• Coming Up in The Capitol: 5.12.24

    Bills expected on the Floor of the House this week:

    H.R. 354: LEOSA Reform Act – OPPOSE

    • This bill broadens the authority for certain law enforcement officers to carry concealed firearms across state lines.
    • Specifically, the bill allows qualified active and retired law enforcement officers to carry concealed firearms and ammunition (including magazines) in school zones; in national parks; on state, local, or private property that is open to the public; and in certain federal facilities that are open to the public.
    • Further, the bill permits states to reduce the frequency with which retired law enforcement officers must meet certain qualification standards.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them to vote NO on HR 354
    • Read more here

    H.R. 4814: Consumer Safety Technology Act – SUPPORT

    • This bill establishes a pilot program to explore the use of artificial intelligence to support the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Specifically, the CPSC must consult with relevant stakeholders, such as data scientists and product manufacturers, and use artificial intelligence for a least one of the following purposes: (1) tracking trends in injuries involving consumer products, (2) identifying consumer product hazards, (3) monitoring the sale of recalled consumer products, or (4) identifying consumer products that do not meet specified importation requirements related to product safety.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them to vote YES on HR 4814
    • Bipartisan Support
    • Read more here

    H.R. 5390: Critical Infrastructure Manufacturing Feasibility Act – SUPPORT

    • This bill requires the Department of Commerce to study and report on products that are in high demand across the critical infrastructure sectors. Critical infrastructure sectors are those whose assets, systems, and networks are vital to national security, the economy, public health or safety, or any combination of those matters.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them to vote YES on HR 5390
    • Bipartisan Support
    • Read more here

    H.R. 6571: Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act of 2023 – SUPPORT

    • To establish a critical supply chain resiliency and crisis response program in the Department of Commerce, and to secure American leadership in deploying emerging technologies, and for other purposes.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them to vote YES on HR 6571
    • Bipartisan Support
    • Read more here

    Senate Hearings Scheduled:

    Appropriations: Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies

    Foreign Relations


    Where to find other Senate hearings!

    Drop us a line: talktalkvote@gmail.com

    9m - May 13, 2024
  • Coming Up in The Capitol: 5.5.24

    Bills expected on the Floor of the House this week:

    H.R. 7109: Equal Representation Act – OPPOSE

    • To require a citizenship question on the decennial census, to require reporting on certain census statistics, and to modify apportionment of Representatives to be based on United States citizens instead of all persons.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them to vote NO on HR 7109
    • Read more here

    H.R. 2925: Mining Regulatory Clarity Act of 2024 – OPPOSE

    • This bill sets forth a process to allow mine operations to use, occupy, and conduct operations (e.g., construction of roads and other mining infrastructure activity) on public land regardless of whether a mineral deposit has been discovered on the land.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them to vote NO on HR 2925
    • Bipartisan Support
    • Read more here

    S. 2073: Eliminate Useless Reports Act of 2023 – SUPPORT

    • A bill to amend title 31, United States Code, to require agencies to include a list of outdated or duplicative reporting requirements in annual budget justifications, and for other purposes.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them to vote YES on S 2073
    • Has already passed through the Senate
    • Bipartisan Support
    • Read more here

    Senate Hearings Scheduled:


    Indian Affairs

    Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs

    Where to find other Senate hearings!

    Drop us a line: talktalkvote@gmail.com

    6m - May 5, 2024
  • Coming Up in The Capitol: 4.28.24

    Bills expected on the Floor of the House this week:

    H.R. 4016: Veteran Fraud Reimbursement Act – SUPPORT

    • For those veterans who become unable to manage their VA benefits, the VA has a program in which another person can serve as a fiduciary to help the veteran. However, as with anything, there's the potential for fraud. This bill would provide for reimbursement to veterans defrauded by fiduciaries.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them to vote YES on HR 4016
    • Bipartisan Support
    • Read more here

    H.R. 4824: Carbon Sequestration Collaboration Act – SUPPORT

    • This bill would direct the Secretary of Energy to start performing carbon sequestration work and evaluating the effects of it. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, carbon sequestration can be divided into geologic and biologic sequestration. The former often can assist oil wells which are no longer producing at high levels to produce more oil. Geologic sequestration involves forcing CO2 into geologic formations while biologic generally refers to growing more vegetation, like trees, which can capture and store carbon.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them to vote YES on HR 4824
    • Bipartisan Support
    • Read more here

    H.R. 6093: Weather Act Reauthorization Act of 2023 – SUPPORT

    • This bill would reauthorize funds to be used to improve the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's weather research, support improvements in weather forecasting and prediction, expand commercial opportunities for the provision of weather data, and for other purposes.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them to vote YES on HR 6093
    • Bipartisan Support
    • Read more here

    H.R. 3195: Superior National Forest Restoration Act – OPPOSE

    • This bill would reauthorize mining in specified Forest Service lands in Minnesota.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them to vote NO on HR 3195
    • Read more here

    H.R. 6285: Alaska’s Right to Produce Act of 2023 – OPPOSE

    • This bill would ratify and approve all authorizations, permits, verifications, extensions, biological opinions, incidental take statements, and any other approvals or orders issued pursuant to Federal law necessary for the establishment and administration of the Coastal Plain oil and gas leasing program, and for other purposes.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them to vote NO on HR 6285
    • Marginal Bipartisan Support
    • Read more here

    Senate Hearings Scheduled:


    Foreign Relations

    Where to find other Senate hearings!

    7m - Apr 29, 2024
  • Coming Up in The Capitol: 4.14.24

    Bills expected on the Floor of the House this week:

    H.R. 4016: Veteran Fraud Reimbursement Act – SUPPORT

    • For those veterans who become unable to manage their VA benefits, the VA has a program in which another person can serve as a fiduciary to help the veteran. However, as with anything, there's the potential for fraud. This bill would provide for reimbursement to veterans defrauded by fiduciaries.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them to vote YES on HR 4016
    • Bipartisan Support
    • Read more here

    H.R. 4824: Carbon Sequestration Collaboration Act – SUPPORT

    • This bill would direct the Secretary of Energy to start performing carbon sequestration work and evaluating the effects of it. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, carbon sequestration can be divided into geologic and biologic sequestration. The former often can assist oil wells which are no longer producing at high levels to produce more oil. Geologic sequestration involves forcing CO2 into geologic formations while biologic generally refers to growing more vegetation, like trees, which can capture and store carbon.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them to vote YES on HR 4824
    • Bipartisan Support
    • Read more here

    Senate Hearings Scheduled:

    Foreign Relations

    • [Many more items than listed here] Business meeting to consider...to impose sanctions with respect to persons engaged in the import of petroleum from the Islamic Republic of Iran, to impose sanctions with respect to foreign support for terrorist organizations in Gaza and the West Bank, to impose sanctions with respect to the Supreme Leader of Iran and the President of Iran and their respective offices for human rights abuses and support for terrorism, to address the threat from the development of Iran's ballistic missile program and the transfer or deployment of Iranian missiles and related goods and technology, including materials and equipment, to require a strategy to counter the role of the People's Republic of China in evasion of sanctions imposed by the United States with respect to Iran
    • Tune in at 10:00am ET, Tuesday, April 16, 2024 (or watch after!)


    Judiciary: Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law

    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Subcommittee on Investigations

    Where to find other Senate hearings!

    6m - Apr 14, 2024
  • Coming Up in the Capitol: 4.7.24

    Bills expected on the Floor of the House this week:

    H.R. 4389: Migratory Birds of the Americas Conservation Enhancements Act of 2023 – SUPPORT

    • This bill reauthorizes through FY2028 and revises the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act, which provides financial assistance for projects to promote the conservation of neotropical migratory birds.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them to vote YES on HR 4389
    • Bipartisan Support
    • Read more here

    H.R. 2560: Sea Turtle Rescue Assistance and Rehabilitation Act of 2023 – SUPPORT

    • This bill requires the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to establish a Sea Turtle Rescue Assistance Grant Program to encourage and facilitate coordinated rapid response and rescue of stranded marine turtles.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them to vote YES on HR 2560
    • Bipartisan Support
    • Read more here

    H.R. 4639: Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act – SUPPORT

    • To amend section 2702 of title 18, United States Code, to prevent law enforcement and intelligence agencies from obtaining subscriber or customer records in exchange for anything of value, to address communications and records in the possession of intermediary internet service providers, and for other purposes.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them to vote YES on HR 4639
    • Bipartisan support
    • Read more here

    Senate Hearings Scheduled:


    Joint Economic Committee

    Where to find other Senate hearings!

    5m - Apr 8, 2024
  • Coming Up in the Captol: 3.17.24

    Bills expected on the Floor of the House this week:

    H.R. 6610: Passport System Reform and Backlog Prevention Act – SUPPORT

    • This bill is intended to provide for the modernization of the passport issuance process, and for other purposes.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them to vote YES on HR 6610
    • Bipartisan Support
    • Read more here

    H.R. 7520: Protecting Americans’ Data from Foreign Adversaries Act of 2024 – SUPPORT

    • This bill prohibits data brokers from transferring sensitive data of United States individuals to foreign adversaries, and for other purposes.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them to vote YES on HR 7520
    • Bipartisan Support
    • Read more here

    H.R. 6009: Restoring American Energy Dominance Act – OPPOSE

    • This bill requires the Bureau of Land Management to withdraw a proposed rule titled Fluid Mineral Leases and Leasing Process. The rule would make various changes to oil and gas leasing on public lands, including to implement provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them to vote NO on HR 6009
    • NO Bipartisanship
    • Read more here

    H.R. 1121: Protecting American Energy Production Act – OPPOSE

    • This bill prohibits the President from declaring a moratorium on the use of hydraulic fracturing unless Congress authorizes the moratorium. Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is a process to extract underground resources such as oil or gas from a geologic formation by injecting water, a propping agent (e.g., sand), and chemical additives into a well under enough pressure to fracture the formation.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them to vote NO on HR 1121
    • NO Bipartisanship
    • Read more here

    Senate Hearings Scheduled:




    Where to find other Senate hearings!

    7m - Mar 17, 2024
  • Coming Up in the Capitol: 3.11.24

    Bills expected on the Floor of the House this week:

    H.R. 7521: Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act – BE INFORMED

    • This bill is intended to protect the national security of the United States from the threat posed by foreign adversary controlled applications, such as TikTok and any successor application or service and any other application or service developed or provided by ByteDance Ltd. or an entity under the control of ByteDance Ltd.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them what you think!
    • Read more here

    H.R. 886: Save Our Seas 2.0 Amendments Act – SUPPORT

    • This bill amends the Save Our Seas 2.0 Act to improve the administration of the Marine Debris Foundation, to amend the Marine Debris Act to improve the administration of the Marine Debris Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and for other purposes.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them to vote YES on HR 886
    • Read more here

    H.Res. 1065: Denouncing the Biden administration’s immigration policies – OPPOSE

    • No matter how you feel about President Biden's immigration policies, our elected officials would better serve their constituents by actually writing immigration legislation, as opposed to complaining about the status quo.
    • Call Your Representative: tell them you're tired of them talking and that you want to see some action.
    • Read more here

    Senate Hearings Scheduled:


    Rules and Administration

    Where to find other Senate hearings!

    6m - Mar 10, 2024
  • Coming Up in the Capitol: 3.3.24

    Bills expected on the Floor of the House this week:

    HR 6585: Bipartisan Workforce Pell Act– SUPPORT

    • This bill expands student eligibility for Pell Grants by establishing the Workforce Pell Grant Program.
    • Call Your Representative: ask them to vote YES on HR 6585
    • Read more here

    (PASSED – HR 7102: Native American Entrepreneurial Opportunity Act – we asked you to SUPPORT last week. Passed out of the House 2/29/24!!)

    Senate Hearings Scheduled:

    Homeland Security and Government Affairs

    Where to find other Senate hearings!

    5m - Mar 4, 2024
  • Coming Up in the Capitol: 2.25.24

    Bills expected on the Floor of the House this week:

    HR 7102: Native American Entrepreneurial Opportunity Act – SUPPORT

    • This bill establishes an Office of Native American Affairs within the Small Business Administration, and for other purposes.
    • Call Your Representative: ask them to vote YES on HR 7102
    • Bipartisan sponsors
    • Read more here

    HR 6585: Bipartisan Workforce Pell Act– SUPPORT

    • This bill expands student eligibility for Pell Grants by establishing the Workforce Pell Grant Program.
    • Call Your Representative: ask them to vote YES on HR 6585
    • Read more here
    7m - Feb 26, 2024
  • This Week in the Capitol: 1.28.24

    Bills expected on the Floor of the House this week:

    HR 6976: Protect Our Communities from DUIs Act – OPPOSE

    • This bill makes driving while intoxicated or impaired a ground for (1) barring a non-U.S. national (alien under federal law) from admission into the United States, or (2) deporting the individual.
    • Call Your Representative: ask them to vote NO on HR 6976
    • Read more here

    HR 6678: Consequences for Social Security Fraud Act – OPPOSE

    • This bill makes certain acts related to Social Security fraud a ground for (1) barring a non-U.S. national (alien under federal law) from admission into the United States, or (2) deporting the individual.
    • Call Your Representative: ask them to vote NO on HR 6678
    • Read more here

    HR 5585: Agent Raul Gonzalez Officer Safety Act – OPPOSE

    • This bill establishes new federal criminal offenses for operating a motor vehicle within 100 miles of the U.S. border while fleeing from a U.S. Border Patrol officer or a federal, state, or local law enforcement officer who is actively assisting or under the command of the U.S. Border Patrol.
    • Call Your Representative: ask them to vote NO on HR 5585
    • Read more here

    HR 6679: No Immigration Benefits for Hamas Terrorists Act – OPPOSE

    • The bill prohibits any non-U.S. national who participated in or otherwise facilitated the October 7, 2023, attacks from seeking any immigration-related relief or protections, including (1) protection from being deported to a country where the individual's life or freedom would be threatened, or (2) asylum in the United States.
    • Call Your Representative: ask them to vote NO on HR 6679
    • Read more here

    7m - Jan 29, 2024
  • This Week in the Capitol: 1.21.24

    The House is not in session this week, so we're focusing on Senate hearings.

    Senate Hearings Scheduled:

    Rules and Administration

    Judiciary - Subcommittee on Criminal Justice and Counterterrorism

    Foreign Relations


    Small Business and Entrepreneurship

    9m - Jan 22, 2024
  • This Week in the Capitol: 1.14.24

    Bills expected on the Floor of the House this week:

    HR 4250: PRESS Act – SUPPORT

    • Protect Reporters from Exploitative State Spying Act
    • Under this law, federal entities would not be able to compel journalists to disclose protected information except in very limited circumstances.
    • Call Your Representative: ask them to vote YES on HR 4250
    • Bipartisan sponsors
    • Read more here

    HR 3058: Recruiting Families Using Data Act of 2023 – SUPPORT

    • This bill requires state child welfare services to implement a "family partnership plan" which would improve foster care placement stability, increase rates of kinship placements (placement of children with family members), and align the composition of foster and adoptive families with the needs of children in or entering foster care.
    • Call Your Representative: ask them to vote YES on HR 803
    • Bipartisan sponsors
    • Read more here


    • We expect a bipartisan budget deal to come up this week or next.
    • While this deal will not include funding for things like the war in Ukraine, passing it would help avert a partial government shutdown.
    • Call Your Representative: ask them to SUPPORT a bipartisan budget deal

    Senate Hearings Scheduled:


    Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

    Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs

    Environment and Public Works

    • Business meeting to consider:
    • S.1863, (PROVE IT Act of 2023) to require the Secretary of Energy to conduct a study and submit a report on the greenhouse gas emissions intensity of certain products produced in the United States and in certain foreign countries.
    • S.2781, (Good Samaritan Remediation of Abandoned Hardrock Mines Act of 2023) to promote remediation of abandoned hardrock mines.
    • Tune in at 10:30am ET, Thursday, January 18, 2024 (or watch after!)
    8m - Jan 15, 2024
  • This Week in the Capitol: 1.7.24

    Bills expected on the Floor of the House this week:

    HR 788: Stop Settlement Slush Funds Act of 2023 – OPPOSE

    • This law would limit the government's ability to direct settlement payments by corporate wrongdoers to organizations that work to assist in relief efforts for broader groups of victims.
    • In the past, this ability has been used to direct settlements from big banks who were held responsible for their roles in the mortgage foreclosure crisis in the early 2000s. A portion of that settlement money was directed to community organizations that assisted broader communities affected by the foreclosure crisis.
    • Call Your Representative: ask them to vote NO on HR 788
    • Read more here

    HR 803: PROTECT Taiwan Act – SUPPORT

    • Pressure Regulatory Organizations To End Chinese Threats to Taiwan Act
    • This law would require excluding Chinese representatives from certain international organizations if there are reported actions by China that threaten Taiwan's security, society, or economy.
    • Call Your Representative: ask them to vote YES on HR 803
    • Bipartisan sponsors
    • Read more here
    • Other Taiwan-focused bill: HR 540

    HR 4768: No Russian Agriculture Act – SUPPORT

    • This law would direct the Treasury to invest in projects with the goal of reducing US reliance on Russian agricultural goods.
    • Call Your Representative: ask them to vote YES on HR 4768
    • Bipartisan sponsors
    • Read more here

    Senate Hearings Scheduled:

    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs


    Judiciary - Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law

    Energy and Natural Resources

    Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs

    7m - Jan 8, 2024
  • The United States Congress

    Rachel and Anne talk Congress (why are there two chambers? what do they do for us?), learn that Idaho was a successful trolling of Congress, and put their Senators' and Representative's numbers in their phones.

    Do you have another example of Congress getting trolled? Already have your Senators' and Representative's numbers in your phone? Give us a shout at talktalkvote@gmail.com

    20m - Dec 26, 2023
  • Federalism

    Anne and Rachel talk federalism (we cover all the hot topics here), geek out about congressional records, and explore the federal government's resource page: www.usa.gov.

    Do you also geek out about old records from 1874? Did you notice when Rachel said "supra-natural" instead of "supranational"? Let us know at talktalkvote@gmail.com

    15m - Oct 24, 2023
  • Free Speech

    Rachel and Anne talk free speech (what exactly is it??), surprising protest songs, and how petitions can have a real impact.

    Do you have a protest song we didn't mention? Got a petition you want us to sign? Let us know at talktalkvote@gmail.com

    18m - Sep 26, 2023
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