• Ep. 136: Interview with PMP Certification Coach, Gabor Stramb: Building an Exit Ramp

    Episode Summary:

    Overview: In this engaging podcast episode, the host, Thomas, deviates from his usual format of interviewing individuals who have left the corporate world to start their businesses. Instead, he introduces Gabor Stramb, a program manager from the UK who is in the process of building his exit from his current corporate role in the oil, gas, and telecom industries.

    Key Discussion Points:

    Gabor's Background and Current Role: Gabor works as a program manager and in his spare time, helps individuals prepare for the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification exam. He has developed a significant following through his newsletter, boasting 7,000 subscribers.

    Journey to PMP Certification: Gabor discusses his challenging path to obtaining PMP certification, which took three years and multiple attempts. His experience of failing the exam initially and then successfully devising a method to pass within eight weeks has led him to mentor others through his unique approach.

    Developing the Side Hustle: The conversation explores how Gabor began his side business unintentionally, which blossomed as he started to teach others how he passed the PMP exam. His approach emphasizes efficiency, promising certification preparation within eight weeks.

    Newsletter Growth and Strategy: Gabor elaborates on how he grew his newsletter audience rapidly within a year, highlighting his impressive open rate of 47%. He credits his success to targeted content that resonates with project managers and aligns with professional standards, rather than pursuing a broad, unfocused approach.

    Balancing Corporate Life and Side Hustle: Gabor and Thomas discuss the challenges of managing a demanding job and a growing side business, emphasizing the importance of structured time management and strategic planning. Gabor's method involves meticulous scheduling and prioritization, ensuring he maintains balance across his professional and personal life.

    Future Plans and Exit Strategy: Looking forward, Gabor shares his aspirations to eventually transition fully from his corporate role to his entrepreneurial venture, aiming to establish himself as a trusted authority in project management. He plans to leverage platforms like LinkedIn and YouTube to expand his influence and subscriber base.

    Conclusion: The episode closes with reflections on the personal and professional transformations that come with building a side business. Both speakers share insights on the potential and pitfalls of such endeavors, providing listeners with both inspiration and practical advice on navigating their paths from corporate roles to independent business ownership.

    Gabor Stramb on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabor-stramb/

    Online Calendar: https://calendly.com/gabor_stramb/

    Tom Clairmont's Website: www.tomclairmont.com

    Receive weekly tips and perspective emails from Tom on having a professional online business HERE.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/small-biz-essentials/exclusive-content
    S1E136 - 41m - Feb 25, 2024
  • Ep. 135: Why I Hired a LinkedIn Coach

    Episode Summary:

    Today, I'm excited to dive into a topic that's been on my mind lately: why I decided to hire a LinkedIn coach. You see, I've been on LinkedIn for years, but I never really tapped into its full potential until recently.

    It all started when I realized that despite my tech background and knack for DIY, there were certain areas where I could use some expert guidance. After researching various LinkedIn experts, I stumbled upon one whose content really resonated with me. I booked a free strategy session, and after chatting with him and seeing his track record, I was sold.

    Now, I'll be honest, the cost gave me pause at first. But after weighing the potential return on investment and consulting with my wife, we decided to take the plunge. And let me tell you, it's been one of the best decisions I've made for my business.

    Since enrolling in the coaching program, I've seen incredible growth in my LinkedIn presence and overall business. The personalized strategy, ongoing support, and practical guidance have been invaluable.

    So, why am I sharing this with you? Because I want you to know that seeking expert help isn't a sign of weakness—it's a smart business move. Whether it's LinkedIn coaching or support in another area, investing in specialized guidance can supercharge your growth and open up new opportunities.

    So, as you navigate your own entrepreneurial journey, don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Trust me, it can make all the difference. Thanks for tuning in, and until next time, keep chasing those business dreams!

    Website: www.tomclairmont.com

    Online Course: Solopreneur 90 Day Launch Plan

    Receive weekly tips and perspective emails from Tom on having a professional online business HERE.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/small-biz-essentials/exclusive-content
    S1E135 - 15m - Feb 4, 2024
  • Ep. 134: The 3 Systems You Must Have To Get Clients


    In this episode of the Small Business Startup Essentials Podcast, Tom Clairmont dives deep into the vital topic of client acquisition and the essential systems for achieving it. Focused on streamlining processes, Tom shares his insights and personal experiences in incorporating effective systems into his business, aiming to guide listeners toward more efficient client acquisition strategies.

    Tom begins by demystifying marketing funnels for newcomers, explaining the "know, like, trust, try, buy" process. He emphasizes the importance of flooding the top of the funnel with targeted prospects to ensure a smoother transition through the funnel stages, detailed by the acronyms TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU. Tom stresses the need for a client attraction system, client conversion system, and client nurturing system, intricately woven into the business's foundation, to facilitate this journey.

    Highlighting content creation's critical role in attracting clients, Tom insists on a clear understanding of the target audience to ensure the marketing funnel is filled with qualified prospects. He shares practical tips on website design, leveraging SEO with the Yoast plugin, and optimizing LinkedIn profiles to enhance visibility and attract the right audience.

    Tom provides a detailed walkthrough of his strategies for LinkedIn, including profile optimization using Canva Pro, engaging posts, and targeted connection invites based on event participation. He also discusses leveraging webinars, podcasts, and email marketing to funnel potential clients into the engagement process.

    As listeners move through the middle part of the funnel, the client conversion system comes into play, aiming to transform observers into potential clients. Tom shares his approach to building trust and authority through complimentary Zoom calls, offering a glimpse into his training program and onboarding process, facilitated by tools like DocuSign to streamline the signup process.

    Finally, Tom addresses the client nurturing system, focusing on delivering exceptional value to create "raging fan customers" and encourage referrals, thus bypassing the traditional marketing funnel. He outlines options for clients to engage with his services at various levels, from online training videos to comprehensive training programs, with opportunities for upgrades and continued engagement through monthly retainers.

    This episode is not just a guide but a comprehensive blueprint for small business owners and solopreneurs aiming to establish or refine their client acquisition systems. Tom encourages listeners to reach out for his ebook or connect with him directly for more in-depth insights and assistance.

    Website: www.tomclairmont.com

    Online Course: Solopreneur Success Plan

    Receive weekly tips and perspective emails from Tom on having a professional online business HERE.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/small-biz-essentials/exclusive-content
    S3E134 - 20m - Jan 14, 2024
  • Ep. 133: The problem with having a decent income from your business

    In this episode of the Small Business Startup Essentials Podcast, host Tom Clairmont delves into the critical aspect of income goals in the entrepreneurial journey. Here's a summary of the key points and insights covered in this episode:

    1. Importance of Clear Income Goals: Tom emphasizes the significance of setting clear income objectives in the entrepreneurial journey. These goals serve as essential markers to measure progress and prevent complacency.
    2. Mindset of Proactive Growth: Setting income goals is not an act of greed but a proactive mindset for solopreneurs. Success in business requires continuously pushing forward and adapting to an ever-changing landscape.
    3. Avoid Complacency with Stable Income: While stable income is an achievement, Tom cautions against complacency. Solopreneurs should not rely solely on a single substantial client for their income, as it can lead to vulnerability if the client's circumstances change.
    4. Continue Striving for Growth: Solopreneurs should maintain their drive and urgency to secure new clients continually, even when they have stable income. Tom encourages a mindset of ongoing growth and expansion.
    5. Consider Hiring a Virtual Assistant: To free up time for strategic activities and avoid over-reliance on a single client, Tom suggests considering hiring a virtual assistant. Delegating lower-level tasks can enhance efficiency and business growth.
    6. Embrace Holistic Growth: Growth should encompass various aspects of life, including emotional, health-related, and overall well-being. Solopreneurs should continuously review, modify, and improve their goals, remaining in a state of continuous learning.
    7. Invest in a Virtual Assistant: Despite the challenges in finding the right virtual assistant, Tom believes that this investment is instrumental in maintaining momentum and achieving consistent progress in a solopreneur's journey.
    8. Avoid Self-Sabotage: Tom's powerful message to solopreneurs is to avoid self-sabotage and keep moving forward. Constant growth and momentum are essential, even during periods of financial success.

    This episode serves as a reminder that success in entrepreneurship is not solely financial but encompasses various facets of life. Solopreneurs should strive for growth in all areas, continuously adapt to change, and remain proactive in their pursuit of success.

    Website: www.tomclairmont.com

    Online Course: Solopreneur 90 Day Launch Plan

    Receive weekly tips and perspective emails from Tom on having a professional online business HERE.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/small-biz-essentials/exclusive-content
    S3E130 - 10m - Dec 22, 2023
  • Ep. 132: How I've been using AI for my business

    In this episode, your host, Tom Clairmont, explores the challenges of being a solopreneur and the constant quest for making business operations easier without compromising quality. Tom introduces a lead magnet he created called "The Tools We Use," which provides valuable insights into online tools he personally uses in the business startup process.

    Tom acknowledges the perpetual need for new tools, especially in the rapidly evolving landscape of AI. He shares his recent experiences with using Chat GPT, highlighting how it's become an indispensable tool for generating content and fulfilling various roles within his business.

    Tom goes on to discuss specific scenarios in which he has utilized Chat GPT. From transforming podcast transcripts into engaging summaries to crafting website content, generating lead magnet ideas, and even exploring children's book concepts, Tom showcases the versatile applications of AI-powered content generation.

    Additionally, he emphasizes the growing role of virtual assistants, made more efficient by AI tools, in small businesses. Tom encourages listeners to leverage these technologies to streamline their operations and enhance productivity.

    Throughout the episode, Tom emphasizes the importance of embracing AI tools, such as Chat GPT, as valuable resources to simplify and enhance business processes. He invites listeners to share their own experiences and questions related to AI tools by emailing him at tom@tomclairmont.com.

    As the episode concludes, Tom leaves his audience with a sense of empowerment, reinforcing that AI is a valuable ally in the entrepreneurial journey, simplifying tasks and expanding possibilities.

    Website: www.tomclairmont.com

    Online Course: Solopreneur 90 Day Launch Plan

    Receive weekly tips and perspective emails from Tom on having a professional online business HERE.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/small-biz-essentials/exclusive-content
    S3E129 - 15m - Dec 1, 2023
  • Ep. 131: Debunking Myths: Launching an Online Business Later in Life

    In this podcast episode, Tom Clairmont takes on the myths and misconceptions surrounding launching an online business later in life, sharing valuable insights and debunking common misconceptions. Here's a summary of the key points covered:

    ·       Age Is Just a Number: Tom emphasizes that age should not deter anyone from pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams. Regardless of age, there's ample time to achieve success, and opportunities are not limited by a narrow time frame.

    ·       Risk and Financial Stability: Tom challenges the belief that starting something new later in life is riskier. He argues that having financial stability and resources accumulated over the years can actually reduce the risk associated with launching a new venture.

    ·       Tech Savviness Isn't a Must: Tom dispels the myth that one needs to be a tech guru to succeed online. With the abundance of tech resources, courses, and virtual assistants available, lack of tech expertise should not hold anyone back.

    ·       Cost of Starting: Tom highlights that starting an online business or podcast doesn't have to be costly. There are affordable options, including freelancers and AI tools, making it accessible to those on a budget.

    ·       Building Speed: The speed of building a business depends on available resources and goals. Tom emphasizes that it's possible to start small and grow over time, dispelling the notion that it will take too long to establish a business.

    ·       Action and Decision-Making: Tom encourages taking action and making decisions, emphasizing that the fear of making the wrong choice shouldn't deter aspiring entrepreneurs. Mistakes are part of the journey and provide valuable lessons.

    ·       The Right Mindset: Tom acknowledges that not everyone is cut out for entrepreneurship. It requires motivation, decisiveness, resilience, and belief in oneself. Without the right mindset, success can be elusive.

    Listeners are left with a clearer understanding that age should not be a barrier to pursuing entrepreneurial dreams. Tom's insights challenge common myths and offer a fresh perspective on starting an online business later in life.

    Website: www.tomclairmont.com

    Online Course: Solopreneur 90 Day Launch Plan

    Receive weekly tips and perspective emails from Tom on having a professional online business HERE.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/small-biz-essentials/exclusive-content
    S3E128 - 14m - Nov 15, 2023
  • Ep. 130: What Do I Want to Be When I Grow Up?

    In this episode, Tom Clairmont reflects on being 60 years old and facing the timeless struggle of having numerous ideas and dreams but limited time and focus to pursue them.

    He recounts a recent conversation with an old coach who shared similar struggles. Living in a land of opportunities and embracing capitalism can lead to the belief that success in one area can lead to success in all areas, which isn't necessarily true.

    Tom discusses the overwhelming influx of creative ideas and the challenges of being a solo entrepreneur with limited hours in a day. They touch on the fear of missing out when witnessing others' success in different areas.

    Tom emphasizes the importance of strategic prioritization, taming the creative mind, and focusing on one venture at a time while keeping other ideas in a journal for future exploration.

    He encourages listeners to enjoy the journey, recognize that success goes beyond wealth, embrace patience, and stay open to new opportunities. The key takeaway is that mastering one venture before moving to the next is often the path to genuine success and life fulfillment.

    Website: www.tomclairmont.com

    Online Course: Solopreneur 90 Day Launch Plan

    Receive weekly tips and perspective emails from Tom on having a professional online business HERE.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/small-biz-essentials/exclusive-content
    S3E127 - 10m - Oct 24, 2023
  • Ep. 129: You have the vision: Now what?

    We're talking about the crucial first step in building your online business foundation: having a clear vision. But you know what's equally important? Turning that vision into a reality.

    Why This Information Is So Important:

    Look, starting a business can be thrilling, but it's also packed with challenges, especially when you're taking the plunge later in life. Your vision is like your guiding star, but transforming it into a workable plan can feel like navigating uncharted waters. That's why this episode matters.

    Why You Should Absolutely Tune In:

    Setting Clear Goals: You'll discover why it's essential to break those big, audacious goals into manageable steps. I'll share how to prioritize them and even add a bit of urgency to keep you on track. Trust me; this can make all the difference.

    Overcoming Procrastination and Distraction: Who hasn't battled procrastination and distractions? I've been there too. I'll reveal some strategies to tackle these productivity killers head-on so you can stay focused and get things done.

    Lack of Planning: Planning is your roadmap to success. But not just any plan; it needs structure. I'll talk about why having daily and weekly goals, plus a to-do list that's actually doable, is crucial. Keeping it simple is my mantra, and I'll explain why.

    Information Overload: We're in the age of information overload. I recently did a little test with Google, and trust me, it can get overwhelming. I'll share how to cut through the noise, find reliable info, and avoid drowning in data.

    Maintaining Motivation: Let's face it, motivation can be sky-high when you start, but it often fizzles out. I'll talk about finding your "why" and keeping that fire burning, even when the going gets tough. It's all about visualizing your success.

    So, if you're thinking about launching a business, especially if you're a bit further down the road of life, this episode is your go-to guide. It's packed with real-world advice and solutions to help you navigate the tricky terrain of turning your vision into a thriving reality. Don't miss it!

    Website: www.tomclairmont.com

    Online Course: Solopreneur 90 Day Launch Plan

    Receive weekly tips and perspective emails from Tom on having a professional online business HERE.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/small-biz-essentials/exclusive-content
    S3E125 - 11m - Aug 27, 2023
  • Ep. 128: The Attraction to Distraction: Will it only get worse?

    Hey there, it's Tom Clairmont, and welcome back to the Small Business Startup Essentials show. Today, we're diving into a topic that's becoming increasingly challenging in the digital age: maintaining focus and productivity, especially for home-based businesses like mine.

    If I'm grappling with these distractions, chances are, you are too.

    As time goes on, we're bombarded with more and more distractions. Our phones, the internet, and social media are just a few culprits. I've found that to stay on track, I have to power down my phone or put it out of reach.

    I even have to close my email and limit TV time to meal breaks. Otherwise, productivity takes a nosedive, and my to-do list goes haywire, especially on Mondays.

    Social media deserves special mention because it's designed to be addictive. Even though I'm not a fan of many platforms myself, I know people who struggle with constant social media engagement.

    With a home-based business, discipline and focus are vital to staying productive because time flies, and if we're not careful, we'll wonder where it all went.

    I've started incorporating exercise into my routine, which, while great for health, adds an unexpected layer of fatigue to my day. But there are other reasons distractions creep in.

    When you work from home, there's a built-in distraction—the comfort of your surroundings. It's easy to get lost in the view or other non-essential tasks.

    Working from home also means less external structure and accountability. Procrastination can creep in, and it's tempting to put things off. Meetings with clients can sometimes spiral into unproductive discussions, and self-accountability often takes a back seat.

    It's not meant to be discouraging, but I wanted to share my struggles because I believe in keeping it real.

    Recognizing these challenges upfront can help you prepare better and establish the discipline and structure needed for a successful home-based business.

    Let's tackle these issues head-on because they're not likely to get easier in the future.

    Website: www.tomclairmont.com

    Online Course: Solopreneur 90 Day Launch Plan

    Receive weekly tips and perspective emails from Tom on having a professional online business HERE.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/small-biz-essentials/exclusive-content
    S3E122 - 13m - Aug 20, 2023
  • Ep. 127: Interview with Zach Rattner, CEO of AI startup company, Yembo

    Today I have with me author, co founder and Chief Technology Officer of Yembo, Zach Rattner. Zach recently wrote a book called Grow Up Fast.

    I recommend this book to anyone that’s thinking of launching a startup or maybe already launched one and need some guidance on how to navigate through the process.

    Zach currently lives in San Diego CA with his wife and family and has some good insight for us on making that transition out of the Corporate environment to having a successful business.

    Author's Playbook Online Course

    Website: www.tomclairmont.com

    Online Course: Solopreneur 90 Day Launch Plan

    Receive weekly tips and perspective emails from Tom on having a professional online business HERE.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/small-biz-essentials/exclusive-content
    S3E124 - 37m - Aug 13, 2023
  • Ep. 126: This is the time and you are the person

    In this powerful podcast episode, Tom passionately addresses the common barriers that hold people back from pursuing their dreams and taking action.

    He urges listeners to overcome the habit of waiting for the "right" conditions, such as the perfect time or economy, and instead emphasizes the significance of embracing the present moment.

    Tom explores the negative 'what if' thoughts that often plague individuals, such as fear of failure and lack of support, and provides practical insights on how to shift towards a more positive mindset.

    By challenging listeners to be their own biggest fans and advocates, Tom empowers them to break free from self-doubt and gain the confidence needed to take decisive steps towards their goals.

    The episode is especially important to listen to because it highlights the value of individual uniqueness and the importance of sharing one's experiences, expertise, and talents with the world.

    Tom emphasizes that there is no need to compare oneself to others, as each person possesses something special to contribute.

    Furthermore, Tom emphasizes the sense of urgency in taking action, given the increasingly chaotic state of the world. He encourages listeners to step up, speak out, and make a positive impact, even if they don't feel fully prepared or confident.

    The message is clear: the time to start is now, and there is an abundance of resources and support available to help individuals along their journey.

    In conclusion, this episode serves as a powerful motivational call-to-action, inspiring listeners to shed their inhibitions, embrace their unique abilities, and start making a difference in their lives and the world around them.

    It instills a sense of empowerment, reminding listeners that they have the capability to achieve their aspirations and contribute meaningfully to society.

    Website: www.tomclairmont.com

    Online Course: Solopreneur 90 Day Launch Plan

    Receive weekly tips and perspective emails from Tom on having a professional online business HERE.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/small-biz-essentials/exclusive-content
    S3E121 - 8m - Aug 6, 2023
  • Ep. 125: Why doing things the 'right' way may be bad advice

    In this podcast episode, Tom delves into the challenges faced by new entrepreneurs when seeking advice from various sources in today's information age.

    He highlights the diversity of perspectives and the lack of a one-size-fits-all formula for success. Tom emphasizes the importance of trying different approaches and learning from failures, as well as the subjectivity of what constitutes the "right way" to do things.

    Tom discusses the allure of high-priced online marketing tools and platforms, citing examples like Kajabi, Hubspot, and Clickfunnels.

    He acknowledges their potential benefits but cautions against diving in without a solid foundation, as many entrepreneurs may not be fully prepared to use these tools effectively from the start.

    The episode offers a low-budget alternative for entrepreneurs interested in marketing their products or services. Tom advocates for setting up a landing page through MailerLite, a cost-effective option that includes email integration.

    He underscores the importance of putting in the work, whether through a self-driven process or with the assistance of others, to achieve success.

    Listeners are encouraged to take a slow and steady approach, as Tom draws from his over two decades of business experience. He emphasizes the value of patience, dedication, and the willingness to learn, offering guidance to those who are looking to navigate the entrepreneurial journey with careful consideration and practicality.

    Why You Should Listen:

    This episode is essential for aspiring entrepreneurs who are seeking advice on starting a business and navigating the complex world of online marketing tools. Tom's insights shed light on the potential pitfalls of rushing into expensive platforms without a solid plan in place.

    By sharing his perspective on taking a calculated and budget-friendly approach, Tom empowers listeners to make informed decisions, build a strong foundation, and avoid potential financial risks.

    The episode provides valuable guidance for individuals who want to embrace a methodical and sustainable path to success in their entrepreneurial endeavors.

    Website: www.tomclairmont.com

    Online Course: Solopreneur 90 Day Launch Plan

    Receive weekly tips and perspective emails from Tom on having a professional online business HERE.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/small-biz-essentials/exclusive-content
    S3E122 - 14m - Jul 30, 2023
  • Ep. 124: Why I will never retire

    In this episode of the Small Business Startup Essentials Podcast, Tom explores the concept of retirement and why he personally has no intention of retiring.

    The episode delves into various perspectives on retirement and its meaning, particularly in the context of self-employment and entrepreneurship.

    Tom questions what retirement truly entails, raising the point that retirement often involves ceasing formal work and potentially filling one's days with leisure activities.

    Drawing from personal experiences, observations of others, and anecdotes, Tom highlights different motivations for not retiring, such as:

    • Financial security and the desire for additional income.
    • Passion for work and the sense of purpose and fulfillment it brings.
    • Continuous professional development and staying relevant in one's field.
    • Social interaction, connections, and networks.
    • Mental stimulation and preventing boredom.

    The episode emphasizes that some individuals use their retirement time to start personal projects, like podcasts, that align with their hobbies and interests.

    Tom also addresses the fear of the unknown that retirement can bring, with many people uncertain about how to fill their time once formal work concludes.

    Why You Should Listen:

    This episode offers valuable insights into the multifaceted concept of retirement, particularly as it pertains to entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals.

    By sharing personal experiences and observations, Tom provides listeners with different perspectives on retirement and encourages reflection on their own views.

    Entrepreneurs and individuals contemplating retirement can benefit from this episode by:

    • Gaining a deeper understanding of the various motivations behind retirement decisions.
    • Exploring how passion for work and personal projects can shape one's post-retirement activities.
    • Recognizing the importance of social interaction, networks, and continuous learning.
    • Overcoming potential fears and uncertainties associated with retirement.

    Listeners are prompted to consider their own thoughts on retirement and its implications, fostering a thought-provoking conversation about work, purpose, and life beyond formal employment.

    Whether you're an entrepreneur, a professional, or simply curious about the concept of retirement, this episode offers valuable perspectives and insights to think about for your situation.

    Website: www.tomclairmont.com

    Online Course: Solopreneur 90 Day Launch Plan

    Receive weekly tips and perspective emails from Tom on having a professional online business HERE.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/small-biz-essentials/exclusive-content
    S3E121 - 8m - Jul 16, 2023
  • Ep. 123: The one decision that I made 20 years ago that really paid off

    In this episode of the Small Business Startup Essentials Podcast, Tom reflects on a crucial decision he made two decades ago that has significantly impacted his financial success.

    The episode delves into the importance of making informed decisions within the business realm and shares a personal example to illustrate the potential benefits.

    Tom discusses how he ventured into the world of web services and sought a structured approach to selling products and services online. He highlights his choice to become a reseller through GoDaddy's reseller program, which provided him with an independent dashboard to offer a range of web services and products to clients.

    This decision allowed Tom to establish his own web services business, offering everything from domain names and hosting to SEO services and SSL security.

    The episode emphasizes the concept of passive income generated through renewals of products and services. Tom explains how he earned tens of thousands of dollars over a decade by providing clients with ongoing services that required regular renewals.

    He also explores the idea of affiliate programs as an alternative source of passive income, encouraging listeners to consider such options to enhance their revenue streams.

    Why You Should Listen:

    This episode offers a valuable real-life example of how a single decision, in this case, becoming a reseller through GoDaddy, can lead to substantial financial gains over time.

    Tom's insights highlight the potential of passive income through product and service renewals and affiliate programs, showcasing how individuals can create additional revenue streams that contribute to their financial well-being.

    Entrepreneurs, business owners, and those interested in generating income online can benefit from this episode by:

    • Gaining insight into the world of web services and reseller programs.
    • Understanding the concept of passive income and how it can provide ongoing financial stability.
    • Exploring the possibilities of affiliate programs as a means of diversifying revenue sources.
    • Learning from a real-world example of a decision that had a positive financial impact.

    Listeners are encouraged to consider the potential of making strategic decisions that can lead to long-term financial success and to explore avenues for generating passive income within their own business ventures.

    Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, this episode offers practical insights and inspiration for building a sustainable and profitable business.

    Website: www.tomclairmont.com

    Online Course: Solopreneur 90 Day Launch Plan

    Receive weekly tips and perspective emails from Tom on having a professional online business HERE.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/small-biz-essentials/exclusive-content
    S3E118 - 11m - Jul 9, 2023
  • Ep. 122: Wanting Less

    Welcome back to another thought-provoking episode of the Small Business Startup Essentials Podcast.

    This episode's title, 'Wanting Less,' might seem contradictory to the recent episode titled 'Wanting More,' which discussed the benefits of achieving greater financial success and using wealth for societal good.

    However, in this episode, titled 'Wanting Less,' Tom delves into a different perspective – the mindset of simplification and the advantages of desiring a simpler, less cluttered lifestyle.

    Tom explores the concept of wanting less and how it applies to the entrepreneurial journey. He emphasizes that 'Wanting Less' isn't about financial gain but about embracing a minimalist approach to business and life.

    The episode focuses on decluttering both physical and mental spaces, allowing entrepreneurs to focus on what truly matters and find clarity amidst distractions.

    While running a business offers excitement, it also presents challenges, including the potential for distractions. Tom acknowledges the temptation to expand and hire more staff as a business grows, but he shares his personal belief that simplicity is key to happiness.

    Maintaining Solopreneurship and incorporating streamlined processes and systems can provide freedom and flexibility without unnecessary burdens.

    Tom guides listeners through striking a balance between building a business and keeping operations lean. He encourages entrepreneurs to embrace systems and procedures to optimize limited time and resources, ensuring efficient task management.

    The episode underscores the importance of learning to say no to distractions that do not contribute to the core function of the business.

    Why You Should Listen:

    This episode offers a refreshing perspective on entrepreneurship and business growth – the notion of wanting less to achieve more.

    Tom's insights shed light on the benefits of a minimalist mindset, emphasizing simplicity and intentional decision-making.

    Listeners stand to gain:

    • An alternative viewpoint on success, focusing on balance and core functions.
    • Practical strategies for simplifying business operations without sacrificing growth.
    • Guidance on setting up systems and processes to optimize time and resources.
    • Inspiration to reassess priorities, say no to distractions, and stay true to the ultimate goal.

    Entrepreneurs seeking to enhance efficiency, reduce stress, and maintain a healthy work-life balance will find valuable takeaways in this episode.

    Tom's perspective encourages a mindful approach to business, offering a path towards success through intentional decision-making and a minimalist mindset.

    Well friend, I really enjoy hearing from you. It’s encouraging to hear how this Show is making a difference in people’s lives. If you haven’t reached out to me yet, I’d really like to hear from you too. 


    Website: www.tomclairmont.com

    Online Course: Solopreneur 90 Day Launch Plan

    Receive weekly tips and perspective emails from Tom on having a professional online business HERE.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/small-biz-essentials/exclusive-content
    S3E119 - 8m - Jul 2, 2023
  • Ep. 121: Wanting more

    Welcome back to another inspiring episode of the Small Business Startup Essentials Podcast. In this episode titled 'Wanting More,'

    Tom takes us on a journey through the realm of aspiration and ambition. He explores the idea of pursuing greater fulfillment, making an impact, and achieving personal and societal success through entrepreneurship.

    Tom opens the episode by prompting listeners to reflect on their desire for something more in life – a burning longing for a meaningful purpose, a craving to make a lasting impact, and a yearning to break free from the mundane routines.

    While the title may seem in contrast to a previous episode, 'Wanting More' dives deep into the mindset of expansion and how having a business can serve as the gateway to achieving more.

    The episode challenges the misconception that wanting more is solely driven by greed or profit. Instead, it presents a perspective that wanting more is about pushing boundaries, embracing courage, and nurturing a willingness to dream big.

    It's a radical yet refreshing take on using entrepreneurship to elevate life's experiences.

    Tom emphasizes that having a business empowers individuals to chart their own course, shaping their ventures according to their passions and values.

    He acknowledges the challenges and opportunities that come with this autonomy, highlighting the importance of maintaining focus amidst limitless possibilities.

    The episode underscores the multifaceted nature of wanting more – it's not only about personal fulfillment and financial freedom but also about making a positive impact on society.

    Tom shares his experiences of contributing to nonprofit organizations and community initiatives, illustrating how wanting more can lead to giving more.

    Why You Should Listen:

    'Wanting More' offers a thought-provoking exploration of the ambitious entrepreneur's mindset and the potential of achieving greatness through business. Tom's insights inspire listeners to:

    • Reflect on their own desires for personal growth, purpose, and impact.
    • Rethink preconceived notions about wanting more, understanding its multifaceted nature.
    • Embrace entrepreneurship as a means to push boundaries, challenge fears, and achieve dreams.
    • Discover the power of giving back to the community and leaving a lasting legacy.

    Listeners seeking a fresh perspective on entrepreneurship, personal growth, and societal contribution will find valuable insights in this episode.

    Tom's narrative challenges listeners to reevaluate their ambitions, redefine success, and embark on a journey of growth that extends beyond themselves.

    LWebsite: www.tomclairmont.com

    Online Course: Solopreneur 90 Day Launch Plan

    Receive weekly tips and perspective emails from Tom on having a professional online business HERE.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/small-biz-essentials/exclusive-content
    S3E118 - 9m - Jun 25, 2023
  • Ep. 120: Who should you learn from?

    In the episode titled "Who Should You Learn From?" on the Small Business Startup Essentials Podcast, host Tom Clairmont provides valuable guidance on how to navigate the overwhelming abundance of learning opportunities available in today's digital age. Here's a summary of the key strategies and insights covered in this insightful episode:

    1. Define Your Learning Goals and Budget: Tom emphasizes the importance of clarity in setting specific learning objectives and determining a budget. While cost often correlates with value, he advises against equating higher expenses with guaranteed quality.
    2. Conduct Detective Work: Tom encourages listeners to research potential mentors and experts thoroughly before making a commitment. This involves examining their expertise, credentials, and track record. Additionally, Tom suggests looking for individuals who consistently create and share valuable content.
    3. Seek Authenticity and Relatability: Beyond expertise, Tom highlights the significance of authenticity and relatability when selecting a mentor. It's important to connect with mentors whose journey, challenges, and experiences resonate with you on a personal level. Openness about both successes and failures fosters a genuine connection.
    4. Engage with Their Content: Tom recommends immersing oneself in the content produced by potential mentors. This can include listening to podcasts, watching videos, reading blogs, and following their social media posts. Engaging with their content allows you to gauge their communication style and teaching methods.
    5. Trust Your Intuition: While research is crucial, Tom acknowledges the role of intuition in decision-making. Listeners are encouraged to trust their gut instincts when evaluating potential mentors. Personal connection and alignment with their teaching style are essential for a successful learning experience.
    6. Take a Leap of Faith: Tom advocates for taking a leap of faith and committing to a learning path. He shares the value of trying out short-term options and exploring coaching sessions. Tom recounts his own positive experiences, such as joining a group coaching program and reaping unexpected benefits.

    Through Tom's expert insights, listeners gain a roadmap for selecting mentors and courses aligned with their aspirations. By applying these practical tips, listeners can confidently navigate the process of choosing the right sources of knowledge for their personal and professional growth.

    "Who Should You Learn From?" equips individuals with the tools to make intentional and impactful learning choices, ensuring they receive genuine value from their chosen mentors and resources. Whether you're seeking business growth, personal development, or skill enhancement, this episode offers actionable strategies to guide you in your learning journey.

    Website: www.tomclairmont.com

    Online Course: Solopreneur 90 Day Launch Plan

    Receive weekly tips and perspective emails from Tom on having a professional online business HERE.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/small-biz-essentials/exclusive-content
    S3E117 - 11m - Jun 18, 2023
  • Ep. 119: Can an introvert be successful in business?

    In the episode titled "Can an Introvert Be Successful in Business?" on the Small Business Startup Essentials Podcast, host Tom Clairmont conducts a thoughtful exploration of the potential for introverts to excel in the entrepreneurial landscape. Here's a summary of the key points covered in this enlightening episode:

    1. Introvert Doubts: Tom begins by acknowledging the common doubts and uncertainties introverts might have about their potential for success in business. He addresses the misconception that business success is reserved exclusively for extroverts.
    2. Unique Introvert Qualities: Tom debunks the myth that introverts are hindered in business by highlighting the unique qualities they bring to the table. He clarifies that introversion isn't synonymous with shyness or social awkwardness but involves drawing energy from within and excelling in focused solo work.
    3. Strengths of Introverts: Tom identifies several key qualities that introverts often possess, including deep thinking and focus, strong listening and observational skills, thoughtful decision-making, effective communication in writing, the ability to cultivate meaningful relationships, stamina for solo work, and creativity and innovation.
    4. Comparing Introverts and Extroverts: Tom dispels the notion that extroverts automatically have an advantage in business. He encourages introverts to recognize their strengths and unique qualities, emphasizing that success in business is attainable regardless of one's introverted or extroverted nature.
    5. Influential Introverted Figures: Tom cites examples of influential introverted figures like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, and Steve Wozniak, showcasing their significant impact on both business and society.
    6. Embracing Introverted Qualities: In the motivating conclusion, Tom urges introverted individuals to view their tendencies as strengths and confidently pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations. By embracing their innate qualities, introverts can confidently navigate the path of entrepreneurship and make their mark.

    "Can an Introvert Be Successful in Business?" offers a fresh perspective on the potential of introverts in the business world. Through practical examples, relatable anecdotes, and an encouraging narrative, Tom empowers introverts to embrace their strengths and confidently pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. Whether you're an introvert seeking to unlock your potential or someone interested in understanding introverts in business, this episode provides valuable insights and inspiration.

    Website: www.tomclairmont.com

    Online Course: Solopreneur 90 Day Launch Plan

    Receive weekly tips and perspective emails from Tom on having a professional online business HERE.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/small-biz-essentials/exclusive-content
    S3E115 - 12m - Jun 4, 2023
  • Ep. 118: Why the 'Just Get Started' Advice Is Bad Advice

    In the episode titled "Why the 'Just Get Started' Advice Is Bad Advice" on the Small Business Startup Essentials Show, host Tom Clairmont engages in a thought-provoking discussion that challenges the conventional wisdom of blindly jumping into business endeavors without a well-defined plan. Here's a summary of the key points covered in this captivating episode:

    1. The "Just Get Started" Advice: Tom begins by acknowledging the common advice to "just get started" when embarking on entrepreneurial journeys. He questions whether this advice is truly golden or whether it could lead to missed opportunities and wasted time.
    2. The "Launch and Learn" Approach: Tom distinguishes between the "launch and learn" strategy and the potentially problematic "just get started" mentality. The former involves progressing with a basic plan in hand, even without all the answers, and adapting as you go, while the latter suggests blindly leaping into action without thoughtful planning.
    3. Personal Reflection: Drawing from his personal experience, Tom reflects on his early entrepreneurial journey. He highlights the importance of having a basic plan in place, even if it's not fully detailed, using his own example of starting in the IT industry and gradually building upon that foundation.
    4. Pitfalls of the "Just Get Started" Mindset: Tom discusses the pitfalls of the "just get started" mindset, likening it to sailing without a map or compass. He explains how it can lead to unnecessary setbacks and roadblocks, emphasizing the concept of a "reverse launch," where entrepreneurs backtrack to address foundational issues that should have been resolved from the start.
    5. Value of a Well-Thought-Out Plan: Tom underscores the value of a well-thought-out plan as a personal roadmap. He recommends using concise business plans, such as the Business Model Canvas, to guide entrepreneurs through essential categories like customer segments, value propositions, channels, and more.
    6. Balancing Planning and Action: Tom emphasizes the balance between planning and action, reminding listeners that experience and data will inform adjustments after the initial launch. He mentions his online course, the 'Solopreneur 90 Day Launch Plan,' as a resource to help entrepreneurs lay a solid foundation and address critical issues.
    7. Conclusion: The episode concludes with a call to invest time and effort in creating a robust plan, viewing it as a compass that guides decision-making and ensures clarity in the entrepreneurial journey. Tom encourages listeners to embrace a strategic approach, striking a balance between preparedness and action, and leveraging resources like mind mapping to visualize their path forward.

    "Why the 'Just Get Started' Advice Is Bad Advice" challenges a common narrative in entrepreneurship and offers practical insights and guidance to empower aspiring business owners to make informed choices and navigate the complexities of the entrepreneurial landscape. Whether you're considering launching your own venture or refining your existing approach, this episode provides valuable perspectives on the role of planning in entrepreneurial success.

    Website: www.tomclairmont.com

    Online Course: Solopreneur 90 Day Launch Plan

    Receive weekly tips and perspective emails from Tom on having a professional online business HERE.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/small-biz-essentials/exclusive-content
    S3E115 - 12m - May 22, 2023
  • Ep. 117: Do you have a higher calling?

    In the episode "Do You Have a Higher Calling?" from the Small Business Startup Essentials Show, host Tom Clairmont delves into the profound concept of a higher calling and its potential to reshape your entrepreneurial path. Here's a summary of the key points covered in this captivating episode:

    1. Exploring a Deeper Purpose: Tom addresses that deep, unshakable feeling within us, suggesting that there's more to life than just the daily grind. He paints a vivid picture of a higher calling—a purpose that aligns with your values, ignites your passion, and allows you to leave a meaningful impact on the world.
    2. Defining a Higher Calling: Tom breaks down the concept of a higher calling without being preachy, drawing from his Christian roots and personal experiences. He emphasizes that it's about embracing a purpose that transcends personal gain and resonates deeply with your core beliefs.
    3. Creating a Movement, Not Just a Message: Tom's enthusiasm shines through as he discusses the difference between merely sharing a message and igniting a movement. He aspires to start a movement that's larger than life, driven by unwavering passion and capable of influencing the world on a significant scale.
    4. Inspiring Lasting Change: Tom encourages listeners to consider whether their message has the potential to be a catalyst for lasting change. He shares his dreams of launching a movement that brings about transformative effects, emphasizing the importance of making a meaningful impact.
    5. Recognizing Your Higher Calling: Tom provides relatable insights into recognizing a higher calling within yourself. He encourages listeners to identify ideas and causes that resonate deeply and compel them to take action.
    6. Amplifying Existing Ideas: Tom dispels the notion that creating a movement requires entirely new concepts. He illustrates how great leaders often amplify existing ideas with unwavering dedication, creating movements that shape history.
    7. The Potential for Transformation: Tom concludes by emphasizing that the potential for a movement lies within each individual. He invites listeners to become a force for positive change, whether by launching a full-fledged movement or by making meaningful contributions in their unique way.

    This episode offers an inspiring and empowering exploration of purpose, passion, and the transformative impact that individuals can have on the world. Tom's down-to-earth approach, personal anecdotes, and heartfelt encouragement make it a must-listen for anyone seeking fresh perspectives on their entrepreneurial journey and a deeper sense of purpose.

    Website: www.tomclairmont.com

    Online Course: Solopreneur 90 Day Launch Plan

    Receive weekly tips and perspective emails from Tom on having a professional online business HERE.


    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/small-biz-essentials/exclusive-content
    S3E114 - 9m - May 8, 2023
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