Ep 4 part II: The Ravaging Impact of Father Wounds in Today's Families and Culture

24m | Sep 2, 2022

Our host Michael Conat speaks with Bob Reccord about the ravaging impact of father wounds in today's families and culture.

What is a Father Wound? Why do they happen? What impact do they have?

These can be reversed! It will require intentional volitional choices to turn the ship. It happens one man at a time.

It must begin with a Vertical reconciliation to the only Perfect Father, the Heavenly Father. This will require humility and honesty on the part of each dad, and a decision that regardless of his personal past, he desires a great future for his family and his relationship with them. It is NOT TOO LATE to begin that journey, no matter what the past may hold.

Bob Reccord:

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