EP004 - How to sell from AUS to USA with Evan Augustine

Season 1 | Episode 4
48m | Feb 15, 2023

Here are three things to consider when expanding your company to the US from Evan Augustine: 

1) Generally, things are much more formal in the US regarding meetings. Have an agenda, leave some time to get to know the people you're meeting, and make sure you dress to impress on the first meeting - it's always easier to dress down. 

2) If you have a specific vertical you're targeting, go where your customers are. If your customers are broad and you need to be everywhere, base yourself somewhere central where you have direct flights to East Coast and West Coast.

3) Start small, then go big. Find some reference clients that would be happy to speak on your behalf, then expand to the bigger contracts. 


00:00 - Intro to Evan and how he attained success

08:00 - Transactional vs relationship-driven sales and how they differ between countries

14:27 - Communication styles and cultural differences to consider

20:30 - Other things to consider when expanding your company to the US

33:10 - Structuring your sales teams and how it's changing

37:20 - What the future world of sales looks like

Here's how to get in touch with Evan Augustine: 


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