09: Magic infused Summer (FOMO, Summer Rituals & The Art of Solitude)

32m | Jun 9, 2021


Summer is already here and its MAGIC is STRONG.

All I want to do is celebrate this wonderful time, relax in the sun, eat fresh berries and fruit and finally allow myself time to relax. But it’s not so easy YET.

It might not be super easy for many of us as past six months went by at the speed of the lightning, we might still be in the momentum of business, monkey mind and overwhelm.

LUCKILY, Summer Solstice is almost here with an ever increasing energetic frequency, light and power.

We have entered a powerful New Moon with Solar Eclipse and as we are getting closer to the Summer Solstice, cosmic energy is only gaining fast and truly powerful momentum, creating A MAGICAL PORTAL.

A PORTAL to reflect, future vision, meditate, recalibrate and really access and compare our energetic levels, our goals and visions that we’ve set out for ourselves at the beginning of 2021. It’s time to reflect and fine tune our intentions and strategies in our personal and professional lives. In our spirit and in our grounded beingness.

The Summer Solstice might be the most pivotal moment for each of us individually and for our collective consciousness and societal movements.


It’s time to really feel and become clear on WHAT IS OUR MASTERY? Why did we choose to come here at this time to help the EARTH & to help HUMANITY?


In my new podcast episode I talk about simple ways that can help you to have a MAGICAL SUMMER.


I have also created a beautiful guidebook with summer rituals/ recipes/ reflective questions, that shall help you access your magic within and experience the most beautiful summer as well as prepare for the paradigm shifting upcoming months.




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secret lowlands