• 218. How to Utilize Hiring to Change Your Life and Business

    Deciding to hire someone to help with tasks in your business (or your personal life) can be a huge roadblock for many people. The thing is, once you’re willing to take that step, it can open you up for tons of positive change.

    Whether you have hired people in your business before, but are always uneasy about doing it, or the idea of hiring someone to help with anything you’re doing right now sounds nerve-wracking, this episode will be an eye opener for you.

    Wojo and Peter cover:

    1. How hiring can help you make MORE in your business (yes, even despite the cost of hiring someone)
    2. The doors that hiring someone to help with household tasks can open
    3. What to do with your new found free time to make hiring more than worth it.

    And so much more.

    If you enjoyed this, check out this free resource to go along with this where you can dive deeper into hiring and other business essentials, like automating and more:


    19m - Jul 2, 2024
  • 217. How Jay Helms Achieved Time and Financial Freedom

    Jay Helms shares a narrative familiar to many Lifeonaires.


    Dissatisfied with his conventional job, he began to build a real estate business on the side. It wasn't until he faced a pandemic-induced layoff that he truly accelerated his real estate investments, propelling him towards newfound levels of success and freedom.


    Today, Jay joins us on the show to unveil many strategies and insights behind his remarkable journey. Tune in as he offers practical advice to propel your own investments forward, whether your goal is to break free from the confines of a traditional job, achieve massive growth in passive income, or embrace the freedom to travel extensively.


    What distinguishes Jay is his authenticity and humility. Throughout the conversation, he candidly discusses the challenges and uncertainties he encountered along the way, demonstrating that successful people aren't fundamentally different—they simply make deliberate and informed choices. Jay's story serves as a reminder that with the right mindset and approach, success is within reach for anyone willing to pursue it!


    If you’d like to get in touch with Jay, he encourages you to text him! 205-249-0248


    Nail down the perfect picture of the life you want, and accelerate towards it by spending 3 days at one of our events. They’ve transformed the lives of thousands of people, and they can change yours too. (use promo code PODCAST for 50% off):




    S1E217 - 52m - May 22, 2024
  • 216. The Effects of the New 1099 Regulation with Patrice Onwuka

    Tune in to a truly special episode of the Lifeonaire Show as we unpack a recent regulatory shift that could impact solo-preneurs, business owners, and beyond.


    In March 2024, a pivotal regulation was passed, raising the bar for those seeking independent contractor status rather than employee status. This change threatens the classification of numerous 1099 workers and the businesses engaging them, potentially leading to contract terminations and penalties.


    To help us understand this regulation and navigate it, we're joined by the insightful Patrice Onwuka, Director of the Center for Economic Opportunity at the Independent Women's Forum. Together, we delve into the implications of this regulation, dissecting its potential ramifications for our audience and the broader Lifeonaire community.


    While this topic pivots from the typical Lifeonaire Show discussion, we wanted to cover this because it has the potential to impact a significant portion of our community. Whether you're directly affected or simply curious, join us as we explore actionable insights and strategies to empower your decision-making in the face of change. We hope this insight helps you on your journey towards your Vision, from how to make a living and beyond.


    As Patrice mentioned in the interview, here are some resources from more information, to how take action to change this regulation if you choose to:



    Discover the secrets to time and financial freedom so you can work less and make more: Lifeonaire.com/4-stages


    Change your life in 3 days (use promo code PODCAST for 50% off):



    S1E216 - 36m - May 14, 2024
  • 215. PR Tips to Attract More Clients with Mickie Kennedy

    In this episode, Mickie Kennedy, press release expert, reveals how PR can help businesses get noticed and find new clients.


    You might think your business isn't newsworthy enough for press releases, but Mickie’s going to blow your mind!


    Listen to discover affordable and straightforward strategies to use press releases in ways that work across different industries. Mickie shares innovative angles that have shot his clients to the forefront of their industries, securing top-tier media coverage and dominating their markets. 


    The best part? You don't need a ton of time or money to start using press releases. Mickie suggests starting small, with just one a quarter.


    Get ready to revolutionize your approach to publicity and unlock unparalleled opportunities for your business!


    Check out Mickie’s resources he mentioned on the show:



    Discover more reliable strategies for making more and working less in your business by joining us at a Business Builder Workshop. Use code PODCAST to get 50% off your tickets. (One ticket gets you and your spouse in!)



    S1E215 - 39m - May 7, 2024
  • 214. Ask Better Questions, Get Incredible Results

    The questions we pose to ourselves have immense power in shaping our outcomes. Consider this: who do you believe is more likely to succeed – the person who ponders, "Who do you think YOU are hoping that you won’t fail?" or the one contemplating, "What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?"


    Every single day, we have an internal dialogue, asking ourselves questions that mold our thoughts and actions. In this episode, Jason Wojo and Polish Peter delve into the significance of these inquiries, unveiling some of the most impactful questions they've utilized personally and with countless coaching students to propel them toward success.


    Prepare to pause and reflect as you encounter these thought-provoking questions. You'll likely find yourself reaching for pen and paper so you can implement some of these in your own journey toward your aspirations. Get ready for an enlightening discussion brimming with transformative insights!


    Getting empowered is like fuel for accomplishing your goals and realizing your dreams. Lifeonaire has decades of experience in empowering people from any part of their journey, including where you are now. Begin with a Get-A-Life Getaway, our token event that has been described by past attendees as one that produces “focus, determination, energy, passion, and purpose”. Get your ticket today, and get 50% off when you use code PODCAST at checkout:



    S1E214 - 30m - Apr 30, 2024
  • 213. The Keys to Success for Lifeonaires: Q&A with Lifeonaire Coaches

    Get ready for a truly remarkable episode this week, as we gather 8 of our esteemed Lifeonaire coaches to tackle some of the most pressing questions on achieving success! 


    Drawing from decades of collective wisdom and extensive experience mentoring hundreds of students, the coaches reveal the key insights that hold people back from living in their full potential AND how their strategies and the magic of a mastermind work to free people from these shackles and shoot them towards success faster and easier than they could have alone.


    You’ll notice an interesting theme in this discussion: none of us are unique in our struggles, and that includes our coaches. In this episode or in any mastermind, you’ll be surrounded by people who have navigated the same hardships, fears, and desires as you are living in right now. Our coaches have not only made it through these challenges themselves, they’ve also guided hundreds of students through them.


    Tune in for a rare opportunity to glean wisdom from seasoned experts who specialize in leading others through the complexities of tough decisions. Their students gain not only financial abundance, but also lives brimming with profound happiness and fulfillment that’s tailored to the individual. Don't miss this exclusive chance to tap into these insights!


    If you want to get in on the rapid growth coaching can provide to your journey to building a life you love, go to:



    If you want to start your journey with 3 “life-changing” days learning from Wojo, Peter, and our coaches, go to:


    Use promo code PODCAST at checkout for 50% off your ticket.


    S1E213 - 45m - Apr 23, 2024
  • 212. Sowing Seeds of Purpose: Embracing God's Plan in Entrepreneurship with Laurie Wong

    Laurie Wong embarked on her entrepreneurial journey guided by a divine nudge, channeling her business acumen towards serving others. With unwavering faith, she invested her entire savings to establish what would eventually become into the largest partner organization of the Atlanta food bank, catering to nearly 8,000 people monthly.


    Throughout her path, Laurie navigated numerous pivots, including cultivating a thriving furniture store and later emptying it to fulfill her divine calling. Join us as she imparts invaluable lessons gleaned from decades in business, including:


    • Mastering the art of flexibility in your plans.

    • Embracing the profound, albeit daunting, rewards of heeding divine guidance in both life and business.

    • Recognizing that our true power lies not in controlling events, but in how we choose to respond to them. Each decision we make plants a seed, and positive responses yield fruitful outcomes.

    This episode brims with inspiration, offering pearls of wisdom for people across all walks of life and stages in their careers. Whether you seek motivation to embrace God’s guidance or embark on a nerve-wracking yet exhilarating journey of transformation, this is an episode not to be missed!


    Go to ReflectionsOfTrinity.org to learn  more about Laurie’s endeavors


    S1E212 - 51m - Apr 17, 2024
  • 211. Adversity, the Power of Coaching, and Boldly Living Your Dreams with Ellie Daniels

    Have you ever felt the urge to take a leap and fully embrace the life you've always envisioned?


    Ellie Daniels—2022 Lifeonaire "Student of the Year"—crafted a Vision for her life, leading her to boldly quit her job, pack her car, and relocate to Florida to pursue her dreams. With the guidance of her coaches and a supportive coaching group, Ellie found the courage to prioritize her goals and develop a solid plan for success.


    Join us as Ellie shares her inspiring journey.


    While the path hasn't been without its challenges – including unexpected hurdles like Hurricane Ian – Ellie reveals how having a qualified support system, such as her coaching group, helped her navigate through adversity.


    This episode is a must-listen for individuals at various stages of life, whether seeking the courage to make a significant change or finding resilience amidst difficulties. Ellie's story serves as a powerful reminder of the achievable nature of your dreams and the invaluable support that comes from a community dedicated to your success.


    Change your life in 3 days (use promo code PODCAST for 50% off):


    S1E211 - 38m - Apr 9, 2024
  • 210. How to Reduce Your Hours in Your Business

    Most Lifeonaires work 20-25 hours per week. How much time for your life could you have if you only had to work that much?


    And the crazy thing is, they aren’t any less profitable. Many are MORE profitable.


    How is this possible?


    This is a question we answer in deep detail at the Business Builder Workshop, where we teach people how to transform their business into something that gives them freedom and profits.


    And this week, we are also scratching the surface of this question on the show. Listen in to a sliver of our recent Virtual Business Builder Workshop where Jason and Peter dive into:


    1. How a business owner who works 50+ hours a week can cut their work down to 20

    2. How to decide which tasks to take on as a business owner when it feels like there are a ton of things to get done

    3. The counter-intuitive explanation as to why delegating and hiring saves you money.


    We hope you enjoy this overview of some of the magic that’s helped thousands of Lifeonaires get their time back AND be insanely profitable.


    Did you get something out of this? There’s more where that came from!

    Spend 3 days with us to transform your business



    S1E210 - 18m - Apr 2, 2024
  • 209. Secrets of Success in Life and Investing from Day Trading Expert Anmol Singh

    Dive into this conversation with day trading expert Anmol Singh that covers a vast array of topics from top notch insight on how to be successful, to the essentials of investing in the stock market.


    Anmol answers questions many of us have about day trading, including when to sell, when to buy, and how to know if you should stick with something long term.


    Beyond the realm of trading, this discussion offers timeless life advice applicable to everyone. Explore the significance of integrity in our daily lives, with practical strategies shared by Anmol to uphold this fundamental value. Discover the transformative power of teamwork, as Anmol highlights how collaborative efforts can help you accomplish feats far beyond what you could imagine doing on your own.


    Then, Anmol leaves us with a challenge! He encourages listeners to go beyond passive listening and take actionable steps towards implementing the insights gained from the episode. Embrace the opportunity to elevate either your trading skills or your personal growth journey by listening in and applying what you discover.


    Learn more about day trading:


    Follow Anmol on Instagram or Twitter:


    Get Anmol’s book:



    Discover the secrets to time and financial freedom so you can work less and make more: 



    Take action towards finally getting the life you’ve always wanted at one of our events (use promo code PODCAST for 50% off your ticket)


    S1E209 - 38m - Mar 27, 2024
  • 208. Unwind to Thrive: The Power of Recharging

    Are you a business owner struggling to find time to recharge? Feeling guilty for stepping away or unsure how to unwind effectively? 


    Join Wojo and Peter as they delve into how to have a renewed perspective on recharging. Discover how taking breaks can actually boost productivity and benefit your business. 


    From counterintuitive insights to personal relaxation techniques (ever considered staring at a wall, because Peter does this every single week!), this episode offers inspiration to incorporate rejuvenation into your routine. 


    Tune in to revitalize your energy and embrace the practice essential for success!


    You can talk with Wojo, Peter, and other like-minded people about tips for recharging on the Lifeonaire Facebook Group:



    S1E208 - 20m - Mar 20, 2024
  • 207. Designing & Living an Extraordinary Family Life with Greg Denning - LEGACY

    We all know that successful businesses and investments require vision, strategy, planning, and execution. That is also true in creating and living an extraordinary family life. It doesn't happen by chance or accident. 


    This week, we have a very special episode because we are re-releasing an all-time fan favorite: Greg Denning’s entire presentation from our recent Lifeonaire Summit that covers how to create and live an AMAZING Family Life. More meaning, more joy, more life. 


    Greg grew up in a broken family and ended up out on his own at the age of 16. Those difficult, lonely years made him determined to discover the secrets to happiness and success, and to deliberately design and live an awesome family life. Greg and Rachel have been married 21 years, have 7 children, and have taken their family on adventures across 5 continents and 33 countries so far. 


    Get ready to discover how to succeed at work AND at home by implementing these proven principles and practices in a whole-life approach.


    Learn the essentials of how to structure your life, so you too can prioritize the extraordinary with our free webinar on The 4 stages of Financial Prosperity:



    Get the blueprint for your extraordinary life and discover your tailored path to get there at one of our Lifeonaire Events (use promo code PODCAST to get 50% off)



    S1E207 - 1h 3m - Mar 14, 2024
  • 206. How To Apply the Vision Process to Your Relationship

    This week, Jason Wojo and Polish Peter are talking about relationships! Whether you're navigating the single life, in the dating scene, or in a committed relationship, this conversation is a must-listen. 


    If you’re single or dating, here’s what’s in it for you: You’ll discover the profound impact of crafting a vision for your future partner and gain inspiration on how to articulate your own. Dive into the essence of healthy relationships and unravel the subtle indicators that forecast a lifetime connection.


    If you’re in a relationship, there’s gold for you too. Jason and Peter explore the art of navigating change harmoniously with your partner. They cover the impact of regular check-ins and where to channel your focus to gracefully let go of the trivialities, allowing you to fully appreciate the best of your partner. 


    Whether you're single, married, dating, or on a journey of healing, this episode offers valuable insights applicable to every stage of relationships. Tune in and elevate your connection game!


    Discover the secrets to time and financial freedom so you can work less and make more: 



    Change your life in 3 days at one of our events (use promo code PODCAST for 50% off):



    S1E206 - 34m - Mar 6, 2024
  • 205. How to Break Through Fear and Unlock Your Potential

    Imagine all the things you could face and accomplish if you didn’t have fear holding you back.


    Embark on a transformative journey this week with Jason Wojo and Polish Peter as they tackle the powerful realm of overcoming fears. They share several practical and innovative approaches you can use to redefine your relationship with fear.


    Wojo and Peter even unveil a compelling story from a secret exercise we conduct at our Get-A-Life Getaway events. It sheds light on the intricate workings of fear and how regardless of how big of a step you take, there’s power in pushing yourself despite your fears.


    Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or navigating the challenges of everyday life, this episode guarantees breakthroughs by offering invaluable insights into conquering fear and unlocking your full potential. Tune in and chart a course towards a life free from the constraints of fear.


    Transform your life in 3 days at one of our events (use promo code PODCAST for 50% off):



    S1E205 - 28m - Feb 27, 2024
  • 204. Mastering the Art of Online Community Building with Jade Olivia

    Unlock the secrets of fostering a thriving online community for your business or passion project with our expert guest, Jade Olivia, a seasoned community building consultant. 


    In this insightful episode, Jade shares invaluable secrets on:


    • Choosing the right platform for your community

    • Proven strategies for cultivating organic engagement among community members, reducing the burden on you as the moderator

    • Discovering the compelling reasons to establish a community so you can make an informed decision about its potential impact on your business


    Tune in for a deep dive into the world of community building and learn how to create a vibrant space where your audience actively connects and engages. Don't miss out on the tips and tricks that can elevate your online presence and foster lasting relationships with your existing (or potential future) clientele.


    Connect with Jade and check out her resources:



    Transform your life in 3 days at one of our events (use promo code PODCAST for 50% off):



    Discover the secrets to time and financial freedom so you can work less and make more: 



    S1E204 - 49m - Feb 21, 2024
  • 203. How to Navigate Seasons of Setbacks with Joe Turney

    Welcome to an insightful episode featuring Lifeonaire favorite, Joe Turney, as he shares invaluable lessons from a challenging season of setbacks. Join us as Joe candidly discusses navigating through unexpected hurdles, from projects spiraling over budget to a wave of his team members suddenly leaving. In this episode, he draws parallels to a farmer's unpredictable journey, emphasizing the importance of weathering seasons with no visible yield.


    No matter how meticulously crafted our visions or how well-structured our businesses, hardship is inevitable. Joe delves into the crucial role of mindset during tough times, showcasing how it influences decision-making under stress and minimizes heartache. Tune in to glean nuggets of wisdom, including discerning when to let go of a sinking project and when to persevere. Learn the mindsets that empowered Joe to emerge stronger from adversity, providing valuable insights for your own journey. Join us for an enriching conversation that transcends challenges, offering practical strategies for resilience and growth.


    Discover the secrets to time and financial freedom so you can work less and make more: 



    Change your life in 3 days (use promo code PODCAST for 50% off):



    S1E203 - 38m - Feb 14, 2024
  • 202. Authenticity, Tenacity, and Telling Your Story with former NFL player Brad Cousino

    Brad Cousino had an upbringing full of obstacles, many of which were unknown by even his closest friends. Many decades later after a life full of applicable lessons learned through his NFL career, recovering from abuse, and so much more, Brad has written a touching book to inspire people of many walks of life. 


    He’s here to share some of the highlights covered in his book, “Unwanted, Unworthy, Unshackled”,  and his reflections on how telling his story has opened his eyes in unexpected ways to the impact of his life story.


    Whether you’re a football fan, an aspiring writer, or you’re looking for your next moving read, check out this episode to spark your interest and take away some insight on the power of authenticity, tenacity, and telling your story.


    Learn more about Brad and get his book at BradCousino.com


    Transform your life in 3 days at our upcoming Get-A-Life Getaway (use promo code PODCAST for 50% off):



    S1E202 - 34m - Feb 7, 2024
  • 201. Sales Resilience: Thriving Through Follow-Ups and Lead Chasing

    Discover how to stand out in your industry as Jason Wojo and Polish Peter delve into the transformative power of "Consistency and Persistency" in this week's episode. 


    Ever wonder why so many businesses struggle with the basics of returning a call to a potential client? It’s because even though the path to success with sales is sometimes simple, it can be hard to follow through with.


    Gain insights into the reasons why many individuals falter with follow-ups and lead chasing, and find out how you can break through these barriers. Join the conversation as they share practical tips on navigating the disappointments of sales calls that seem to lead nowhere so you can start feeling yourself progressing, even with every failed attempt at a sale you encounter. Don't miss out on this insightful discussion that can light a fire for you to seize those game-changing opportunities.


    Fix your business in 3 days (use promo code PODCAST for 50% off):



    Discover the secrets to time and financial freedom so you can work less and make more: 


    S1E201 - 21m - Jan 31, 2024
  • 200. The Power of The 6 Love Styles with Lifeonaire Coach, Kathy Neubauer

    Welcome to this enlightening episode where Lifeonaire coach Kathy Neubauer unveils a transformative tool that can break the cycle of conflict in couples. Join us as we explore a concept from the book How We Love: the 6 Love Styles. The styles are The Avoider, The Pleaser, The Vacillator, The Controller, The Victim, and The Secure Connector.


    Jason and Peter ask Kathy tons of questions about this powerful tool, many of which you might have yourself. By learning you and your partner’s styles and what patterns it causes in your own relationship, you’ll be amazed at how much deeper understanding of yourself and your partner emerges.


    Get ready for an eye-opening exploration of relationship dynamics, paving the way for growth and resolution in your relationship.


    Get more life-changing insight on your relationships, your career, EVERYTHING at our Get-A-Life Getaways:



    S1E200 - 46m - Jan 24, 2024
  • 199. Lifeonaire Unveiled: Jen and Mark Heller’s Path to Prosperity

    Years ago, Jen and Mark Heller were breaking at the seams. They were overworked and struggling to communicate. Jen was suffering from mysterious health issues, and Mark from reliance on alcohol.


    In a quest for change, the couple attended a life-altering Get-A-Life Getaway, and decided to join Lifeonaire. 


    Fast forward to today, and the results are nothing short of extraordinary. Their relationship has flourished, Jen's wellness business has skyrocketed, generating tenfold its pre-pandemic success, and Mark has discovered newfound passions in new investing opportunities he discovered through Lifeonaire.


    Join us as they unravel the layers of their journey, from the depths of the valley to the triumphant peak where they now stand. Mark and Jen generously share the invaluable wisdom they've acquired along the way, offering insights that resonate with anyone facing similar challenges.


    If your life echoes the struggles they once knew, don't miss this episode. Mark and Jen's radical journey to prosperity is a beacon of hope and inspiration. Tune in to glean lessons from their experiences and discover the keys to unlocking your own path to a more fulfilling life.


    Transform your life in 3 days at one of our events (use promo code PODCAST for 50% off):



    Discover the secrets to time and financial freedom so you can work less and make more: 



    S1E199 - 49m - Jan 17, 2024
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