84: Enlighten Me on Homelessness in America - Part 2

38m | Jun 24, 2021

Thousands of people across the United States don’t currently have an address or a roof over their heads. This problem can often feel much too big to solve - but could it be possible that such a massive crisis has some simple solutions? Today, Melany Jackson is back to teach us what we can do to help folks without homes, and I’m telling you - it’s easier than you think!

Last week, Melany shared with us about the nonprofit ministry she started in Central Illinois to help be a part of systemic change for friends without addresses. This time, she’s sharing more about homelessness as it relates to our country. We’re talking about stats, causes, and common misconceptions about the homeless population. We’re also discussing what it’s truly like to live on the streets and how we should handle situations of panhandling. I found this conversation so helpful as someone who always wants to help those in need, but isn’t always sure what to say or do when I find myself in those situations!

While Melany does share some great tips and conversation starters for these times, her biggest message is this: treat them with dignity. We’re talking about real human lives here, so it makes sense that the most practical and impactful thing we can do is to treat them like fellow human beings. Doing things like making eye contact, saying hi, and showing basic kindness can make a huge difference in the life of someone who is homeless and often ignored. This practice can also help us to have more empathy for our brothers and sisters in need. After all, isn’t that how we would want to be treated if we were in their shoes?

Links from the show:

Chews Happiness:

When Helping Hurts by Corbett, Fikkert, and Perkins:

Toxic Charity by Robert D. Lupton:

Under the Overpass by Mike Yankoski:

More Than Enough by Melany Jackson:

Radical by David Platt:

Connect with Mackenzie:

Instagram: @theheartfelthippie // @the.enlightenme.podcast




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