#11 Eccentric Upcycling | With Melisa Minca

Season 1 | Episode 11
1h 21m | Jan 14, 2021

Upcycling one-of-a-kind pieces for eccentric individuals and everyone else who wants to advocate their values through their clothing. Let me introduce you to Melisa Minca - ethical fashion label based in Berlin. Melisa is upcycling second hand and vintage items, scraps and fabric leftovers to unique pieces, or custom designs in order to prevent overproduction. However, Melisa admits that upcycling alone won’t fix environmental and global issues. We need to actively support and demand change through meaningful actions. "I'm not clapping for sustainable promises from big fashion brands", she says. "Smaller brands are the pioneers and need to be supported". Listen to our talk with Melisa, and learn about challenges of being an independent designer, systemic change and transformative power of fashion.

Browse through Melisa Minca's collection at

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