Fun Direct Sales Side Hustle Ideas

10m | May 2, 2022

Are you looking for a fun and exciting side hustle? Maybe you are looking for something that’s different than what you see all over the internet. In this episode we discuss three of the best side hustles within the direct sales industry. We also discuss ideas for making your own products and directly selling them to your customers.

Direct Sales tends to get a bad reputation. Direct sales are no different than affiliate marketing except that in most cases there is a minimum order limit within a period. Every direct sales company wants you to be dedicated to promoting their products. Many times, they have rules that you can’t promote other people’s products while being a representee with their company. Many people who fail at starting a business struggle with focus and consistency. The rules that they set in place helps to ensure loyalty and that members remain consistent.

TikTok is opening so many more opportunities for people to promote their unique products. There are many ways that you can promote products, but Tik Tok is becoming the perfect platform for promoting your products. If you scroll through Tik Tok, you will likely see so many different people selling items, packaging their items, or even making the items. There are 1,000s of people watching and buying other people’s products while on the lives. Tik Tok lives are great for bomb parties. With Avon, you can post makeup tutorials, reminders of when campaigns are ending, and unboxing videos. With Scentsy, you can make short videos related to new product arrivals, unboxing, and packaging items.

I hope that you were able to get value out of today’s episode. With every episode, we hope to give you ideas and strategies that you can use to start and scale your side hustle. If you would like to join our Facebook community, click here. We also have some exciting interviews coming up for our listeners.  

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