#5 Parenting Books we read

15m | Sep 26, 2022

In this episode we talk about our favorite books (so far!) for parenting. Enjoy!

Books Kazu mentioned:

  1. One book By Nicola Schmidt which I don't know the original title in German, I only know it in Japanese which is 怒らない子育てをやってみた子育てライフ by 二コラシュミット
  2. A Japanese book 伸びる子供は●●がすごい by 榎本博明
  3. The ‘Montessori Toddler by Simone Davies

Books Grecia mentioned:

  1. Brain Rules for Baby by John Medina
  2. The Baby Book by William Sears M.D., Martha Sears, RN, Robert Sears, MD and James Sears, MD
  3. Safe Infant Sleep by James J. McKenna PhD
  4. The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp
  5. Positive Discipline the first three years (but they have for many other age brackets) by Dr. Jane Nelsen
  6. The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel J. Siegel M.D, and Tina Payne Bryson, PhD
  7. If you speak Spanish Lucia Mi Pediatra has many books that are worth checking out!
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