Season 1, Episode 9: Sach Latti: The Canadian David Goggins

1h 4m | Apr 16, 2023

In this episode I meet Sach Latti who was recently coined by those close to him as the “Canadian David Goggins.” Sach depicts his battle with depression and anxiety and how a divorce coupled with the pandemic severely worsened his mental health and how in that moment he chose to run. 

What started out as physically running to escape mental and emotional turmoil, resulted in then running marathons, which then turned into the goal of being the fastest man to  run across all of Canada. Throughout his journey thus far Sach has also realized the running is not about selfish gain but as a means to an end. He’s been able to engineer his training, social media, sponsorships, notoriety and fundraising efforts to help inspire and impact people around the world as well as local charities. 

Connect with Sach and follow his incredible story by subscribing to his YouTube channel, following him on Instagram or by visiting his website, where you can also make a donation to the Honour House. 

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