Exploring Somatic Attachment Therapy, Trauma Healing, and Co-Creating Healthy Relationships

52m | Jan 26, 2024

With Guest Natalia Real – Somatic Attachment Therapy Practitioner & Love Coach

In this heartwarming episode of Raw and Real with Soni Pelty, we dive deep into the world of somatic attachment therapy and holistic approaches to love and relationships with our beautiful guest, Natalia Real. Natalia is known for her work in helping women heal from insecure attachment wounds, codependency, and self-abandonment, enabling them to cultivate fulfilling and healthy relationships.

Key Points Discussed:

1. Natalia Real’s Personal Journey: Natalia shares her transformational journey from struggling with depression and anxiety to discovering holistic healing approaches and somatic therapy.

2. The Essence of Somatic Therapy: Delving into the importance of the mind-body connection in healing and relationships.

3. Understanding Attachment Styles: An insightful discussion on anxious, avoidant, and secure attachment styles, and how they shape our relationships.

4. The Power of Self-Love in Relationship Building: Emphasizing the need for self-love and self-respect as foundational elements in forming healthy relationships.

5. Practical Somatic Exercises: Natalia offers simple, yet powerful somatic exercises listeners can practice at home to enhance their relationship with themselves and others.

6. Trauma Awareness and Healing: Highlighting the significance of recognizing and healing from past traumas for personal growth and better relationships.

7. The Concept of Co-Creating Relationships: Exploring how co-creating, rather than over-functioning, leads to balanced and fulfilling partnerships.

8. Learning to Give and Receive Healthy Love: Discussing the importance of both giving and receiving love in a healthy manner.

Connect with Natalia Real:

- Instagram: notesfromalovecoach

Next Episode Teaser:

Stay tuned for our next episode where we will delve into another fascinating aspect of love and relationships. Don't forget to stay raw, stay real, and love bravely!

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Raw & Real With Soni Pelty