• The New World Requires A New YOU

    Welcome to the Journey/Safar with Azhar, India's first Hindi Podcast on Business, Entrepreneurship, and Self-growth.

    The way we used to live is never coming back however, there are many things changing for temporary and many things for permanent. This episode is all about permanent changes and how we can build a mindset to be comfortable with this new world.

    Major sides after this pandemic:

    • Career
    • Business
    • Future Plans
    • Mental Stability

    Let's prepare ourselves to welcome the new world. I believe, "WE ALL CAN WIN"

    Connect on Instagram - @Hey.Azhar

    17m - Jul 22, 2020
  • Listening - The Greatest Gift You Can Ever Give
    Welcome to the Journey/Safar with Azhar, India's first Hindi Podcast on Business, Entrepreneurship, and Self-growth. Empathy is a big word. It’s often overused and misunderstood. Simply put, empathy is the capacity to understand what another person is experiencing from their perspective and communicate this understanding. While there are many ways to engage in this powerful act of understanding others, I'd like to share one simple, foundational technique for practicing empathic connection. It is called Listening. In this episode, I've shared my insight experience of being a listener and having a listener. Simply The benefits of listening and being listened however I've also covered why listening is so important and how to be a practically good listener because I believe, 'WE ALL CAN WIN'. Connect- Instagram {@Hey.Azhar}
    22m - Feb 14, 2020
  • Degree vs Skill

    Welcome to the Journey/Safar with Azhar, India's first Hindi Podcast on Business, Entrepreneurship, and Self-growth. The degree makes you qualified but the correct skills make you educated. Degrees can certainly qualify us for a certificate but mostly does not provide us with enough skills to enhance our professional and personal life. Our society has the common perception that only if we have a certain degree we can be successful in life. But is it really so? The most successful personalities have often been from the school/college dropouts. There are more than 1000 famous 'successful' personalities who have chosen to drop out of college. Why can we see someone who has acquired their master's degree staying jobless or paid in peanuts? Ask these questions, and you will get the answer ' skills and education are not the same, and your skills will determine your success'. Degrees teach what to learn, and skill teaches how to learn. A real educated person is one, who will never stop learning, irrespective of the label of degrees. Come, in this podcast, we are going to delve deep into degrees vs skills. I believe 'We All Can Win'

    Social- Instagram {@Hey.Azhar}

    34m - Nov 18, 2019
  • Power Of Marketing
    Welcome to the Journey/Safar with Azhar, India's first Hindi Podcast on Business, Entrepreneurship, and Self-growth. What's the first thing comes in our mind when we hear or talk about Marketing? Advertising, Sales, etc? But Marketing is much more than that! In this podcast episode, I've shared some amazing key points of Marketing.

    1- What is marketing?
    2- Importance of Marketing
    3- Advantages of Marketing
    4- Psychology of Advertising

    I believe 'We All Can Win' 🥂

    Social- Instagram {@Hey.Azhar}

    17m - Sep 20, 2019
  • Wasted Time vs Invested Time

    Welcome to the Journey/Safar with Azhar, India's first Hindi Podcast on Business, Entrepreneurship and Self-growth.

    Time! The shortest definition of Life! We often say, 'We don't have time' but according to the some popular researches, we are spending a lot many years of our life in unproductive activities. Let's take a small example

     11 years are spent on Smartphone and the rest on many more. The good news is, we have the control to convert the time wasted to be rather invested in our self-growth, career, knowledge, relationships, mental and physical health. Thus, through this Episode we will be getting to know according to researches, where we are Wasting our time. And how we can take charge over them and invest it in more productive pursuits.

    I believe 'We All Can Win' 🥂

    Social- Instagram {@Hey.Azhar}

    25m - Aug 25, 2019
  • Business vs Entrepreneurship

    Welcome to the Journey/Safar with Azhar, India's first Hindi Podcast on Business, Entrepreneurship and Self-growth.

    Almost all of us are aware of the fact of Business but not the Entrepreneurship. Some of us even consider both of these as same.

    Thus through this Podcast you will gain clarity over the differences of a Business and Entrepreneurship.

    I've covered some major concepts, like:

    1} Definition of Entrepreneurship and Business. 

    2} Differences between Entrepreneurship and Business. 

    3} Differences between a Businessman and an Entrepreneur. 

    4} Different mindsets of a Businessman and an Entrepreneur.

    Social- Instagram {@Hey.Azhar}

    8m - Aug 3, 2019
  • All About Entrepreneurship

    Welcome to the Journey/Safar with Azhar, India's first Hindi Podcast on Business, Entrepreneurship and Self-growth.

    Almost all of us are aware of the fact of Business but not the Entrepreneurship. Some of us even consider both of these as same. Thus through this Podcast you will gain clarity over the concept of Entrepreneurship. 

    On this Podcast I've answered some FAQs (frequently asked questions) like: 

    1} Definition of Entrepreneurship. 

    2} Four types of Entrepreneurship. 

    3} Correct pronunciation of Entrepreneurship. 

    4} Who are Entrepreneur? 

    5} Entrepreneur mindset. 

    6} Successful Entrepreneur's stories.

    Social- Instagram {@Hey.Azhar}

    11m - Jul 27, 2019
  • Indian Podcast Industry With Azhar
    Welcome to the Safar (Journey) with Azhar, India's first Hindi Podcast on self-growth and Entrepreneurship. On this first episode I've shared some key points of Podcast like, What is podcast? What's the podcast's market in India and foreign countries? Why we should listen to the podcast? And what I'm going to share through this journey. Don't we all believe, a better 'me' shall be waking up every morning than the one who slept last night? Just be honest and ask yourself "Am I really waking up in the morning with the mindset to work on myself to be better and better and deserving person of my freaking goals?" I guess 'No' Most of us aren't , and that triggered me to start the PODCAST. Here, I will be sharing my weekly learning from books, mentors, environment and as well as strangers I come across. My purpose is to share with you all, how can we be more productive, and how can YOU be the one who will be YOUR INSPIRATION. Through this journey we will be mastering 4 aspects of the P (Purpose, Personal, Professional and Peace). I believe, "We All Can Win".

    Social- Instagram {@Hey.Azhar}

    12m - Jul 20, 2019
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