Episode 3: Re-Discovering Identity in Who you Are & Not What you Do

Episode 3
40m | Oct 29, 2021

"What do you do?" So many of us are asked this daily to the point we start to identify who we are by our Job titles. After being laid off from her dream career, Yvonne Ramirez-Ortiz felt lost when ask that dreaded question. So much of her Identify was found in the career that she loved. Her Starting Over Journey led her down a path of to rediscovery of who she really was outside the confines of a Title. By breaking free of title, Yvonne was able to see that her world should not be full of fear because she could now seeing the Blessings in her Faithfulness. This gave birth to a new business venture that empowers other women through Words and Faith.   Come listen in on Yvonne's Starting Over Journey so that you too can redisocver your Identity of Who you are.


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Guest: Yvonne Ramirez-Ortiz of Blessed n Faithful | Follow Yvonne: Instagram (@

Blessed_N_Faithful) | Facebook Group: Blessed N Faithful (@BlessedNFaithful)

Sponsor: Glory Box by Blessed n Faithful

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Production House: Flint Stone Media

Copyright of Tricia Daniel LLC 2021.

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