065: Aaron Walker: Isolation is the Enemy & The Benefits of a Mastermind

46m | Dec 14, 2023

Thinking he was going to receive some prophetic words from his fellow mastermind member, James Ryle, when he called him on a Saturday morning, Aaron was excited to hear what he had to say. But when James said, "You are wearing the hell out of everybody in our group," Aaron was caught off guard and, honestly, pissed off. But after thinking about the words James said in that conversation, he realized something very important ... that James loved him enough to tell him the truth no matter how much it hurt.

That is what mastermind groups do! They create a community that is safe and loving for its members to share anything that needs to be said. And those words saved Aaron's life!!

Who is Aaron Walker?

Aaron Walker has served his community for more than 43 years as an entrepreneur of multiple businesses. It has taught him to have No Excuses, Make it Amazing, and that Everything is Figureoutable.

Two decades ago, Aaron had the opportunity to join a peer advisory group with Dave Ramsey and others called a mastermind, where he received wise counsel from other competent leaders helping him maximize his potential.

In 2013, Aaron was encouraged by his mastermind group to start the Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind, a brotherhood of men focusing on developing the whole man - growing themselves, their businesses, relationships, and faith.

Hundreds of men’s businesses and families have and continue to experience generational change.  Aaron enjoys giving back through his own experiences in both The Mastermind Playbook - a program for helping others develop and build their mastermind, as well as his book View From The Top.

Aaron lives in Nashville, Tennessee, with his wife Robin of 42 years. He has two amazing daughters and five beautiful grandchildren.

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Connect with Aaron Walker:


Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind (or email

Book "View From The Top"

Connect with Allan Blain:

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