How do you measure success in life

16m | May 19, 2022
Success is "the accomplishment of an aim or purpose". So how do we measure success in life as it will be different for everyone? This episode is all bout how you can achieve success for yourself through different approaches to achieve your goal, whatever that may be. One of the things we all endeavour to do is be the best version of ourselves, but we focus on pleasing others too much. I have done that on many occasions and the outcomes weren't what I wanted them to be. It is sad in today's world when success is measured by likes on Instagram or how the rich and famous are going, to me this is wrong. Don't let it be said that I don't follow some successful people I do with the likes of Gary Vaynerchuk, Simon Sinek, Peter Voogd, Seth Godin and others, they have worked at their craft and become successful through hard work, not hope. So how do you measure success in your life, leave a comment below so we can all learn from our success? The internet is a great tool to learn watch and listen and get a different point of view the catch is we don't want to fall into the trap of information paralysis at some point we have to do the work. I have fallen into the trap but if you have listened to the episode (Sometimes You Have To Hit Rock bottom), you may understand why. So what have I done over the years that will help you understand goals and achievements that have been successful, for most you don't even know Pete George. Well, I have run my own successful photography business, and have been successful in corporate sales as well as helping businesses transition from the paper world to the electronic world. I have done a few things, Studied others and gained knowledge that will last me a lifetime even though I went sidewards a few times, but that's ok. For me, success comes from investing in yourself which doesn't necessarily mean University or higher studies. What it does mean, is taking time to learn what you need to learn to make you what you want to be. The thing that helped me to succeed in business and the corporate world was understanding time not the time of day but how much time we have to do the things we need to succeed. What is the best way to go about this is to start with the end in mind. What do you want to be successful in? Let's look at this podcast/Youtube channel My Goal is if I help one person to step out of the darkness of mental health or focused on their success in a different light then I have succeeded. There are 168 hours in a week. So how do I give this goal the time it deserves, this is the backwards part I was talking about. The show takes about 5 hours to produce for the weekly show. 163 hours left It takes about 8-10 hours to research what I want to do per episode. 153 Hours Left Spend 24 hours a week Listening and learning to better myself or go back over something again that I have listened to or read. 129 Hours Left 24 hours marketing the show 105 hours left 56 hours of sleep 54 hours left for you a week or in simple terms, just over 2 days. When we look at striving for success time is not a problem its how we use the time that holds us back. (YOUTUBE) (Support the show)
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