• [Patreon Exclusive]Reckless A-Snack: Pickles and Fun Facts!

    Welcome to an episode of our usually Patreon-exclusive show, Reckless A-Snack! Join the RA Crew as we eat snacks and chat about the interview question of the day.

    For more exclusive content such as Reckless A-Snack, our Behind the Screen talk-back show, or our Reckless Adjacent show where we try out different TTRPG systems, support us at patreon.com/recklessattack.

    45m - Jul 2, 2024
  • Reckless A-Talk: Brian Flaherty of Many Sided Media (My First Dungeon, Bitcherton)

    Hello listeners! Welcome to another episode of Reckless A-Talk, our TTRPG interview show where we sit down with some of our favorite writers, players, GMs, and streamers to get to know a little bit more about what makes them who they are.

    I am as always your host GM Nathan I use he/him pronouns, and this week we are extremely excited to to share our chat with Brian Flaherty of Many Sided Media!

    Brian does…lots of things. He frequently GMs, performs, interviews, edits, sound designs, produces, promotes - basically everything having to do with actual plays and podcasting, he seems to do it and do it well.

    He and the rest of the team at Many Sided Media have exploded over the last year with My First Dungeon, a show with rotating systems and rotating casts. He and co-host Elliot Davis also produce one of my favorite TTRPG interview shows, Talk of the Table.

    Most recently, Many Sided Media announced something that might of interest to Reckless Attack listeners who enjoyed our 100th episode regency arc - Bitcherton a new improvised Austen and Bridgerton inspired comedy show.

    In this interview, we cover SO much ground, including asking more of yourself, taking wild swings and missing, setting expectations, cheat codes, and the importance of backups, among a great many other things.

    As always if you enjoy this episode please go check out some of our other Reckless A-Talk interviews and maybe even our actual play episodes.

    Thanks for listening!

    Edited by Nathan Lurz and Jonathan Zhang

    Bitcherton Kickstarter, live through July 13, 2024


    Bitcherton, including Episode 1: https://www.bitcherton.com

    Many Sided Media https://www.manysidedmedia.com/

    My First Dungeon https://www.manysidedmedia.com/myfirstdungeon

    Talk of the Table https://www.manysidedmedia.com/talkofthetable

    Bridget Jeffries Talk of the Table Interview: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4pUjg27GH7umVYfjnGc5xp

    Info on Rom Com Drama Bomb: https://www.rascal.news/rom-com-drama-bomb

    Website of Dr. Emily Friedman: https://www.ecfriedman.com/

    1h 45m - Jun 25, 2024
  • Episode 108: The Final Wager

    All of the planning, plotting, and preparation from the past several weeks finally comes to fruition as the Guilders prepare for both the funeral of The Fortunate and the arrival of Lorana Moonglove.


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    S1E108 - 1h 4m - Jun 18, 2024
  • Episode 107: What Now?

    After making it out of the Restricted Section of the Agmar Library, the Guilders take some time to gather their thoughts and relax.  “Relaxing” takes a different form for each Guild member.


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    S1E107 - 1h 2m - Jun 11, 2024
  • Reckless A-Talk: Lex from TitanomachyRPG (Caltrop Core, Nighthawks)

    Hello listeners! Welcome to another episode of Reckless A-Talk, our TTRPG interview show where we sit down with some of our favorite writers, players, GMs, and streamers to get to know a little bit more about what makes them who they are.

    I am as always your host GM Nathan I use he/him pronouns, and I am so happy to present to you this frankly long overdue, very inspirational and very fun interview with game designer and shitpost legend and marketing extraordinaire Lex from TitanomachyRPG.

    We talk about this a little during the actual episode, but Lex started a little ahead of us in the tabletop gaming space, and was always someone I personally looked up to. Super creative, hardworking, consistent, and generally generous with their time and expertise. Plus, incredibly funny and thoughtful.

    Lex has designed many games across a variety of genres and systems, but they are probably best known for their Caltrop Core System Reference Document or SRD.

    As of last count at the publishing of this episode, more than 230 games have been published through Caltrop Core and the document has been downloaded more than 2000 times.

    In this episode, we talk about Caltrop Core, but also about self-expression, depression, perseverance, the importance of failure and growth, and shitposting.

    As always if you enjoy this episode please go check out some of our other Reckless A-Talk interviews and maybe even our actual play episodes.

    Thanks for listening!

    Edited by Nathan Lurz and Jonathan Zhang

    Website: https://titanomachyrpg.com/

    Lex on social media:



    Lex on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TitanRPG 

    VOD of Nighthawks: https://www.twitch.tv/namelessdomain/video/1749027564 

    Self Promo/Digital Marketing Crash Course by Lex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXOmQ6ypOCI 

    Lex-hosted Queer Wrath Game Jame for Pride Month, running through July 1 2024!


    Principles of Anarchism


    Fat Magic Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hannaht/fat-magic-rpg-5e-campaign-setting 

    A shitpost: https://x.com/titanomachyRPG/status/1558196629286567944?lang=en 

    1h 28m - Jun 4, 2024
  • Episode 106: We're HOME!

    Having finally made it out of the restricted section of the Agmar Library, the members of the Golden Tree Guild discuss their next steps and try to return to normal life. In whatever form that may take.


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    S1E106 - 1h 1m - May 21, 2024
  • Episode 105: Book Ends

    The Guilders, having finally made it to the archway that will take them out of the restricted section, fight off the entities trying to keep them from leaving. Will they be able to get out without allowing dangerous books to escape with them? Will a desperate move by the characters pay off, or will some of them be left behind?


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    S1E105 - 59m - May 14, 2024
  • Episode 104: Check Me Out

    The Guilders, having finally collected the books Lorana had asked for, try to make their way to the exit and get out of the Library’s restricted section.  With Lar-E, the Book Wyrm, and a team of Books trying to stop them, will they be able to get to the exit in time?


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    S1E104 - 1h 11m - May 7, 2024
  • Reckless A-Talk: JesTheHuman

    Welcome to another episode of Reckless A-Talk, our TTRPG interview show where we sit down with some of our favorite writers, players, GMs, and streamers to get to know a little bit more about what makes them who they are.

    We are very frick-frackin excited to present to you this very good and fun and perhaps even educational episode, as we got to chat with TTRPG creator, charity streamer, adventure writer, and generally cool person JesTheHuman.

    Jes is probably most known for their regular charity game streams, where they have played with multiple scores of different TTRPG folks and raised multiple thousands of dollars over the last two years.

    They are also a writer of D&D adventures including “A Murder in Mossbank,” a murder mystery one shot featured in Dragon magazine’s online edition, as well as whole TTRPGs like the very wild Uncaging Nicolas, the multiversal adventure game Nathan got to GM and playtest on Jes’s stream a little while ago.

    As of this recording, their latest charity TTRPG bundle “TTRPGs for Palestine” is live on Tiltify, so please find a link to all of that great work and more in the episode description and support their efforts as best you can.

    In this episode we get into their personal and professional fundraising passion, the details of putting together a charity event, how to safely put a table of strangers together for a game, bullshitting your way through, the benefits of being just a silly lil guy, and lots more.

    As always if you enjoy this episode please go check out some of our other Reckless A-Talk interviews and maybe even our actual play episodes.

    Thank you for listening!

    Edited by Nathan Lurz


    TTRPGs for Palestine bundle (through May 7, 2024): https://tiltify.com/@jesthehuman/ttrpgs-for-palestine 


    Uncaging Nicolas Playtest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TjJYJBV5Y8 

    Monster of the Week fundraiser stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9B5h9OK12Y 

    Other VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@jesthehuman 

    A Murder in Mossbank: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/303409/A-Murder-in-Mossbank--A-One-Shot-Whodunit-Murder-Mystery

    1h 32m - Apr 23, 2024
  • Episode 103: Beeline to the Finish Line

    The Guilders, in an attempt to get the stars to align in their favor, enact a daring plan to get Quincy and Violet together as quickly as possible.  Unfortunately, while the “Cliff’s Notes” version will give you the main plot points, some skipped details could cause other, unforeseen problems.


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    S1E103 - 53m - Apr 16, 2024
  • April Fool's Day 2024 - The Awakened Vale: A ROCKin' Good Time - Part 2

    Yes, it’s true! It’s time for the 2024 April Fool’s Day adventure: The Awakened Vale - A ROCKin’ Good Time!

    Using the Powered by the Apocalypse system for Monster of the Week, join the players as they portray employees of Wyld Ryxia and attempt to weed out the traitors in the Alluvium Council.

    Song parodies recorded by ButterBean (Julie Jurgens and Charlie Crane)

    Julie Jurgens can be found at juliejurgens.com

    Charlie Crane can be found at charliecrane.bandcamp.com

    More information at facebook.com/ButterBeanRecords


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    47m - Apr 9, 2024
  • April Fool's Day 2024 - The Awakened Vale: A ROCKin' Good Time - Part 1

    Yes, it’s true! It’s time for the 2024 April Fool’s Day adventure: The Awakened Vale - A ROCKin’ Good Time!

    Using the Powered by the Apocalypse system for Monster of the Week, join the players as they portray employees of Wyld Ryxia and attempt to gain access to even more weird creatures and strange flora for the beloved show.

    Song parodies recorded by ButterBean (Julie Jurgens and Charlie Crane)

    Julie Jurgens can be found at juliejurgens.com

    Charlie Crane can be found at charliecrane.bandcamp.com

    More information at facebook.com/ButterBeanRecords


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    55m - Apr 2, 2024
  • Episode 102: Out of Time

    As the Guilders attempt to obtain the final book they need, they are contacted by a relatively new acquaintance with some bad news.  Time is running out and the waiting room of the restricted section of the Agmar Library may not be the safe haven it once was.


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    S1E102 - 52m - Mar 26, 2024
  • Reckless A-Talk: Rowan Zeoli (Rascal News)

    Hello listeners! Welcome to another episode of Reckless A-Talk, our TTRPG interview show where we sit down with some of our favorite writers, players, GMs, and streamers to get to know a little bit more about what makes them who they are.

    I am as always your host GM Nathan, and I’m so excited to be back for our first full episode of 2024, PARTICULARLY with this wonderful and DARE I SAY NEWSWORTHY interview.

    I got to once again be a huge nerd about tabletop games AND about journalism, as I got to enjoy a very fun, very thought-provoking chat with co-founder of TTRPG news outlet Rascal Rowan Zeoli.

    Rowan is one of the big, independent news voices in the space, with phenomenal work done particularly in the review and interview spheres. In this episode, we talk a lot about her experiences doing both for Rascal, a new independent, reader-supported, worker-owned outlet covering tabletop games and shows. But we also talk a lot about identity, creativity, the twists and turns of life, collaborative critique, and what journalism as a service means.

    Most interestingly and refreshingly, we talked a LOT about the importance of news coverage and critical review in the tabletop and actual play world.

    Rowan just has some really wonderful perspectives and is so clearly a very thoughtful AND funny person, so this was frankly a very easy interview to conduct because talking to cool people is easy and good and fun turns out.

    Before I throw you to the episode, I want to do a small appeal to everyone listening. I was a hyper-local journalist for many years, and I cannot stress enough how important I personally believe small outlet journalism is to the world. Please find outlets in your hometowns, outlets that cover things you care about, and other people doing the hard work of shining a spotlight where there is darkness. And then, if you’re able, pay them money to keep doing what they’re doing, or at least subscribe to newsletters and otherwise vote with your dollars and attention.

    Anyway, that’s enough from me - as always if you enjoy this episode please go check out our other Reckless A-Talk interviews and maybe even our actual play episodes.

    We have links to all the stuff we talk about in the episode in the show notes including lots of links to Rowan’s journalism. With that - I’ll see you next time!

    Edited by Nathan Lurz

    Rascal: https://www.rascal.news

    Selected Rowan work:

    Queer Dungeons & Transgender Dragons: Exploring Gender Through Imagined Worlds: https://www.autostraddle.com/queer-trans-dungeons-and-dragons/  





    Harlem Hellfighters Never Die: https://www.queenscourt.games/streaming/harlem-hellfighters-never-die

    WriteHive: https://writehive.org 

    1h 20m - Mar 19, 2024
  • Episode 101: The Welcome Gala

    The Guilders find themselves getting ready for the welcome gala… the first time they will get a chance to both see and be seen.


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    S1E101 - 58m - Mar 12, 2024
  • Episode 100: Reckless Abandon - A Regency Romance

    The Guilders, having become accustomed to receiving book locations via a card, were slightly surprised to find that the next card looked like an invitation to a fancy gala. Stepping through the doorway, they find themselves having to play specific parts in order to find the book they need. The Players are playing the Characters who are playing the Roles they have chosen for themselves. What could possibly go wrong?


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    S1E100 - 1h 3m - Mar 5, 2024
  • Leap Year Special: Frog Fiasco!

    Welcome to Reckless Attack's newest show, where we promise to release a new episode every February 29th! It wouldn't be a leap year without frogs, so join the RA crew as we hang out and play through a frog-themed game of Fiasco.

    1h 6m - Feb 29, 2024
  • Episode 99: Throwing Shade

    The Guilders devise a plan for identifying and getting the two books that are SUPPOSEDLY in this section of the Agmar Library. But the thing about plans is… no plan survives first contact. And very few plans have had to deal with the game show section of the city library.


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    S1E99 - 1h 11m - Feb 20, 2024
  • Episode 98: Non-Trivial Trivia

    Mentally and physically exhausted, the Guilders continue to compete in contest after contest, but have they finally met their match when it comes to… questions about themselves?

    Come check out all the people that made this possible! 


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    S1E98 - 48m - Feb 13, 2024
  • Episode 97: Encounter at Pointefar

    The Guilders continue their quest to obtain the books needed by Lorana Moonglove in order to help the untethered Bones to gain control of themselves again. But now, as the contests get harder, will they be able to get past both the Kraken and whatever is waiting for them on the other side of the shimmering portal?

    Come check out all the people that made this possible! 


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    S1E97 - 51m - Feb 6, 2024
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