346. Embracing the Wild: How Shelby Stanger's Adventures Inspire Personal Growth and Fearlessness

28m | Jan 29, 2024

Shelby Stanger has carved a unique niche through her explorations and storytelling. Her journey is a testament to the power of embracing the wild, both in nature and within oneself. As a journalist-turned-podcaster, Shelby created "Wild Ideas Worth Living," where she interviews various adventurers, sharing her own extensive surfing and outdoor experiences.

Shelby's path was shaped by early life challenges, including the loss of her father. This personal tragedy highlighted the brevity of life and steered her towards surfing and nature, which she found to be healing and meditative. These experiences underscore her philosophy: that adventure is not just an activity, but a crucial element for mental well-being and personal growth.

Her book "Will to Wild" delves into the mindset necessary for adventures, the challenges faced, and the transformative effects of such experiences. It's a blend of personal anecdotes and interviews, providing practical guidance for those looking to embark on their own adventures. A key theme in Shelby's narrative is the role of fear. She discusses how facing fears in the wilderness can empower individuals to confront life's broader challenges, offering tactics like focusing on the present to manage fear.

Shelby's message resonates beyond the realm of adventurers. She advocates for the importance of starting - in adventures and life - emphasizing action over extensive planning. In a world that often feels overwhelming, Shelby Stanger's philosophy offers a refreshing perspective on the interplay between nature, fear, kindness, and self-discovery.

The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

“There's two things. One, go outside in nature as often as you can and breathe. And the second is be kind. Kindness is a game-changer. It'll get you out of a jam. It'll help you on your way. It'll bring you trail magic. And that's not just being kind to other people and kind to animals and trees but being kind to yourself. We can all be really hard on ourselves and you have to laugh at yourself on the way. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to others. Get outside and have fun.”


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