• The Graveyard Tapes: The Cutout Part 1

    Valentine and Threadripper are hired to investigate Jimmy "Guy" Petroski's unexplainable murder dreams, and the best trail they have is one only Thread can follow.

    S2E53 - 24m - Jun 24, 2024
  • The Graveyard Tapes: Santatine is Coming to Town

    Valentine offers to help out in John’s antique shop to avoid the faction cookie swap and ends up falling prey to a magical hat that wants to turn him into Santa Claus. Jackie springs into action to find a way to reverse this before Valentine becomes actual Saint Nick.

    28m - Dec 25, 2023
  • The Graveyard Tapes: Great Dead Showstopper Part 2

    Valentine and friends have to contend with mixed up voices and powers while they find some way to undo the mess Avarice has them in, before she finishes what she started.

    S52E2 - 23m - Dec 11, 2023
  • The Graveyard Tapes: Great Dead Showstopper Part 1

    Valentine is surprised to find someone is putting on a show about his life. When he goes to demand his cut, he realizes a little too late that the show might just be for show.

    S2E51 - 20m - Nov 27, 2023
  • The Graveyard Tapes: Monster at the End of this Episode

    Valentine has to face his fear of bog monsters in his basement to fix his leyline router, only to nearly cause a break in time.

    S2E50 - 19m - Nov 13, 2023
  • The Graveyard Tapes: Day Zero Part 2

    Thread explores some of her new memories, and how things have changed over the years since the day everything changed for the Pixies.

    S2E49 - 27m - Oct 30, 2023
  • Queen City Supers Announcement

    A promo and an update for our sister show, Queen City Supers.

    6m - Oct 23, 2023
  • Queen City Supers Vol. 5 Chapter 3/3: Time Passes

    Everyone returns home after a long first day of school, then we have a time skip. Our heroes work on their teamwork, as well as honing their own abilities. They also get introduced to Abby, their Overwatch.

    Then one day after a very successful challenge, they come across a building on fire.

    30m - Oct 23, 2023
  • The Graveyard Tapes: Day Zero, part 1

    While investigating the mystery of a disappearing GD, Thread uncovers some unexpected truths (unlocked by her poking at Zero’s memories). They also meet the goddess of inevitability, compulsion, and necessity who tells them that what is soon to happen was always going to happen eventually.

    E48 - 22m - Oct 16, 2023
  • Queen City Supers Vol. 5 Chapter 2/3: Pizza, Powers, and Ethics

    Our heroes discussed their shared experiences with being supers, as well as pieces of their personal journey. They discuss how ethics are different for heroes, as well as the strange corners found in superhero fandoms.

    30m - Oct 9, 2023
  • Queen City Supers Vol. 5 Chapter 1/3: The Sentinel's Sanctuary

    Our heroes take some time to get to know each other better over some pizza at Madigan's. Daegda is delighted by the company and Bethany is thrilled to get to know her friends outside of the superhero mask.

    30m - Oct 2, 2023
  • Queen City Supers Vol 4. Chapter 4/4: Stop the Plot

    Two goons stand between our heroes and completing this challenge. Will their coordinated attack be enough to overpower them?

    Once the day is done, our heroes decide to go unwind at Scarlet’s place because she is finally ready to share her identity with Glider.

    25m - Sep 25, 2023
  • Queen City Supers Vol. 4 Chapter 3/4: Gather the Pieces

    Investigating this fake villain’s lair, our heroes begin to piece together the plan for a mysterious plot that threatens several heroes. Can they uncover the “villain's” true goal in time?

    24m - Sep 18, 2023
  • Queen City Supers Vol. 4 Chapter 2/4: The Greatest Rescues That Never Happened

    Our heroes learn how teamwork and communication led to some wonderful rescues in the past, and how some of the greatest rescues never happened because the crime was stopped before it could happen.

    Then they are given a challenge to see if they can stop a tragedy before it can take place. Glider’s enthusiasm leaves her a little embarrassed, but her friends rally to help her regain her confidence.

    26m - Sep 11, 2023
  • Queen City Supers Vol. 4 Chapter 1/4: Three Interesting Things

    After a rather eventful start to the day, our heroes are left to their own devices. They decide to take advantage of their freedom to get a lay of the land and maybe sit in on a class.

    Marcus suggests sitting in on a Rescue 101 lecture. It starts with everyone’s favorite thing: introducing themselves.

    26m - Sep 4, 2023
  • Queen City Supers Vol 3 Chapter 5/5: Mind Over Matter

    Kid Phoenix is pushed to the limit and has to resort to his other powers to impress his new mentor. They all meet afterward in the common area to refuel and rehydrate before deciding what to do with the rest of their day.

    19m - Aug 28, 2023
  • Queen City Supers Vol 3 Chapter 4/5: Speed & Strength

    Glider goes to show off her speed to Gulf Stream with embarrassing results while Scarlet Sentinel manages to impress the impressive Captain Formidable.

    22m - Aug 21, 2023
  • Queen City Supers Vol 3 Chapter 3/5: Meeting the Mentors

    After their tour and an explanation of how things work at the Institute, our heroes get to meet their first mentors.

    26m - Aug 14, 2023
  • Queen City Supers Vol 3 Chapter 2/5: The Hero Institute

    Our heroes get a tour of the institute courtesy of Jenna O’Malley and Vector Kain, before being taken to meet their mentors.

    27m - Aug 7, 2023
  • Queen City Supers Vol 3 Chapter 1/5: Heroes and Hubris

    Our heroes arrive at the Hero Institute, ready to see what the day holds for them. Glider is surprised by an offer of speedster coffee from the Phoenix, who was stopping by after doing his team’s coffee run.

    Then on the inside, they nearly run into a spot of trouble and we see the start of a rivalry with Hubris.

    28m - Jul 31, 2023
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The Graveyard Tapes