• SOULisode: Power of the Pause

    SOUL FAM, this is big news! Whenever we find ourselves so wrapped in the things we’re trying to do, we can lose sight of the meaning of why we did it in the first place. It’s in those moments that the most important thing we can do is to take a pause, reflect, and ask powerful questions.

    How am I showing up? What’s keeping me from being the realest version of myself? What do I really want and who do I get to become in the process of it all?

    This is at the heart of what I’m sharing today on the podcast. It’s an emotional 30-minute solo episode fueled by a recent epiphany after six months of struggle. I get real about the epiphany, the expansiveness I’m being called into, and why I’m embracing the power of the pause. 

    What I’m talkin’ about:

    • Embracing “PAUSibility”and what that means 
    • How being success-FULL is a continuous process
    • What if, like Bowie, we all showed up as the iconic brands we are? 
    • Challenging questions to push your growth edges in 2022
    • Big news about what I’m stepping into this year!

    This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

    31m - Jan 12, 2022
  • Everything We Learned about Hope is Bullsh*t with Catherine Hammond

    Happy New Year! Welcome to 2022, the year of the REBELution! This is the year that we’re rebelling for rewriting our own script of success. The last two years have been a total shit show and now it’s time to take what we’ve learned as an opportunity to get clear on what matters most!

    I wanted to start this year with a conversation about HOPE. Now I’m not talking about what the movies tell us or even what the dictionaries have to say about it. My dear friend Catherine Hammond is here to flip the entire meaning of hope on its head and serve us up a fresh perspective. She even challenges how Brené Brown (GASP!) explains hope in her new book Atlas of the Heart.

    Catherine is an award-winning estate planning attorney, public speaker, author, and life transition guide. As an attorney, she helps people plan for and walk through difficult seasons in life, including chronic illness, disability and death. As a transformational coach, she leads people into living more fully, bravely, and beautifully. The heart-wrenching experience of her mother’s journey with Alzheimer’s Disease, beginning when Catherine was still a teenager, inspired her to spend her life helping others navigate life’s challenges. Catherine is currently writing her second book entitled Hope(less).

    What We’re Talkin’ About:

    • The truth about hope (and why it’s not circumstantial or cognitive) 
    • How to identify what disconnects us from hope (and what to do about it)
    • Hope vs. Optimism 
    • Tools that connect us to our inner wellspring of hope
    • What it means to live a zero regrets life - on your terms

    Follow Catherine:

    Connect with Shelley:

    Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

    Top Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware

    This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

    51m - Jan 5, 2022
  • SOULisode: Claiming 2022 and Rebelling for YOU

    We made it!! At the end of 2021, I want to share with you some things that I haven’t been fully transparent with. This past year has been a struggle and I feel like I’ve lost my way. When I go off course, I use these 5 questions to pull me back. I call these 5 questions the Rebel Round up and they get really juicy!

    I’m committing to showing up fully in 2022 and beyond! Will you join me?

    What I’m Talkin’ About:

    • Why 2021 was a tough year (with a lot of lessons) for me
    • Five powerful questions for reflection and creation
    • What it means to be the conscious creator of your experience
    • What I’m rebelling FOR in the new year ahead
    • A framework for setting the tone and intention of YOUR 2022

    Connect with Shelley:

    This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

    27m - Dec 22, 2021
  • The Freedom of (Finally) Choosing Me with Kelli T Moore

    Imagine the delicious freedom of never abandoning yourself again. Never choosing the approval and validation of others in order to feel enough. Never valuing the opinions of others over the knowing of your truth. Never dismissing — or distracting from — your own desires and feelings. Never being afraid of being alone with yourself. 

    That’s exactly what Kelli Moore chose when chronic illness, sexual harassment, and abortion forced a profound realization that living for everyone else meant never truly living for herself. Processing that pain and anger meant coming to terms with every single aspect of how she really wanted to be living her life. And then consciously — and courageously — creating it from the ground up. 

    Today’s Rebel Souls podcast conversation is the intimate story of how Kelli finally chose herself. How she let go of the wrong job, the wrong guy, the wrong city, the wrong narratives, and the wrong goals, in service of her (scary AF) truth. 

    What We’re Talkin’ About:

    • Kelli’s journey to a life based on trust, knowing, and permission to say YES
    • People pleasing: when disappointing others feels like death
    • The expansiveness of letting yourself feel what you feel 
    • Getting curious about how, when, and why we numb 
    • Unapologetically exploring our sexuality as a way to deepen connection with ourselves

    Follow Kelli:

    Connect with Shelley:

    This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

    57m - Dec 15, 2021
  • The Inner Game: Untaught Essentials of Leadership with Jeremy Hunter

    There’s nothing like a cosmic kick in the ass to remind us of what’s most important. Suddenly the decision to stop giving our precious energy and attention to things that just don’t matter becomes a no-brainer. Full stop. 

    But why do we wait to reclaim our agency until we’re face-to-face with our own mortality? And what impact is this really having on the quality of our life and leadership? (Spoiler alert: IT’S MASSIVE.)

    Today’s Rebel Souls conversation with Jeremy Hunter is a wake-up call for us all. Thirty years ago he was diagnosed with a terminal illness and told he had five years to live. That news turned his world — and approach to life — inside-out. Literally. He chose to face his fears, train his mind, and navigate his experience internally. His journey exposed the profound realization that quality of attention is quality of life. (Mind officially blown.)

    What We’re Talkin’ About:

    • Lessons from beating a terminal illness 
    • The relationship between mindfulness, self-leadership, and success
    • Key ways to reclaim our attention in the distraction economy
    • Zones of the inner game and how to create robust support systems 
    • “The Invisible Office” and why the consciousness of a leader is the consciousness of an organization

    Follow with Jeremy:

    A Practice to Embrace New Beginnings

    Three Signs Your Attention Just Got Hacked

    Inner MBA

    Connect with Shelley:

    This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

    59m - Dec 8, 2021
  • Making Midlife Sexy Again with Dr. Sarah Milken

    Hello Soul Fam!! WOW, today’s conversation is such a wild ride. I had the incredible opportunity to talk to Dr. Sarah Milken and she gave us the truth we all need to hear about midlife. After going through different seasons in her life and coming to a point of “now what?” she decided it was time to recreate herself. That led to the launch of her podcast, The Flexible Neurotic, which focuses on normalizing and inspiring self-reinvention in the second half of life.

    Dr. Sarah gets into her story of how she grabbed her “golden shit shovel” to dig deep and share all the things around normalizing the shit that comes up with midlife. Calling it her midlife remix, she has an incredible story about recreating herself at 46 years old that we all need to hear. It truly takes courage to reclaim our truth and purpose and it’s also the most rewarding. it’s time to live midlife on our own terms.

    What we’re talkin’ about:

    • Getting the midlife “itchies” and how to scratch the itch
    • Being scared and doing the brave thing anyway 
    • What midlife sexy and unapologetic authenticity have in common
    • Mental and sexual health for the second half of life
    • How to start living midlife on your own damn terms

    Follow with Dr. Sarah:

    Connect with Shelley:

    This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

    1h 0m - Nov 17, 2021
  • Turn Up the Volume of Your Soul with Heather Roddy

    Who else knows the story of pushing so hard toward what you think you should be doing that it starts compromising your peace, joy, energy, and self-connection? I know I do and today’s Rebel Souls conversation with Heather Roddy is an invitation to pump up the volume on the badass boombox of truth that is your SOUL. 

    Roddy is a Creative Entrepreneur and Intuitive Soul Coach guiding people like us to create the magical lives we were always meant to live. Yeah, that’s right, she’s like the poster woman for being Chief Soul Officer of your life. And she’s in the messy middle of navigating a massive transition in life and business. 

    I’m beyond grateful for her willingness to show up so vulnerably and share her experience in real-time. This conversation is a beautiful reminder to pause and listen deeply. We cover a lot of juicy ground in this one!

    What we’re talkin’ about:

    • What it looks like to Rebel FOR yourself (versus against) 
    • The power of giving yourself permission to be in a season of resting, rebalancing, and receiving
    • Learning to trust your inner wisdom over external perspectives 
    • Allowing yourself to experience abundance in all ways, not just financially
    • Play, pleasure, and the currency of orgasms (!!!)

    Follow with Heather:

    Connect with Shelley:

    Check out Shelley’s SOULisode: Pleasure – We Don’t Earn It, We Deserve It

    This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

    59m - Nov 10, 2021
  • Creating a Limitless Life with Laura Gassner Otting

    Hey again rebel souls, I’m so excited to share this conversation with Laura. We met for the first time in this episode and connected right away. I realized as we were talking that we were meant to have this conversation and you were meant to hear it. We talk about undervaluing your own magic, rising to the occasion of your calling, and the meaning of consonance and dissonance.

    I was smiling so hard that my cheeks hurt, this is a good one!

    What We’re talkin’ about:

    • Consonance and dissonance: What the hell it means and why it’s important
    • How we undervalue our own magic and how to change it
    • Flipping the script of what’s good to what’s good FOR YOU
    • Who gets a vote for your purpose in life
    • Making the rules for your YES and NO

    Follow Laura:

    Connect with Shelley:

    This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

    1h 27m - Nov 3, 2021
  • SOULisode: Mental Health, Leadership, and Badass Boundaries

    Hey again, badass leaders! Today I’m bringing you another SOULisode and the rebel is shining through today! There are too many rules around our time, our schedule, our work, and our whole life. We can get caught up in everyone else’s needs that we forget our own boundaries so it’s time to make them! It’s time to choose YOU and to choose your own mental health.

    What I'm talkin’ about:

    • The importance of showing up for ourselves and modeling it for others 
    • Getting clear on our rights (and what we’ll no longer tolerate) 
    • The process of creating badass boundaries
    • How to carve out “ME” time on your calendar
    • New ways of holding meetings that serve YOU (and your wellbeing)

    Connect with Shelley:


    This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

    32m - Oct 27, 2021
  • Creating Your Own Benchmark of Success with Courtney Reum

    Just a year after Courtney reached out to me with one of the most intriguing email titles I’ve ever seen, (find out what it was in the episode!) he’s here on the show! I am so excited to share this juicy conversation with you. When we are constantly on the move, going and going all the time, burnout becomes commonplace, even when we don’t have time to realize it. You know it’s so critical to me to create space for check ins and redirection. Courtney shares some of the most actionable steps I’ve heard for filling your own cup up and realigning your life to your vision. We are experiencing a shift toward mental health awareness, even at the elite level like Simone Biles and Naomi Osaka. We are starting to realize that eventually, we can’t create anything externally if we’re not okay internally and it can start with the tiniest of habits.

    For a little info on Courtney, he is an innovator whose goal is to create an impact towards global change. In April 2016, Courtney co-founded M13, a Los Angeles based brand development and investment company that accelerates businesses at the nexus of consumer products, technology, and media. M13 focuses on building emerging entrepreneurial businesses, and will directly invest more than $100 million of investments over the next 5 years. 

    He was also named one of the 100 Most Intriguing Entrepreneurs of both 2014 and 2015 by Goldman Sachs at its annual Builders + Innovators Summit, and co-authored “Shortcut Your Startup” with his brother, aiming to share their insights and empower the next generation of entrepreneurs.

    Get your notes ready, this is a good one!

    What we’re talkin’ about:

    • The ongoing journey from achievement to fulfillment
    • Shifting the measuring stick of success from money to impact
    • The massive ROI of investing in relationships
    • A La Carte Habits for nurturing our mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing

    Follow Courtney:

    Connect with Shelley:


    This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

    59m - Oct 20, 2021
  • The Soul of Fabulous Leadership with Vicki Shillington

    Soul fam, this is a beautiful, inspiring conversation bridging business and spirituality with my dear friend and one of my role models, Vicki Shillington. She is the Chief Happiness Officer at Thinqshift, which provides fabulous leadership training services. Being a rebel means so many different things to different people and purpose changes with each individual, it’s theirs to create! We get deep on the soulbbatical journey and what it means to live a more authentic, courageous, and purposeful life, even through all the scary and sucky moments.

    What we’re talkin’ about:

    • The power of bringing our whole selves into the boardroom
    • The currency and qualities of a fabulous leader
    • The Circle of Suck we get stuck in and how to get out of it
    • Creating the recipe for a thriving organization
    • What it looks like to “Live Soulbbatical” (and have your clients love you even more for choosing to nourish yourself)

    Follow Vicki:

    Connect with Shelley:

    Find Jennifer Butler’s work here

    This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

    1h 15m - Oct 13, 2021
  • How Radical Self-Care Can Change the World with Shelly Tygielski

    Soul fam, how are you showing up?! I’ve talked about how important it is to show up as your full self but there is a lot that gets in the way of that. We’re running at a million miles an hour and we don’t always get a chance to even know ourselves. My friend Shelly is the epitome of what it means to SHOW UP but she has had a journey to getting there and she’s sharing it today. This juicy and raw convo is filled with powerful insights and tools for creating more space for modern life mindfulness, how to be a real support to others, and create more connection in our lives.

    What We’re talkin’ about:

    • Shelly’s auto-immune wake-up call and her journey to modern life mindfulness
    • Ripples of Impact: how our inner work translates to the outer world
    • The transformational power of mutual aid, proximity, and human connection
    • What we can learn from squirrels, acorns, and the beautiful interdependence of nature’s ecosystems 
    • Simple, practical habits for showing up for ourselves every day

    Follow Shelly:

    Grab her book: Sit Down to Rise Up

    Check out Pandemic of Love

    Connect with Shelley:

    Read Justin Michael Williams’ book Stay Woke

    And check out his appearance on the Rebel Souls Podcast 

    This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

    1h 20m - Oct 6, 2021
  • SOULisode: Pleasure: You Don’t Earn it, You Deserve It

    Hey rebel souls, you’ve got me this week with a messy idea that’s been heavy on my heart. I’ve been having so many conversations around this need to put the things that we HAVE to do over the things we WANT to do. I catch myself in this mindset all the time and I suspect you’re feeling exactly like I am. We deserve pleasure, we don't earn it. There’s no room for “busyness as a badge of honor” in the life of a radiant, whole, vibrant human being. So let’s flip this script!

    What I’m talkin’ about:

    • How we block ourselves from play (and flipping that script)
    • How to refocus pleasure as the top priority
    • Shifting away from the “earn it” mentality
    • What is possible for our lives when we replace the to-list with the to-be list
    • Key questions to begin asking ourselves

    Connect with Shelley:

    Read Adam Grant’s book Think Again and check out his Instragram @adamgrant

    This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

    19m - Sep 29, 2021
  • A Masterclass in Grief, Resilience, and Emotional Fitness with Addison Brasil

    Rebel souls, there’s something on my heart this month that needs to be explored together. September is suicide prevention awareness month and I asked my friend Addison Brasil to come back and talk about it. In his first appearance on the show, he was so beautifully vulnerable about his experiences of being “just to the left” of death three separate times. His experience of loss and grief has led him to be the mental health advocate that he is today. He is the co-founder of Tethr which is a 10,000 men strong community focused on supporting the mental health crisis of men. This conversation isn’t only focused on men, it’s about shifting awareness to action. With the changes in the landscape of work, the incredible weight of the pandemic, and the challenges around mental health right now, Addison is diving into practical tips around emotional fitness, honoring our grief process, and moving through the negative swirl of thoughts and emotions that loss can bring.

    We do talk about suicide and the loss of Addison’s father. If that is a trigger for you, please be warned, this might not be the right episode for you. Be gentle to yourself and protect your health. 

    What we’re talkin’ about:

    • What it means to honor the journey and acknowledge the swirl
    • Identifying what grief actually is and why we can’t bypass it
    • The grief toolkit and powerful reframing tools
    • What it looks like to practice daily emotional fitness and why it matters
    • The importance of silence and support when it comes to mental wellbeing

    Follow Addison:

    Check out Tethr:

    Connect with Shelley:


    Listen to Addison’s first episode with Rebel Souls

    This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

    1h 19m - Sep 22, 2021
  • Be Hungry for Rejection with Drew Newkirk

    This is a conversation I’ve been wanting to record for a while and you’ll see why! Drew Newkirk is a Psychotherapist and badassery incarnate. His mission is to help his clients find freedom, which you know hits me right in the heart! Drew has a love for the Enneagram and takes it to a whole new depth that gave me some serious soul nudges. When we go after anything big in life, it means we will be met with rejection after rejection, thoughts of comparison, and all kinds of doubt. Drew gets really open about the projects he wants to create in the world, how comparison has held him back, and what he has done to overcome it. If you’re feeling called to share your voice and your message but feel held back or uncertain, this is a must-listen!

    What we’re talkin’ about:

    • The importance of living life “unedited” 
    • How the Enneagram is like the garden of our lives
    • Learning to ask for what we need: Why it’s hard and why it’s so needed 
    • How to live with a healthy disregard
    • Rejection only means redirection

    Follow Drew:

    Connect with Shelley:


    Richard Rohr books

    Check out Drew’s favorite Enneagram test here

    This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

    1h 20m - Sep 15, 2021
  • SOULisode: Having Skin in the Game of Life

    Hey there, Soul Fam! I am mixing things up today with a short and powerful SOULisode! Last week, we talked a lot about giving oxygen to your dreams. One of the most important things we can do for that is to invest in ourselves. Every one of us needs to have major skin in the game of life in order to achieve all the dreams that we have. If we are truly rebelling FOR what matters most to us, then where are we putting our money, energy, and time? I’m laying out the steps we get to take to align our investments with our purpose. I’m also letting you in on a new community we are building to come together to inspire, challenge, and support each other on this journey. Get ready for some serious reflection and self-discovery, I am fired up!!

    What I’m talkin’ about:

    • What it means to let your money express your soul

    • Recognizing money as energy and letting it flow toward what matters most

    • Why it's important to make investments in yourself and your dreams

    • Placing tiny bets that align with what we're Rebelling FOR

    • My new Soul Circle Community launching in October

    Connect with Shelley:

    The Soul of Money

    Listen to Follow Your Full Body F*ck Yes with Abbey Gibb

    This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

    23m - Sep 8, 2021
  • SOUL SISTERS: Getting Raw and Real with Shelley and Christina Glickman

    Soul fam, you know how much we love the real and raw conversations and it doesn’t get much juicier than this! My fellow author and soul sister Christina Glickman is returning to Rebel Souls to flip the script and interview me! In this SOUL SISTERS conversation, we get real about what turns our stomachs, gives us sweaty palms, and makes us want to run away. There’s no big dream out there that isn’t filled with fearful moments and discouragement, we’re all humans with heartbeats, right? The good thing is that we get to use that fear as fuel to drive us forward. There is literally NOTHING off-limits in the episode. We basically forgot that we were recording so welcome to a deeply loving, no-holds-barred conversation that’s best described as a glimpse into my bare naked soul. 

    We cover a lot of vulnerable and valuable ground, including:

    • How being a badass doesn’t mean you’re fearless.
    • What it means to give our dreams oxygen.
    • Why it’s important to recommit every single day to what matters most to us.
    • The value of practicing “high Intention, low attachment to outcome.”
    • The power of finding your “forever champions.” 

    Follow Christina:

    Connect with Shelley:

    Find your Human Design Type

    Go check out Rebelling FOR Unapologetic Confidence with Christina on Rebel Souls

    AND Shelley’s Soulisode on what it means to be Success-FULL

    This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

    58m - Sep 1, 2021
  • The Crisis of Modern Manhood with Cleo Stiller

    Hello, my fellow Rebel Souls! This firebomb episode with Cleo Stiller is about to blow your mind and I’m so excited to be sharing this important and extremely timely conversation. Cleo is so sharp on what’s going on in the world and is here to help lead in the change we need. Her mission is to inspire positive social action around the world and she is spearheading the raw and honest conversations we need to be having, post #metoo and post covid, in the workplace. 

    Cleo is uniquely tuned into being able to read the tea leaves of cultural movements and discovered a trend that men are faced with that is nothing short of lethal. All of us have created a box that men are supposed to fit into and it’s time to break out of it. Only show anger, don’t talk about how you’re feeling, and only go at it alone are just some of the destructive boxes men are taught to check. We need to make a massive shift away from that to create healthy and positive changes in both the workplace and relationships as a whole.

    As a Peabody award and Emmy award-nominated journalist, speaker, and television host, Cleo has made massive waves in our culture. Get ready, we’re going deep!

    What we’re talkin’ about:

    • What it means to be a modern man
    • What’s happening in the workplace that no one’s talking about – and how it will impact the future of women in leadership if we don’t stop it now
    • The “Man Box” stereotype and why it’s contributing to the escalating men’s mental health crisis
    • Why we need to take gender out of the conversation and refocus on what it means to be a good person (or partner or parent or leader)
    • What women can do to support the men they love

    Follow Cleo:

    Connect with Shelley:

    This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

    1h 20m - Aug 25, 2021
  • Quit Overachieving and Quiet Your Inner A$$hole with Mandy Lehto

    There are so many forms of rebellion and it doesn’t have to fit in any box. I’m so excited to share Mandy’s beautifully raw and inspiring story. Mandy has been a high-level, go-getter her whole life and has received a Doctorate from Cambridge University, held the role of director at a global investment baking, become a mother, and is in the process of writing a book.

    It’s easy to see the polished and perfect success on the surface but Mandy opens up about the complete chaos on the inside. All the pushing and beating down ended in a rock bottom experience and the journey of healing is what led her to where she is today. So many of us are running internal scripts that beat us down, and the result is burnout and exhaustion until we realize what we really need is acceptance of who we are moment to moment.

    This is a crazy vulnerable story of dismantling the programming that can destroy us if we don’t make the shift. This conversation is about the practical and actionable tips to get rid of that inner a**hole we all have.

    What we’re talkin’ about:

    • The seamy underbelly of overachieving and perfectionism
    • How radical independence actually blocks connection
    • Three simple steps to practice self-compassion
    • Unlearning what it means to achieve
    • The power of connection, community, and receiving

    Connect with Mandy:

    Connect with Shelley:


    Find Byron Katie’s work here

    This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

    1h 12m - Aug 18, 2021
  • Soulful Persuasion: The Art of Influence AND Impact with Jason Harris

    I am so excited for you to be dropping in on all the SOUL vibes of this episode with this wonderful human, Jason Harris. Jason is literally flipping the middle finger to the status quo in advertising, company culture, and giving back to the world. He is the CEO of the award winning creative agency, Mekanism, has been named one of the Top 10 Most Influential Social Impact Leaders, and is the co-founder of the Creative Alliance, which bands agencies together to get behind powerful causes like educational access, gender equality, anti-racism, and more!

    Jason embodies my belief that organizations are only as conscious and soulful as their leaders. It’s truly in the process of giving back that we can all rise together. We get to talk about who he really is under all the accolades and what led him to the soul journey. This conversation shares how being our original selves and giving our gifts to the world is how we get to live success-FULL. 

    What we’re talkin’ about:

    • Identifying the core aspects of your original self 
    • Owning mistakes and acknowledging possibilities
    • Creating a system for personal boundaries 
    • Creative tension: The balance of ambition and presence 
    • How working with Joe Biden sparked positivity and storytelling 

    Connect with Jason:

    Connect with Shelley:


    This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

    1h 17m - Aug 11, 2021
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