12: Labirinto di Ombre

52m | Nov 11, 2021

Well, hey!

It's been a minute.

This episode is a bit different than usual. After a long break I kick things off by sharing one of my recent bizarre stories of getting kind-of-lost in the woods during a storm at night. I also share about my feels and a quick update on things in general.

The name of this episode came to life right before getting lost.

That whole day felt unusually heavy & weird for me and exploring the forest felt particularly creepy. As we decided to move back towards the car (at that time not knowingly what's waiting ahead of us) we were playing a game, creating a fictional story about our lives in the present moment. As my turn came, I had to somehow metaphorically summarise my feelings of that particular moment in words and I said Maze of Shadows. Little did I know that these words will kind of manifest as my reality very soon.

You're invited to tune in and enjoy the ride.

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