Talking Mental Health & Creating a Healthier Brain with Johnny Crowder

35m | Apr 20, 2021

 This week, we had the joy of inviting Johnny Crowder, founder and CEO of Cope Notes, to the podcast. During our talk, Johnny offers inspirational insight about his own mental health diagnoses and triumphs, life experiences through dating and therapy, and busy life as a CEO and a singer in a metal band. He breaks down how his text-based mental health platform is rooted in psychological principles and how those tricks help you in your everyday life! 


Johnny Crowder is a  suicide/abuse survivor, TEDx speaker, touring musician, mental health and sobriety advocate, and the Founder & CEO of Cope Notes, a text-based mental health platform that provides daily support to users in nearly 100 countries across the globe. With 10 years of clinical treatment, a psychology degree from UCF, and a full decade of peer support and advocacy through the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) under his belt, Johnny’s youthful vigor for the topic of mental health is unmatched. Whether speaking at events or touring with his band, Prison, Johnny’s infectious positivity and firsthand experience with mental illness (ranging from bipolar disorder and OCD to schizophrenia) uniquely equip him to provide realistic, yet hopeful insight into the pains of hardship with authenticity, levity, and wit.


*****Check out his awesome platform here!! ******

*note: we aim to keep our episodes unscripted and (largely) unedited to provide an example of communication in its natural form.*

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