• S4 - Episode 4: The Return of GI Jones

    It has been two years since I last had Gage on the podcast and we figured we would catch up on how he's been! We talk about his most recent impressions, reenacting the 101st Airborne during WW2 and some life things as well. He also has recently hit 1000 followers on Instagram so congrats to him, look forward to him hitting 2000 in no time! So go give him a follow!

    Gage's Instagram:


    S4E4 - 1h 17m - May 8, 2024
  • S4 - Episode 3: Surplus in Media

    Graham and I discuss a wide variety of surplus related topics this week. Mostly we focus on the surplus market and how it changed along with its presence in media or pop culture. We were not able to do this one in person because of scheduling conflicts but plan to do some in person episodes again soon.

    Graham's Instagram:


    S4E3 - 1h 10m - Apr 24, 2024
  • S4 - Episode 2: Running a Cold War Reenactment Group

    This time around, I got the awesome opportunity to interview Logan who co-founded the XVIII Airborne Corps Living History Group. The main focus of the group is the US Army's involvement during Operation Urgent Fury. We will hopefully see more of Logan in the future and don't forget to check out his personal Instagram and the unit's out down below.

    Logan's Instagram:


    18th Airborne Reenacting Instagram:


    18thabnreenacting Website:


    S4E2 - 55m - Apr 10, 2024
  • S4 - Episode 1: A New Co-Host

    Back with a new season and this time around a new co host. The return of Graham on the show and this time he is sticking around to help me make more episodes this year. He will be the co-host on all episodes that aren't interviews. In this episode, we ramble on for over an hour on all things military surplus! Hope you enjoy!

    Graham's Instagram:


    S4E1 - 1h 23m - Mar 27, 2024
  • S3 - Episode 4: Swedish Home Guard and Militaria

    Excited to have Hampus who happens to be a member of the Swedish Home Guard on the show. We discuss compulsory service, life as a Home Guardsman and more. This was a great topic for someone like me, a former National Guardsman to compare our experiences and get insight on how the Home Guard operates!

    I hope you enjoy this episode and I'm working hard to get this podcast back on schedule!

    S3E4 - 1h 1m - Jun 19, 2023
  • S3 - Episode 3: National Parks, finding good deals and more

    This was the first episode with a guest sitting next to me and Bailey seemed like the right person to have on! We got a chance to discuss further his time working for the National Park Service. We also talked about some good finds he's had in the last few months. On top of that, he explained his plans for his new office and how that is going to affect his future impressions.

    Make sure to check out his Instagram:


    S3E3 - 47m - Feb 24, 2023
  • S3 - Episode 2: Air Force, Korea and Mental Health in the Military

    Today I got a great opportunity to talk to someone currently serving in the US Air Force. Mav comes from a long line of US Air Force service members and is a scholar of history. We talk a deep dive into her service, time in Korea and the state of mental health in the military.

    Don't forget to go check out her Instagram,


    S3E2 - 55m - Feb 10, 2023
  • S3-Episode 1: Gas Masks, Chemical Protective Gear, and More!

    On this first episode of season 3, I got the opportunity to talk with Cucumber or CWS.History1944 as he is now known on Instagram. We mostly discuss chemical protective gear from the 1950s to the 1970s and gas masks spanning the same time period. So I hope you enjoyed this conversation, more than likely I will be having Cucumber back on in the future!

    Make sure to check him out on his Instagram and give him a follow for some great chemical protective history! https://www.instagram.com/cws.history1944/

    S3E1 - 39m - Jan 27, 2023
  • S2-Episode 7: Channel Update and Q&A

    One last episode to end 2022 with. I was hoping for more episodes this year but life got in the way per usual. With 2023, I am hoping to get more consistent and upload more episodes! This was a bit delayed due to me being sick so I apologize for that. Either way, this is a shorter episode so I hope you all enjoy and Happy New Year!

    S2E7 - 18m - Dec 30, 2022
  • S2-Episode 6: Lets Talk About LunaGeek520's Biggest Project Yet

    Back again with another episode, this time around speaking with LunaGeek520.

    We first discuss WW1 and military surplus in general and then dive into a much more serious and important topic.

    We only scrap the surface of what his next big project will be but be sure to check out his YouTube and Instagram!



    As always thanks for watching and I hoped you enjoyed!

    S2E6 - 54m - May 16, 2022
  • S2-Episode 5: Movies, Reenacting, and more with GI Jones

    Back at it with another guest, this time around got a chance to talk with Gage. Gage runs his own impressions/reenacting Instagram which you can find the link below! We end up jumping around on a lot different topics but it was a great time and hope that comes through in our conversation! Don't forget to go and follow him over on his Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_gi_jones_/

    S2E5 - 57m - Apr 18, 2022
  • S2-Episode 4: Update, Instagram, and Mental Health Issues in the Army

    Due to being sick for a week or so, I was unable to record a new episode with a guest. I fell behind on my usual schedule but I wanted to still get something out there. So here I am talking to myself about Instagram for the first part of the episode but with the main focus of this episode being the troubling rise of suicides in the Army. This is a topic that I find incredibly important as I have had my own struggles with mental health in the past. I hope this video can be of use for someone out there.


    ESGR- This is for anyone current or looking to be in Reserves or the National Guard. It has a lot resources for knowing your rights and a great call center for asking questions/help


    S2E4 - 33m - Apr 7, 2022
  • S2-Episode 3: Why collecting Scandinavian Militaria is Important

    We are back to military surplus this episode where I am joined by Graham to discuss collecting Scandinavian militaria. We also tackle some harder issues such as dealing with the toxicity that can be found in the mil-surp communities. Collecting should be about preserving history and not as a competition to see who has the best stuff.

    As always I hope everything enjoyed this episode and be sure to give Graham a follow over on Instagram.


    S2E3 - 1h 6m - Mar 21, 2022
  • S2-Episode 2: A European Perspective of the War

    Today I am joined by Robert from Ro.CBRN.

    I wanted to bring him on to talk about this current situation in Ukraine. We actually recorded this episode two weeks ago but then the Invasion happened which changed things.

    This is just our opinions on everything and things could change at any moment so bear with us if that is the case. I hope you all enjoyed this episode and I'll be back with more in 2 weeks.

    As always be sure to check out Robert at either Instagram or YouTube: https://www.instagram.com/ro.cbrn/


    S2E2 - 44m - Mar 7, 2022
  • S2-Episode 1: Music as a Career in the Army

    In this episode, I am joined by Brittany, a member of the Eighth Army Band to discuss her life experiences both before and now during her time in the Army. She details very well the process of being selected to be in the Army Band which entails a slightly different enlistment process from what most people would be use too. Please go give her a follow over on Instagram!


    Note: This episode was recorded with both Audio and Video.

    S2E1 - 56m - Feb 22, 2022
  • S1-Episode 9: Bailey is back from Yellowstone

    Bailey has returned from Yellowstone! We take this chance to discuss his time as a Park Ranger for the last six months. Where did he live, what did he do and whether anything crazy or fun happened. Check out Bailey's Instagram at @yankee_militaria

    S1E9 - 39m - Dec 6, 2021
  • S1-Episode 8: Conversation with a Game Developer

    It has been awhile but I am finally back with another episode. This particular episode was supposed to be released back in July but technical issues prevented that so we decided to finally re-record it. I am joined this time by Matt via Discord, he is a long time friend of mine and a Call of Duty Developer. We don't dive too much into surplus but we do discuss his life growing up outside the US and his career as game developer. I hope you enjoy this rather different episode and hopefully soon we will see a return of Bailey on the show!

    S1E8 - 57m - Nov 8, 2021
  • S1-Episode 7: Q&A

    So this episode was filmed as a video so I may seem weird at some points, so I apologize for that! Either way, this was a Q&A from my Instagram followers so huge thank you to all of them that submitted questions!

    S1E7 - 25m - Aug 8, 2021
  • Just an Update

    Alright, so this is as the title suggests and is only an update on the state of things. I am working hard to get more episodes recorded but life will probably continue to get in the way. Hopefully soon I can get back on track!

    S1 - 14m - Jul 19, 2021
  • S1-Episode 6: Kits, Impressions and more!

    Alright so here is it, the final episode for Bailey as a guest!

    Just kidding! Once he is back from vacationland I mean his new job, he will be back on the show! So on this episode that we totally didn't record a month and a half ago, we discuss loosely all things kits, impressions and whatever else falls into that category of things. As always I hope you enjoyed this, I'm trying to get some new guests on so stay tuned for that!

    S1E6 - 35m - May 28, 2021
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Surplus Geek Podcast