ATS marketing training session.
    • Focus on Q&A with Antonio T. Smith Jr. discussing sales funnels, both human and digital.

    Sales Funnels

    • Definition and Importance:
    • Explanation of what sales funnels are and their significance.
    • Antonio has built and mastered sales funnels over years of experience.

    Types of Sales Funnels

    • Human Sales Funnels:
    • Engage customers through personal interactions and presentations.
    • Importance of immediate connection and relationship-building.
    • Digital Sales Funnels:
    • Use of online tools and platforms to guide customers through the buying process.
    • Techniques for capturing attention and converting visitors into buyers.

    Key Discussion Points

    • Understanding Sales Funnels:
    • How to get people from not knowing who you are to buying from you on the same visit.
    • The complexity of this process and the steps involved.
    • Engagement Strategies:
    • Techniques to make potential customers fall in love with your brand quickly.
    • Importance of active participation and talking about your company directly.

    Building Trust and Relationships

    • From Unknown to Known:
    • Steps to take potential customers from not knowing you to knowing you.
    • Strategies to build trust and familiarity with your brand.
    • From Known to Buying:
    • Methods to convert familiar visitors into buyers on the same visit.
    • Importance of delivering immediate value and addressing customer needs.

    Practical Applications

    • Real-Life Examples:
    • Antonio's personal journey from being broke to mastering sales funnels.
    • Practical tips and experiences shared by Antonio and participants.
    • Participant Engagement:
    • Interactive Q&A session with participants asking questions and sharing experiences.
    • Emphasis on real-world applications and understanding the sales funnel process.

    Overcoming Challenges

    • Addressing Common Issues:
    • Challenges faced in building and optimizing sales funnels.
    • Solutions and strategies to overcome these obstacles.
    • Learning from Experience:
    • Antonio's insights on learning and adapting through continuous improvement.
    • Importance of perseverance and innovation in mastering sales funnels.


    • Summary of Key Points:
    • Recap of the essential strategies and insights shared during the session.
    • Encouragement to apply these techniques in participants' own businesses.
    • Final Thoughts:
    • Emphasis on the importance of continuous learning and adaptation.
    • Invitation for participants to ask further questions and engage in future sessions.

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    S15 - 2h 5m - Jul 15, 2024
  • Mastering Customer Loyalty and Engagement


    In this episode, discover how to effectively repurpose your content across multiple platforms to maximize your reach and engagement. Antonio T. Smith Jr. shares insights on using catchy titles, leveraging cross-posting, and documenting everything to build genuine connections and drive your business growth.Bottom of Form

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    • Welcome and Introduction:
    • Emphasis on the importance of post-sale marketing.
    • Comparison to dating: the relationship must continue after the initial purchase.

    Group Participation

    • Interactive Question:
    • Does your marketing end after the close?
    • Group responses: unanimous "no".

    Importance of Post-Sale Marketing

    • Customer Experience:
    • The customer's emotional journey before and after the purchase.
    • Maintaining engagement to ensure repeat business and referrals.

    Post-Sale Marketing Strategies

    • Initial Follow-Up:
    • Send a thank-you note.
    • Conduct an evaluation on customer experience.
    • Request testimonials and referrals.

    Maintaining Relationships

    • Continuous Engagement:
    • Regular check-ins to ensure product satisfaction.
    • Inform customers about complementary products.
    • Reward referrals with discounts or additional products.

    Effective Post-Sale Communication

    • Personal Touch:
    • Personalize post-purchase communications.
    • Use branded and personal emails for order confirmations and shipping notices.
    • Maintain the tone and personality of your brand.

    Building Customer Loyalty

    • Customer Care:
    • Send handwritten notes or personalized video messages.
    • Celebrate customer milestones (anniversaries, birthdays) with special offers.
    • Make customers feel valued beyond the transaction.

    Enhancing Customer Experience

    • User-Friendly Instructions:
    • Provide clear, easy-to-understand guides and tutorials.
    • Create videos demonstrating product use and benefits.
    • Encourage feedback to improve product and service offerings.

    Advanced Strategies

    • Special Offers and Exclusive Access:
    • Offer early access to new products for loyal customers.
    • Create special promotions tied to holidays or customer anniversaries.

    Monitoring and Feedback

    • Online Reviews:
    • Regularly check and respond to online reviews.
    • Address negative feedback proactively.
    • Use customer feedback to make improvements.

    Post-Sale Team

    • Dedicated Staff:
    • Assign a team or individual to handle post-sale customer interactions.
    • Train staff to follow a consistent post-sale engagement plan.

    Improving Support

    • Customer Support Systems:
    • Provide multiple support options (help desk, live chat, email, phone).
    • Ensure timely and effective responses to customer inquiries.

    Practical Tools

    • Text Messaging and CRM:
    • Use text messaging apps to send personalized follow-ups.
    • Implement CRM systems to track customer interactions and preferences.


    • Final Thoughts:
    • Post-sale marketing is crucial for customer retention and satisfaction.
    • Continuous engagement and personalized communication are key to building long-term customer relationships.

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    S15 - 1h 49m - Jul 14, 2024
  • Twitter Mastery and Beyond


    In this episode, learn how to maximize your social media impact with expert strategies on Twitter marketing, content repurposing, and audience engagement. Antonio T. Smith Jr. shares practical tools and tips to ensure your brand remains consistent, engaging, and highly visible across all platforms.


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    • Welcome and Context:
    • Emphasis on the importance of Twitter, podcasting, and repurposing material.
    • Overview of the VIN score to ensure exceptional social media growth.

    Twitter Strategies

    • Maximizing Marketing on Twitter:
    • Ensure the right handle, profile photo, and header image.
    • Consistent brand personality across all social media platforms.
    • Use a bio that showcases the brand's personality and accurately describes products.

    Importance of Consistency

    • Consistency Across Platforms:
    • Avoid customer confusion by maintaining consistent descriptions.
    • Align product descriptions and branding across all platforms.

    Posting Strategies

    • Peak Hours and Posting Frequency:
    • Antonio's advice on not stressing about peak hours and consistent posting.
    • Use interactive content such as polls and engaging visuals.
    • Utilize Twitter videos for increased engagement.

    Brand Personality

    • Showcasing Brand Personality:
    • Reflect the brand's personality in bios, posts, and all communications.
    • Use examples from comedians and public figures to illustrate brand consistency.

    Audience Engagement

    • Engaging with the Audience:
    • Regular interaction and personalized content to maintain engagement.
    • Address customer needs and preferences through regular polling.

    Practical Tools and Tips

    • Tools for Managing Social Media:
    • Hootsuite and Crowdfire for managing multiple social media accounts.
    • Crowdfire features for keyword tracking, influencer interaction, and scheduling posts.

    Content Repurposing

    • Repurposing Content:
    • Create multiple posts from a single piece of content (text, link, graphic, video).
    • Schedule and repost content to maintain visibility and engagement.

    Practical Examples

    • Real-Life Applications:
    • Daryl's example of sending content points to create graphics and posts.
    • Use of playlists on platforms like YouTube and Facebook for organized content.

    Advanced Strategies

    • Enhanced Engagement Techniques:
    • Create series and playlists for continuous content flow.
    • Use professional tools like Premiere videos for high-quality content.

    Measuring Success

    • Monitoring and Metrics:
    • Utilize LinkedIn and other platforms to track engagement and reach.
    • Regularly check and adjust strategies based on performance metrics.


    • Final Thoughts:
    • Importance of continuous improvement and audience engagement.
    • Focus on creating a brand that is relatable and engaging.

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    S15 - 2h 13m - Jul 13, 2024
  • Secrets to Consistency and Customer Connection


    In this episode, discover how to effectively repurpose your content across multiple platforms to maximize your reach and engagement. Antonio T. Smith Jr. shares insights on using catchy titles, leveraging cross-posting, and documenting everything to build genuine connections and drive your business growth.Bottom of Form

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    • Welcome and Context:
    • Emphasis on the importance of personal branding and consulting in the modern business landscape.
    • Focus on two main approaches: consultant standpoint and brand standpoint.

    Personal Branding

    • Building a Personal Brand:
    • Importance of creating and maintaining a personal brand.
    • Strategies for those who haven't consistently posted about their brand (posting 5-6 times a day).
    • Addressing the issue of not having an audience due to lack of consistent posting.

    Consultant Approach

    • Consultants Helping Clients:
    • Teaching clients how to build and maintain personal brands.
    • Emphasis on polling the audience to understand their needs and preferences.
    • Examples of consultants not applying their advice to themselves.

    Audience Engagement

    • Polling the Audience:
    • Importance of audience polling to avoid wasting money and effort.
    • Real-life example: Antonio polling his audience to tailor his content and services.
    • Understanding Audience Needs:
    • Adjusting strategies based on audience feedback and engagement.
    • Dealing with unique problems, like overlapping audiences with other brands.

    Brand Environment

    • Brand Perception:
    • The brand exists in the customer's mind and the environment you put it in.
    • Example: Comparing the success of brands based on their environment and customer perception.

    Content Creation and Posting

    • Consistency in Posting:
    • Importance of consistently posting about your brand on social media.
    • Making phone calls and human interactions as an alternative to online posting.
    • Dealing with Inconsistencies:
    • Addressing common issues like knowing how to help others but not applying the same strategies to oneself.

    Pricing and Value

    • Setting Prices:
    • Importance of raising prices to create exclusivity.
    • Example: Charging $25,000 for consulting services while offering lower prices for family discounts.
    • Balancing High-End and Low-End Products:
    • Creating a range of products from low-end to high-end to cater to different customer segments.

    Customer Retention and Attrition

    • Managing Customer Attrition:
    • Planning for a natural attrition rate of 25%.
    • Strategies to re-engage and retain customers, like offering free services during tough times.

    Scaling and Growth

    • Predictable Revenue and Cash Flow:
    • Focusing on creating monthly subscriptions for predictable revenue.
    • Example: Antonio's goal to cover all expenses from monthly subscriptions, making other income streams 100% profit.

    Practical Implementation

    • Real-Life Application:
    • Example: Antonio using different platforms and strategies to engage his audience and build his brand.
    • Emphasis on documentation and transparency to build trust and engagement.

    Final Tips

    • Exclusivity and Community:
    • Creating a sense of exclusivity to foster a loyal community.
    • Leveraging the community for continuous feedback and improvement.

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    S15 - 2h 0m - Jul 12, 2024
  • Mastering Content Repurposing

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, discover how to effectively repurpose your content across multiple platforms to maximize your reach and engagement. Antonio T. Smith Jr. shares insights on using catchy titles, leveraging cross-posting, and documenting everything to build genuine connections and drive your business growth.Bottom of Form

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    • Welcome: Good morning and thank you for joining the ACS Business University Marketing Training.
    • Focus: Discussing Twitter podcasts and repurposing material.

    Repurposing Content

    • Initial Question: What did Antonio do with the training call from last night?
    • Answer: Antonio repurposed the call by renaming the video and reposting it on multiple platforms (YouTube, Facebook, etc.).
    • Importance of Repurposing:
    • Helps reach a wider audience
    • Ensures content is not missed by the target audience

    Steps for Repurposing Content

    • Reposting:
    • Repost on various platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn)
    • Use cross-posting to reach multiple pages and groups
    • Premiere Scheduling:
    • Schedule premieres on YouTube and Facebook to engage audiences at specific times
    • Cross-Posting:
    • Cross-post content across multiple pages to maximize reach and engagement
    • Changing Titles:
    • Use catchy titles to capture new viewers' attention
    • Titles should make viewers want to click and watch the content

    Strategies for Effective Social Media Use

    • Platform-Specific Strategies:
    • YouTube: Create live video premieres
    • Facebook: Utilize cross-posting and multiple pages
    • Community Engagement:
    • Interact with followers and encourage sharing of content
    • Build a community around the content

    Benefits of Repurposing Content

    • Increased Visibility:
    • Ensures content reaches a larger audience
    • Keeps the audience engaged across different platforms
    • Monetization:
    • Repurposing can lead to multiple streams of income
    • Example: Paid mentions on podcasts

    Practical Examples

    • Antonio's Surgery and Content Creation:
    • Documented personal experiences and used them as content
    • Emphasized the importance of authenticity and vulnerability in content
    • Real-Life Applications:
    • DeMarie Group: Created playlists and organized content for easy access
    • Tempest's Page: Repurposed content to maintain audience engagement

    Tools and Techniques

    • Facebook Business Manager:
    • Access and manage multiple pages
    • Create and organize playlists
    • Content Studio:
    • Use Creator Studio for content management
    • Organize videos into playlists for better audience retention

    Key Takeaways

    • Document Everything:
    • Record all interactions and content
    • Use documentation to create more content and engage the audience
    • Simulate an Eight-Hour Date:
    • Engage with the audience for extended periods to build trust
    • Use long-form content to deepen relationships with viewers
    • Be Genuine:
    • Authenticity is crucial for audience trust
    • Show genuine emotions and personal experiences to connect with the audience

    Additional Tips

    • Continuous Improvement:
    • Always seek feedback and improve content accordingly
    • Emotional Connection:
    • Use emotions to speed up the audience's connection with the content
    • Lead Magnets:
    • Offer valuable content for free to attract potential customers

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    S15 - 2h 13m - Jul 11, 2024
  • From Zero to Billions

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, Antonio T. Smith Jr. reveals the secrets to taking a startup from zero income to a multi-billion dollar empire. Learn actionable strategies for managing costs, understanding customer needs, and driving massive profits while controlling your narrative in diverse markets.

    Bottom of Form


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    • Focus: How to market a startup business with no income
    • Objective: Take a business from zero income and no customers to profitability
    • Specific example: Marketing Riqueza from zero dollars to $3.5 billion by the end of 2024

    Key Concepts

    • Business vs. Empire:
    • Business: Generates consistent income and is owned by you
    • Empire: Continues after your death but may lead to oppression and eventual downfall
    • Antonio's stance: Focus on creating a sustainable business, not an empire

    Marketing Strategies

    • Objective Setting:
    • Define clear financial goals (e.g., $3 million to become profitable, $2.7348 billion annually)
    • Understand the difference between no profit and being out of business

    Customer Focus

    • Identify Target Market:
    • Know exactly how many customers are needed (e.g., 6.94 million for $2.7348 billion annual revenue)
    • Focus on providing what the customers want, not just what you want to offer


    • Profit-Driven Approach:
    • Aim for massive profit, not just acquiring customers
    • All efforts should support the goal of reaching a defined profit margin

    Cost Management

    • Expense Management:
    • Control labor, food, plastic, and paper costs
    • Example: Little Caesars' model of managing costs (21% labor, 30% food, 6% plastic, 6% paper)

    Practical Advice

    • Starting with No Income:
    • Approach business with a mindset of being broke
    • Focus on generating your own money without relying on external funds

    Differentiation in Marketing

    • Riqueza’s Marketing:
    • Positioning as a philanthropist in different markets (e.g., India)
    • Control the narrative to appeal to specific cultural values and expectations

    Learning and Outsourcing

    • Skill Acquisition:
    • Young entrepreneurs should learn as much as possible about their business
    • Older or more established entrepreneurs can delegate tasks to focus on core business strategies

    Final Tips

    • Community and Family:
    • Involve family in business decisions
    • Balance personal and professional life according to individual preferences and business needs

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    S15 - 1h 24m - Jul 10, 2024
  • Humanizing Your Brand

    Episode Summary:

    Join us as Antonio T. Smith Jr. reveals the secrets to transforming your brand through genuine customer connections and strategic use of social media. Learn how to harness attention, trust, and digital tools to build lasting relationships and drive your brand's digital transformation.

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    • Welcome and greetings
    • Introduction to Antonio T. Smith Jr.'s keynote on "Humanizing Your Brand and Customer Intimacy"
    • Emphasis on maximizing brand impact and driving digital transformation

    Keynote Highlights

    • Attention as Currency: Attention is the new currency; gaining trust leads to consistent customer purchases
    • Audience Engagement:
    • Discover what your audience wants
    • Deliver consistently to build trust and activate their purchasing power
    • Polling: The importance of polling your audience to understand their needs and readiness

    Building a Personal Brand

    • Personal Brand Essentials:
    • Be likable
    • Avoid selling products too early to an unprepared audience
    • Social Media Platforms:
    • Focus on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat
    • Snapchat's relevance for audiences under 30
    • Insights on Snapchat usage and growth statistics

    Snapchat for Marketing

    • User Demographics:
    • 191 million daily active users
    • 10 billion daily video views
    • 76% of users are online shoppers
    • Age Groups:
    • Focus on younger audiences as they will become future buyers
    • Example: Antonio targets age groups of 7 and 10 for future engagement

    Effective Use of Snapchat

    • Understanding Snapchat:
    • Interactive platform with photo and video sharing
    • Authenticity is key; behind-the-scenes content is highly valued
    • Snapchat Insights:
    • Use insights to understand viewer demographics, locations, and interests
    • Tailor content based on audience preferences and attention spans
    • Marketing Tips:
    • Engage audiences through authentic and relatable content
    • Focus on building communities and leveraging platform-specific features

    Broader Social Media Strategy

    • Platform-Specific Content:
    • Twitter: Conversations and real-time updates
    • Instagram: Visual storytelling and stunning on followers
    • Facebook: Professional expertise and broad reach
    • LinkedIn: Professional networking and showcasing expertise
    • TikTok: Short, impactful videos for younger audiences
    • Maximizing Reach:
    • Encourage followers to set your page to "see first" for maximum visibility
    • Use alerts and notifications to keep your audience engaged

    Building Community and Brand Power

    • Community Building:
    • Create a strong, engaged community as the foundation of your brand
    • Use social media to foster relationships and trust
    • Monetizing Your Brand:
    • Aim for massive income generation through community support
    • Invest in digital ads and promotions on key platforms
    • Expanding Influence:
    • Move into influential positions and buy power in relevant areas
    • Acquire media outlets and control the narrative about your brand

    Practical Implementation

    • Engagement and Interaction:
    • Host interactive training sessions to understand audience needs
    • Continuously gather feedback and adapt strategies accordingly
    • Real-World Examples:
    • Antonio's personal strategies for targeting young audiences
    • Practical tips for using Snapchat and other platforms effectively

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    S15 - 2h 0m - Jul 9, 2024
  • From Cold Calls to Closed Deals

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, we dive deep into the essentials of transforming cold calls into meaningful relationships that lead to successful sales. Discover expert strategies on building trust, overcoming objections, and confidently asking for the sale, ensuring every conversation with a potential customer is a step toward achieving their dreams.Top of Form

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    • Welcome to the New Hire Training Sales Training Sales Team Training Part 3
    • Emphasis on scheduling appointments rather than directly aiming for sales
    • Importance of building relationships and making friends with potential customers

    Scheduling Appointments

    • Goal: Schedule an appointment, not to get the sale immediately
    • Importance: Making friends to lower resistance and gain trust
    • Strategy: Make potential customers feel comfortable and expect your call

    Building Relationships

    • Approach:
    • Build trust and dig deep to understand customer needs
    • Tailor conversations to what the customer wants
    • Be an active listener to respond genuinely to customer needs
    • Example: If a customer wants to become a speaker, focus on that rather than unrelated services

    Digging Deep

    • Process:
    • Engage in meaningful conversations to learn about the customer
    • Reflect the customer's passion back to them
    • Respond in a friendly and agreeable manner
    • Importance: Helps tailor the offer to the customer’s specific goals and needs

    Overcoming Objections

    • S.P.A.R.C. Method:
    • Acknowledge: Repeat what the customer said
    • Respond: Address their concern
    • Close: Go back to asking for the sale
    • Strategy: Overcome objections by reaffirming the value and importance of the service

    Asking for the Sale

    • Confidence: Be confident and assertive when asking for the sale
    • Scripts and Tools: Utilize provided scripts and tools to guide the conversation
    • Follow-up:
    • Schedule follow-up appointments if the customer is not ready to decide
    • Continuous follow-up to reinforce the value and address any lingering doubts

    Additional Training Points

    • Active Listening: Essential for understanding and responding to customer needs
    • Reiterating Value: Ensure customers understand the value of the service compared to its cost
    • Referrals:
    • Ask for referrals after a successful sale
    • Use customer satisfaction to gauge the likelihood of referrals

    Coaching and Team Support

    • Role of Coaches: Provide support and ad-libbing during calls to reinforce training
    • Continuous Learning: Emphasis on constant learning and improvement through training


    • Handling Different Customer Types:
    • Adapt to different customer personalities (e.g., direct and brief vs. detailed and cautious)
    • Match energy and style to build rapport
    • Ensuring Customer Satisfaction:
    • Ensure customers have access to all necessary resources and support
    • Follow up regularly to maintain and build relationships

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    S15 - 1h 34m - Jul 8, 2024
  • Facing Fears and Embracing Transformation

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, we dive into Vastim East's journey detailed in his book "Awakened by the Ants," focusing on the symbolic struggles depicted in chapter three, "The Bull and the Cobra." Discover how confronting personal fears and embracing unexpected challenges can lead to profound growth and transformation. Bottom of Form


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    • Date and Event: May 28, 2020 - Marketing Training Call - ATS Business University
    • Instructor: Presenting insights from the book "Awakened by the Ants" by Vastim East
    • Topic: Discussion on chapter three, "The Bull and the Cobra," and its implications

    Key Themes from "Awakened by the Ants"

    1.    Invitation to Tanzania:

    • Unexpected invitation linked to previous work, "My Sight Man," a children's book
    • Travel experience with a dental group despite no dentistry background
    • Personal doubts and eventual acceptance of the invitation

    2.    Experiences in Africa:

    • Previous four trips to Africa purely for learning and enjoyment
    • This particular trip provided a profound learning experience

    3.    Transition from Fiction to Non-Fiction:

    • Inspired by ATS members and personal experiences
    • Transformation of fiction elements into meaningful non-fiction narratives
    • Influence of members like Law and Steve Sebo

    4.    Facing Doubts and Fears:

    • Chapter two discusses "Drowning in Doubt"
    • Importance of overcoming inner voices that discourage taking opportunities
    • Personal struggles and doubts about the trip to Tanzania

    5.    Symbolism of the Bull and the Cobra:

    • Initial experiences in Spain, including witnessing a bullfight
    • Symbolic struggle and beauty of the bullfight as a metaphor for life's challenges
    • Encounter with cobra charmers in Tangiers and overcoming fear of snakes
    • The cobra incident as a significant and transformative experience

    Insights from the Bull and the Cobra Chapter

    1.    Bullfight in Spain:

    • Observations on the ritualistic nature of bullfighting
    • Reflection on the struggle between the bull and the matador as a metaphor for personal battles
    • Learning from the victory and defeat witnessed in the bullfight

    2.    Cobra Experience in Tangiers:

    • Personal fear of snakes and the unexpected encounter with a cobra
    • Symbolism of facing fears head-on and emerging stronger
    • Connection between the cobra experience and the journey to Tanzania

    Lessons and Takeaways

    1.    Embracing Challenges:

    • Importance of confronting and embracing personal challenges
    • Symbolism of the bull and the cobra in overcoming life's obstacles
    • Strength gained from facing and overcoming fears

    2.    Inspirational Messages:

    • Encouragement to accept opportunities despite doubts
    • Turning personal experiences into inspirational stories for others
    • Emphasis on the continuous journey of self-discovery and growth

    Questions and Audience Interaction

    1.    Questions from the Audience:

    • Inquiries about the experiences with the cobra and subsequent challenges
    • Discussions on the emotional and psychological impact of these encounters

    2.    Audience Reflections:

    • Personal stories and reflections inspired by the chapter
    • Shared experiences related to nature and overcoming fears

    Practical Applications and Personal Growth

    1.    Nature as a Teacher:

    • Learning from nature and its creatures, such as lions and horses
    • Reflections on how animals live in the moment and focus on immediate goals
    • Insights on the interconnectedness of life and nature

    2.    Personal Development:

    • Emphasizing the importance of understanding and embracing one's journey
    • Encouragement to view life’s challenges as opportunities for growth
    • Building resilience through facing and overcoming personal fears

    Final Thoughts

    1.    Encouragement and Inspiration:

    • Motivating the audience to pursue their dreams despite obstacles
    • Using personal stories and experiences to inspire others
    • Emphasizing the importance of faith and inner strength in overcoming challenges

    2.    Continuous Learning:

    • The journey of self-discovery and learning is ongoing
    • Importance of sharing experiences to help and inspire others

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    S15 - 1h 10m - Jul 7, 2024
  • Mastering Sales and Marketing Synergy

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode, we delve into the critical need for a cohesive relationship between sales and marketing teams, exploring how their collaboration can enhance profitability and customer satisfaction. Learn practical strategies to create effective content, engage diverse audiences, and leverage data for targeted marketing campaigns.

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    • Date and Event: May 14, 2020 - Marketing Training Call - ATS Business University
    • Instructor: Leading today's session
    • Topic: Relationship between sales and marketing teams and why it needs to be cohesive (Continuing from previous sessions)

    Key Concepts

    • Unified Sales and Marketing Teams:
    • Importance of cohesive work between sales and marketing teams
    • Impact of non-cohesive teams on work environment and profitability

    Understanding Different Learning Styles

    • Diverse Audience:
    • Everyone doesn't learn the same way
    • Some people prefer direct points, while others need the full picture with emotions
    • Adjusting Teaching Methods:
    • Adapt content delivery to cater to different learning styles
    • Use feelings and world-changing ideas for some, and straightforward facts for others

    Sales and Marketing Cohesion

    • Analogy of a Relationship:
    • Sales and marketing teams must work together like a harmonious couple
    • Misalignment leads to conflict and inefficiency
    • Joint Effort:
    • Sales team gathers customer insights; marketing team creates content based on these insights
    • Example: Marketing campaigns must reflect the real audience as identified by sales teams

    Practical Applications

    • Creating Effective Content:
    • Marketing content should be based on feedback from sales teams
    • Engage with the audience by addressing their pain points and needs identified through sales interactions
    • Tools for Content Creation:
    • Follow yourself around and take notes
    • Research and observe competitors
    • Understand customer problems and offer solutions

    Engaging Different Customer Segments

    • Example Campaigns:
    • Targeting individuals restarting their careers after a break
    • Addressing specific challenges such as health issues or major life changes

    Use of Data and Analytics

    • Gathering Customer Insights:
    • Psychological profiles of customers
    • Understanding dominant personalities in the audience (Lion, Owl, Monkey, Koala)
    • Adapting Marketing Strategies:
    • Use insights to create targeted marketing campaigns
    • Identify and cater to the most common personality types among customers

    Real-Life Examples

    • Cold Calling and Customer Interaction:
    • Develop strong scripts based on real customer feedback
    • Ensure follow-ups are consistent and address customer needs

    Community and Personal Branding

    • Building a Community:
    • Foster a sense of belonging and engagement among your audience
    • Provide platforms for interaction and sharing
    • Personal Branding:
    • Develop a strong personal brand that can extend to multiple areas
    • Be authentic and accessible to your audience

    Key Takeaways

    • Unified Effort:
    • Sales and marketing teams must work as a single cohesive unit
    • Continuous communication and collaboration are essential
    • Customer-Centric Approach:
    • Understanding and addressing customer pain points
    • Building trust through consistent and reliable interactions

    Final Notes

    • Continuous Improvement:
    • Adapt strategies based on customer feedback and market trends
    • Prioritize customer satisfaction and trust in all marketing and sales efforts

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    S15 - 2h 2m - Jul 6, 2024
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The Secret To Success with Antonio T Smith Jr